Undergraduate Curriculum Council

November 14, 2013 -- 3:00-5:00p.m. in Rendezvous 301

Volume XXX, Meeting 21 (15-21)

Minutes – Approved by Curriculum Council via email vote on 20 November 2013; Accepted by Deans’ Council and Provost on 6 December 2013

A. Preliminaries

1a. Attendance:

Members: David Blakeman (Chair), Jim Bigelow, Mike Hansen, Beverly Hewett, Jeff Hill, Mary Hofle, Spencer Jardine, Greg Murphy, Karen Portillo, Wendy Ruchti, Keane Shuler (ASISU), Tara Young

Ex-Officio: JoAnn Hertz, Chris Hunt, Margaret Johnson, Emily White, Corey Zink

Admin. Asst: Catherine Read

1b. Pre-notified absences for this meeting: Yolonda Youngs

1c. Known Guests: none

2. Minutes from the Council’s meeting October 31, 2013 and November 7, 2013 – deferred, will be voted on via email before next Thursday.

3. Report from the Executive Committee: did not meet this week.

eCatalog cycle, after entered by Registrar’s Office, goes to UCC chair for approval. Then Emily sends an email to the proposal originator explaining exactly what they need to do. A separate email is automatically generated and sent to the originator for approval; then to the Dean for approval, and then to the Provost for final approval. If someone in the chain does not open the email and approve the proposal, it will not go forward, and ultimately will into the catalog! UCC members requested a copy of the emails be sent to them as well, so they can follow up. The eCatalog approval routing instructions will also be posted on the Moodle page for future reference.

4. Current Committee Activities: approval deferred until next week


·  Final List of Gen Ed Proposals Approved, Remanded or Rejected

·  Gen Ed Objectives and Learning Outcomes

5. Information from Academic Affairs:

Deans will be going through their initial budget presentations next week. Academic Affairs plans to present one comprehensive, unified budget for all the colleges when the budget planning process takes place early next spring.

It is now the college Associate Deans who are tasked with reviewing UCC’s minutes curriculum proposals approved by this Council. Currently they are reviewing the minutes for October 3, October 10, October 17 and October 24, which comprise the bulk of this semester’s approved proposals. All curriculum proposals must be reviewed and approved by the Associate Deans and the Provost by December 1st so the Registrar’s Office can enter all the changes into the 2014-15 catalog before the end of this calendar year.

6. Information from the Chair:

GERC has rejected multiple versions of a particular Gen Ed course proposal. The department had used an approved proposal for a similar course as a template for their most recent version submitted, which GERC still rejected. It is possible the Provost may ask this Council to review some of the rejected or remanded Gen Ed proposals. GERC’s minutes record some of their concerns and rationale behind their decisions, and the chair’s letters to the departments give more detailed explanations.

7. Information from the Faculty Senate: did not meet this week.

8. Other related information or questions: none

B. EXPEDITABLE – none this week.


GERC Gen Ed proposals remanded for revision, but ‘grandfathered’ for one more year:

1.  GERC Proposal 61 ANTH 2239 (revised) – Objective 9: Cultural Diversity

GERC-approved ‘grandfathered’ Gen Ed proposals:

1.  GERC Proposal 12 MATH 1123 revised – Objective 3: Mathematics

2.  GERC Proposal 14 MATH 1130 revised – Objective 3: Mathematics

3.  GERC Proposal 11 MATH 1153 revised – Objective 3: Mathematics

4.  GERC Proposal 10 MATH 1160 revised – Objective 3: Mathematics

5.  GERC Proposal 9 MATH 1170 revised – Objective 3: Mathematics

6.  GERC Proposal 13 MATH 2256/2257 revised – Objective 3: Mathematics – conditional approval: fulfills Gen Ed Objective only for Elementary Education majors

7.  GERC Proposal 83 ECON 2201 – Objective 6: Behavioral and Social Science

8.  GERC Proposal 84 HONS 1101 revised – Objective 1: Written English

GERC-approved proposed new Gen Ed course proposals:

1.  GERC Proposal 78 ENGL 2210 – Objective 9: Cultural Diversity (to replace AMST 2200, which was originally in Objective 6: Behavioral and Social Science).

