Board of Directors, Charles County Literacy Council (CCLC)
Position Description
The President of the Board of Directors is the presiding officer and a key spokesperson for the Literacy Council. This is a volunteer position.
The President works closely with the Program Coordinator to oversee the smooth operation of the CCLC Office, and the Program Coordinator reports directly to the President. Other working relationships include the Executive Committee (elected officers of CCLC), theofficers and staff of the United Way of Charles County, Charles County Commissioners and their staffs, External Diploma Program (EDP), the Lifelong Learning Center, the Charles County Public Library, Southern Maryland Regional Library System (SMRLA), ProLiteracy, and other non-profit organizations and agencies within Charles County.
The duties of the President are as follows:
- Prepares the agenda and presides over the monthly CCLC meetings.
- Meets bi-monthly with Executive Committee.
- Appoints committees and chairs as needed and is an ex-officio committee member of all committees. When needed, assists committee chairs with various duties.
- Is the immediate supervisor of Program Coordinator.
- With the Executive Committee, ensures the smooth operation of the CCLC office including coordinating the vital parts of the operation of the Council to make sure that student testing, student matching, tutor training, social media, record keeping, tutor follow up, publicity and tutor/student recruitment are carried out.
- Prepares the agenda for and presides over a one-day summer retreat wherein ideas may be expressed and explored, discussions may occur without time constraints, and strategic planning is allowed to develop.
- In cooperation with Program Coordinator and appropriate board members, prepares, signs, and submits annual requests for funding from Charles County Commissioners and the United Way of Charles County.
- Is ultimately responsible for the submission of all appropriate requests for funding and reports required for compliance with state and federal laws for Charles County Literacy Council, ensuring they are prepared and submitted on a timely basis as outlined in the CCLC Action Calendar, prepared and kept current by the Program Coordinator.
- Is authorized to sign checks, transfer funds, and make appropriate purchases with the CCLC debit card in the absence, and with approval of the Treasurer.
- Recruits and submits candidates to the Council for filling Executive Committee positions during and between elections.
- Sits on the Personnel Evaluation and Salary Review Committee, evaluating the performance, and recommending salary action and hours of the Program Coordinator and other paid personnel.
- Represents the Literacy Council at quarterly meetings and other special meetings of the United Way of Charles County.
- Represents or appoints CCLC representation on other non-profit coalitions, organizations, and agencies within Charles County when appropriate participation is required or recommended.
- Participates in the Tutor Training Workshops held twice a year, in cooperation with Workshop Chair.
- Represents the Council in the community, attending fund-raisers and meetings where appropriate, giving speeches, and being visible.
Rev 11/30/12 SLS)
Vice President
Board of Directors, Charles County Literacy Council (CCLC)
Position Description
The Vice President of the Board of Directors presides over the CCLC meetings at the request or in the absence of the President. The Vice President should understand the responsibilities of the President and be able to perform these duties in the President’s absence. The Vice President contributes to the development of the CCLC goals and objectives as well as overall management of the organization.
The Vice President works closely with the President to oversee the smooth operation of the Charles County Literacy Council. Other working relationships include the officers and staff of the United Way of Charles County, Charles County Commissioners and their staffs, Charles County Board of Education, External Diploma Program (EDP), the Lifelong Learning Center, the Charles County Public Library, Southern Maryland Regional Library System (SMRLA), ProLiteracy, and other non-profit organizations and agencies within Charles County.
The duties of the Vice President are as follows:
- Attends all monthly meetings and and participates in twice-monthly Executive Committee meetings. Working with the Executive Committee the Vice President plans, develops, and enforces policies and objectives for the CCLC to ensure it maintains its values and meets established goals.
- Assists the President to ensure the smooth operation of the CCLC office including coordinating the vital parts of the operation of the Council to make sure that student testing, student matching, tutor training, social media, records keeping, tutor follow up, publicity and tutor/student recruitment are carried out.
- Assists Publicity and Fundraising Chairpersons with their respective tasks as required.
- Sits on the Personnel Evaluation and Salary Review Committee, evaluating the performance, and recommending salary action and hours of the Program Coordinator and other paid personnel.
