Stanford, Kentucky – December 10, 2015
The Lincoln County Board of Education met Thursday, December 10, 2015 in the Board Room at the Central Office. The following members were present: Tom Blankenship, Theresa Long, Marvin Wilson, Yolanda Smith, and Denny Hogue.
Mrs. Hart recognized and thanked those certified and classified staff with 20 years of service. Staff recognized were: Jeanie Berry, Becky Burton, Mindy Stevens, and Jackie Walker. Mrs. Hart also recognized district speech language pathologists who received their National Board certification. Those recognized were Beverly Hester Dennis, Stasha Arnett, Kallen Wright, and Denise Nyborg.
Mr. Blankenship extended the board’s appreciation for their service and wished all recipients the best.
Chairman Tom Blankenship called the meeting to order at 6:28 PM.
Mr. Blankenship noted item 4d District Administrative Leadership Team’s December Meeting Agenda and Minutes should be moved to section 5. Mr. Blankenship also noted item 6l, Medical Leave for Classified Staff, was added to the agenda and item 7j, Refinish the LCMS Gym Floor, should be removed since the cost was under $10,000 and already included in the budget.
Board Order No. 104 Set the Agenda
Upon a motion made by Yolanda Smith and seconded by Theresa Long, the Board set the agenda.
Tom Blankenship, Theresa Long, Marvin Wilson, Yolanda Smith, and Denny Hogue voted yes.
Financial Audit Report
Mr. Artie White, with White & Associates, presented the District Financial Audit Report. The audit report consisted of three documents, The Financial Audit Report, a Letter to the Board of Education, and a Management Letter to District Management. Mr. White noted no significant findings and no corrective action plan was needed, but did make recommendations for school activity fund procedures. Mr. White reported the district had an excellent audit report and an excellent staff. He commended Mrs. Marsha Abel for her outstanding work as the District Finance Officer.
School Nursing Program Update
Eva Stone presented an update on the work completed to date in finding alternative funding for $150,000 deficit in the nursing program budget. Mrs. Stone gave a detailed report on the current need for nurses; the formation of a coalition to assist with pursuing funding sources; and the efforts, to date, made by the coalition. No alternative funding has yet been committed to the School Health Program.
District Delivery Targets
Mrs. Karen Hatter provided a hand-out of the progress made toward 2015 District Delivery Targets and discussed the new targets that the Board will set in January.
Mr. Blankenship referred Board members to the included Superintendent and Staff reports and asked for any questions over the information provided. There were no questions.
Board Order No. 105 Approve Consent Agenda Items
Upon a motion by Marvin Wilson and seconded by Theresa Long, the Board approved the following items on the consent agenda:
a. Board Minutes
1. November 5, 2015 Special-Called Meeting Minutes
2. November 12, 2015 Regular Meeting Minutes
b. Payments of Invoices over $10,000
1. To U.S. Bank for the 2010 Bond Series $57,256.25
2. To U.S. Bank for the 2012 Bond Series $62,986.84
3. To Sherman Carter Barnhart for Services for fire damage assessment Oct 1 – Oct 31 $10,961.04
c. Grant Application and Implementation Requests
1. Permission to apply for and implement for three separate 21st Century Community Learning Center grants to serve students at Crab Orchard Elementary, Highland Elementary, and Lincoln County High School, combined funding approximately 1.8 million dollars.
2. Permission for Family Resource Youth Service Centers to apply and implement a grant for up to $2000.00 from the River Foundation to fund the back pack program and other student needs.
3. Permission to apply for a Toyota Born Learning Grant to serve families and address kindergarten readiness at Waynesburg Elementary, McKinney Elementary, and Hustonville Elementary. Grants will be coordinated through the Family Resource Youth Service Centers.
4. Permission to apply for and implement the Delta Dental Making Smiles Happen Arts in Education Initiative to serve students at Lincoln County Middle School.
5. Permission to apply for and implement the Delta Dental Making Smiles Happen Arts in Education Initiative to serve students at McKinney Elementary.
d. Leave Requests
1. Maternity leave for certified staff at Lincoln County High School until released by doctor.
2. Medical leave for Transportation Department Classified Staff until released by doctor.
3. Medical leave for classified staff at McKinney Elementary until released by doctor.
4. Medical leave for certified staff at Crab Orchard Elementary December 14-18, 2015
e. Accept Donations
1. Donation of copy paper from First Southern Bank for student newspaper at Crab Orchard Elementary
2. Donation of $315 from Anonymous for 5th grade movie trip at Highland Elementary
3. Donation of $250 from RJ Corman Railroad Group for Lincoln County Middle School Boys Baseball.
f. Facility Requests
1. Bluegrass Smash Volleyball team to use Lincoln County Middle School and Lincoln County High School gyms for practice and games. Proof of insurance provided.
