Students and Parents of Track:

We will have Track Practice(weather permitting) from 2:45- 4:00. Field events and hurdlers will sometimes practice until 4:30. All runners will need to come dressed to run each practice.

  • Students who fail to bring track clothes or shoes will not be permitted to practice.
  • Students with chronic disciplinary issues, having to serve multiple detentions, and therefore, unable to make practice may be removed from the team.
  • 1st detention or unexcused absence from practice- warning
  • 2nd detention or unexcused absence from practice- misses a meet
  • 3rd detention or unexcused absence from practice- removed from team

Track is a team sport, and your child may be on a relay that requires his/her attendance for practice- when unable to make the practice- the whole team suffers!

  • Students are responsible for securing rides to ALL Away Track Meets. My assistant coaches and I will not be able to take students to the meets, so please make arrangements prior to the meet for your child. I will have maps available the week of the meet, should you need directions.
  • I will need to collect $25.00 from your child for the Track Athletic Fee by our 1stTrack Meet, March 25th. Make all checks payable to Hixson Middle School
  • Your athlete will need to purchase a pair of solid black shorts for his/her uniform. We will have a Hixson Middle School Tank that is black and gold for your child to wear. This will be returned at the end of the season.
  • Special “spike shoes” are not necessary for middle school competition. Most of the tracks are asphalt, therefore not conducive for the special running shoe.

Please be aware that there is always a chance that your child could get hurt while competing/practicing in this sport. I will need to be able to get in touch with you if this should occur. Please keep me updated on any phone changes or medical conditions throughout this season.

This year we have a change in our policy and procedures concerning concussions. Track is not a sport that is prone to this type injury, but ALL sport teams MUST have a parent or guardian sign-off on the Concussion Statement. We need this signed and returned before we can allow your student to compete on other campuses.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the school at 847-4810 ext 286 and leave a message for Mrs. Byarsor email me at

Should you have any problems or complaints, PLEASE review the

HXMS Complaint/Concern Procedure:

  1. Let the coach know there is a concern you have and that you would like a conference.
  2. The coach will set up a time for the conference in a prompt manner.
  3. If your concern is still present after the conference, you can then contact the Athletic Director, Mr. George Hamrick, Assistant Principal at HMS.
  4. A conference will then take place with the Athletic Director, Coach, and concerned party.
  5. If your concern is still present, the Principal, Mrs. LeAngela Rogers, will be contacted and a conference will be arranged.

There are only 4 meets during the season. The Hamilton County Track Meet is tentatively scheduled for May 6th, 7th and 8th . Weather is a big factor in having our meets. We hope that we can stay as scheduled, but we have had to run a meet on a Saturday morning to make up rained-out meets. I am just trying to prepare you for all the possibilities. Let’s hope the weather holds up this season!

I want this year to be the BEST year ever for HXMS Track and your child. We will have an end of the year gathering, with awards and dog tags to be handed out. Students who participate in 3 of the 4 track meets can dog-tag this year in track. Athletes MUST qualify for the CountyMeet.

Thank you again.

Coach Mary Byars, and Coach Katie Warwick

Assistant Coaches: Carrie Bishop and Beth McDainel