- In cooperation with appropriate Board members, assists with the preparation of annual requests for funding from Charles County Commissioners and the United Way of Charles County.
- Participates in the semi-annual Tutor Training Workshops, in cooperation with Workshop Chair.
- Meets from time to time with the President in order to discuss issues relating to the CCLC.
- Performs other duties that are specified in the bylaws of the CCLC or assigned by the President.
(Rev 11/2012 JF)
Board of Directors, Charles County Literacy Council (CCLC)
Position Description
The Secretary is a member of the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors and is responsible for the accurate record of proceedings of Council meetings. This is a volunteer position.
The duties of the Secretary are as follows:
- Attends and records proceedings of all monthly CCLC meetings.
- Presents minutes of previous meetings before each meeting via email to all attendees of the meeting for comment and suggestions. All files of minutes will be maintained in the CCLC office.
- Presides at meetings in the absence of the President and Vice President, and appoints an acting Secretary.
- Sits on the Personnel Evaluation and Salary Review Committee, evaluating the performance, and recommending salary action and hours of the Program Coordinator and other paid personnel.
- In cooperation with appropriate Board members, may assist with the preparation of annual requests for funding from Charles County Commissioners and the United Way of Charles County.
- Meets with the executive committee bi-monthly.
Revised 11/19/12
Board of Directors, Charles County Literacy Council, Inc. (CCLC)
Position Description
The Treasurer is a member of the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors and is responsible for the accurate recording of all receipts and paying of disbursements on a timely basis. The Treasurer maintains the Council checking account and financial records in a QuickBooks software program. This position requires a range of approximately 3-15 hours of actual work time a month and is a volunteer position.
The duties of the Treasurer are as follows:
- Attends all monthly meetings and presents a Statement of Financial Position (on an Excel Spreadsheet) at these meetings, which will include a beginning balance, income, expenditures and a month end balance, in addition to any anticipated income and expenses to be incurred but not yet paid. Balance will agree with the reconciled checkbook balance. This accounting is a part of the minutes of the meeting.
- Attends bi-monthly meetings of the Executive Committee.
- Pays all expenses incurred by CCLC on a timely basis either by check and electronic payments. Examples of electronic payments are payroll taxes, Verizon telephone and Staples bills. Both Verizon and Staples are automatic payments. A record of each payment must be recorded in the QuickBooks check register.
- Is responsible for a County First Bank issued CCLC debit card.
- Reconciles monthly the QuickBooks checkbook with the County First bank statement and presents a copy of the reconciliation to the President.
- Pays the Program Coordinator on the 1st and 15th of each month, withholding appropriate payroll taxes.
- Each quarter ending January 15, April 15, July 15 and October 15, prepares and pays payroll taxes, which includes electronic payments to the US Department of the Treasury (Federal withholding taxes and employers/employees Social Security and Medicare taxes); Comptroller of Maryland (electronic payment of Maryland withholding taxes), and DLLR (electronic filing and payment of the Maryland Unemployment Insurance Quarterly Contribution and Employment Report and tax) using calculations provided by the QuickBooks payroll software.
- Responds to all payroll and tax related inquiries and requests from the IRS, Maryland Comptroller’s Office and Maryland DLLR
- After fiscal year end (December 31), prepares and submits all federal and state annual fiscal reports on a timely basis. These include the annual electronic filing of the EPostcad for Small Exempt Organizations due May 15, Maryland Form COF-85 (for small charitable organizations not required to submit IRS Form 990) due June 30; State of Maryland Form 508 due (Maryland Withholding Annual Summary) and prepare a partial form of IRS Form 990 required for the United Way Partners application and Combined Federal Campaign application.
- Prepares the budgetary information required for annual requests for funding from the Charles County Commissioners and the United Way of Charles County, in addition to supplying budgetary information for grant requests, as needed.
- Prepares a proposed yearly budget for approval at the December Council Meeting.
- Is prepared to present the Treasurer’s records for audit at any given time if required.
- Presides at meetings in the absence of the President, Vice President, and Secretary, and appoints an acting Secretary.
- Sits on the Personnel Evaluation Committee, evaluating the performance of the Program Coordinator, recommending salary action and establishing hours for the Program Coordinator.
Revised November 21, 2012 (DA)