g. Fund Raising Activities
1. Hustonville Elementary PTO- to have a Holiday Shop from Reindeer Lane to benefit Hustonville Elementary students.
2. Stanford Elementary – sale of Y-Ties elastic shoelaces to benefit Stanford Physical Education Dept.
3. LCMS Girls Volleyball – to have a co-ed volleyball tournament to benefit LCMS Girls Volleyball team.
4. LCHS Student Council – sale of Candleberry Candles to benefit LCHS Student Council students.
5. LCHS FBLA – sale of Butter Braid bread December 2015 – April 2016 to fund FBLA competition costs.
6. McKinney Elementary PTO – sale of RADA Cutlery to fund spring events, May Day, and Field Trips.
h. Student Trips
1. Out-of-state field trip for LCMS Beta Club students to Cincinnati to visit Cincinnati Museum, Freedom Center, and Cincinnati Reds game on June 3, 2016
2. Field trip for Migrant students to Louisville for Lights Under Louisville on December 21, 2015.
3. Overnight trip for LCHS Kentucky United Nations Assembly students to Louisville to participate in KUNA Conference on December 3-5, 2015
Tom Blankenship, Theresa Long, Marvin Wilson, Yolanda Smith, and Denny Hogue voted yes.
Report on the Progress of the Fire Recovery Rebuilding Plan
Eric Loy, Sherman Carter Barnhart Architects, and Vance Mitchell, Trace Creek Construction, presented the drawings of the site foundation plan, floor plan, and elevations for the Board Annex Building for the purpose of obtaining Board approval of the proposed drawings. Mr. Mitchell informed the board that the insurance company approved construction costs of $208.39 per square foot equaling a total of $6.1 million, which is 100% of the total construction cost and asked for the Board’s approval of the BG1 application. The BG1 application shows a total project cost of $6,836,231.58 for the Board Annex and Stanford Preschool/Early Head Start buildings. 100% of these costs are reimbursable through insurance. He advised the Board that all deadlines had been met and they were waiting for KDE and HBC approval. A job trailer will be moved to the site toward the end of the following week. Mr. Mitchell introduced Mr. Eddie Sorrell, Project Manager who will oversee the construction process and Mr. Paul Marshall, Site Superintendent who will oversee the work. Mr. Blankenship thanked the design team for their efforts.
Board Order No. 106 – Approve Drawings for the Board Annex Building
Upon a motion by Marvin Wilson and seconded by Theresa Long, the Board approved the proposed drawings for the Board Annex building.
The building will house district storage spaces; school health offices; and district technology offices and the technology mainframe and will be located behind the current central office building, on the south end of the property.
Tom Blankenship, Theresa Long, Marvin Wilson, Yolanda Smith, and Denny Hogue voted yes.
Board Order No. 107 – Approve BG1
Upon a motion by Marvin Wilson and seconded by Yolanda Smith, the Board approved the BG1 Project Application totaling $6,836,231.58 for building costs of Board Annex building and Stanford Preschool and Early Head Start building.
Tom Blankenship, Theresa Long, Marvin Wilson, Yolanda Smith, and Denny Hogue voted yes.
Board Order No. 108 – Approve New Administrative Procedure Medical Use Form 9.123 AP 21
Upon a motion by Marvin Wilson and seconded by Theresa Long, the Board approved the new Administrative Procedure Medical Use Form 9.123 AP 21 for doctor excuses.
Tom Blankenship, Theresa Long, Marvin Wilson, Yolanda Smith, and Denny Hogue voted yes
Board Order No. 109 – Accept Bids for Mowers
Upon a motion by Theresa Long and seconded by Yolanda Smith, the Board approved the highest bid for each of the 12 surplus mowers.
Tom Blankenship, Theresa Long, Marvin Wilson, Yolanda Smith, and Denny Hogue voted yes
Board Order No. 110 – Accept Bids for Volley Ball Equipment
Upon a motion by Theresa Long and seconded by Marvin Wilson, the Board approved the highest bid for the surplus volleyball equipment.
Tom Blankenship, Theresa Long, Marvin Wilson, Yolanda Smith, and Denny Hogue voted yes
Board Order No. 111- Declare Buses as Surplus
Upon a motion by Theresa Long and seconded by Marvin Wilson, the Board declared buses 944, 945, 951, 954, and 982 as surplus.
Tom Blankenship, Theresa Long, Marvin Wilson, Yolanda Smith, and Denny Hogue voted yes
Board Order No. 112- Approve Proposed Bus Driver Pay for Additional Trips
Upon a motion by Theresa Long and seconded by Yolanda Smith, the Board approved the proposed salary schedule of $12.50 per hour for bus driver pay for additional trips.
Tom Blankenship, Theresa Long, Marvin Wilson, Yolanda Smith, and Denny Hogue voted yes
Board Order No. 113- Approve Purchase of a New Stage Curtain for Lincoln County High School
Upon a motion by Theresa Long and seconded by Marvin Wilson, the Board approved the purchase of a new stage curtain for Lincoln County High School at a cost of $9,213.
The Board recognized Mrs. Bess Wilson who had questions regarding rebuilding plan. The proposed drawings were shared with Mrs. Wilson and her questions were answered.
Chairman Tom Blankenship adjourned the meeting at 7:09
______________________________________ ______________________________________
Tom Blankenship, Chairman of the Board Colleen Benson, Secretary to the Board