GERC Gen Ed proposals remanded for revision, but ‘grandfathered’ for one more year:

1.  GERC Proposal 8 MATH 1127 revised – Objective 3: Mathematics

2.  GERC Proposal 85 HONS 1102 revised – Objective 4: Humanities

Discussion re: MATH 2256/2257, at this point there is no registration restriction on that particular course restricting it to Elementary Education majors only. That would leave the course open to all students, unless the Math department were to impose restriction on those sections.

Council unanimously approved all the above Gen Ed proposals (Appendix A), except they also voted to remove the conditional restriction statement for GERC Proposal 13 MATH 2256/2257.


Council unanimously accepted:

1.  2013-05 Computer Aided Design Drafting Technology, Technical Certificate in Mechanical Drafting (Appendix 1)

2.  2013-06 ESTEC, A.A.S. degree in Energy Systems Instrumentation Engineering Technology (Appendix 2)

3.  2013-07 Emergency Management, Minor in Emergency Management (Appendix 3)

Curriculum Proposals:

1.  Council unanimously approved Proposal 50 from International Studies (Appendix 4) for new Gen Ed courses IS 2202 and IS 2203. GERC has approved both these proposed courses as fulfilling Gen Ed Objectives 9 and 6 respectively. All impact responses received.

2.  Council unanimously approved Proposal 96 from Emergency Management Program (Appendix 5) to drop the Prereq for FSA 3335. All impact responses received.

3.  Council voted unanimously to approve Proposal 30 from the English and Philosophy (Appendix 6) to change Objective 9 General Education course from AMST 2200 to ENGL 2210. Department verified that ENGL 2210 is to be considered equivalent to AMST 2200 for repeatability. GERC has approved ENGL 2210 as an Objective 9 Gen Ed course.

4.  Council also unanimously voted to replace AMST 2200 with ENGL 2210 in the AAS degrees in both Fire Services Administration (FSA) and Emergency Medical Services (EMS) (Appendix 7).

5.  Council unanimously approved Proposal 52 from Emergency Medical Services (Appendix 8) to add a new Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Concentration to the curriculum of an existing degree, the Bachelor of Science (BS) in Health Science. There is a new course that is equivalent to FSA 3335, but does not have the same prereqs. The College of Technology has submitted Proposal 96 making the two courses match. All impact responses received. Contingent upon SBOE approval and approval of Proposal 96.

6.  Council unanimously approved Proposal 79 as amended from Emergency Management program (Appendix 9) to add a minor in Emergency Management. All impact responses received. The department fully supported adding the wording “from either AS core or BS core” to the proposal as clarification:

a.  Students seeking a minor in Emergency Management must complete the following:

b.  EMGT 1121 (3), a minimum of nine (9) core emergency management credits from either the AS or BS core, and six (6) elective emergency management credits (must have the EMGT prefix). Nine (9) credits of the eighteen (18) total credits must be upper division.

Contingent upon approval of State Proposal.

7.  Proposal 88 from English and Philosophy to update requirements for the Minor in Linguistics. All impact responses received. Because the Philosophy department was not contacted until the last minute and the Philosophy faculty did not have a sufficient chance to discuss the removal of the PHIL4410 as an option within the required courses, the response from English and Philosophy was to suggest keeping PHIL 4410 as an option in the required courses, i.e.,

ANTH/LANG 4455 Phonetics 3 cr


ENGL 4484 Rotating Topics in Linguistics 3 cr


PHIL 4410 Philosophy of Language 3 cr


ANTH 4450 Socio-Lingusitics / ENGL 4488 Introductionto Sociolinguistics

Tabled for response from Anthropology.

8.  Council unanimously approved Proposal 94 from Health Information Technology (Appendix 10) to update core curriculum requirements in accordance with accreditation requirements. College of Business strongly objected to the use of “Informatics” as the title of the courses. The deans of CoBusiness and CoTech agreed to title the courses “Informatics Technology I” and “Informatics Technology II” and the appropriate changes were made in the proposal. All impact responses received.

9.  Council unanimously approved Proposal 95 from Marketing (Appendix 11) to eliminate the double major in Management and Marketing. All impact responses received.

10.  Council unanimously approved revised Proposal 97 as amended from Health Information Technology (Appendix 12) for changes to core curriculum for A.A.S. degree. All impact responses received. To be consistent with Proposal 94, the course titles for HIT 0220 and HIT 0224 were changed to “Informatics Technology” I and II.


Council voted to approve and immediately table Proposal 98 and Proposal 99.

Curriculum Proposals:

1.  Proposal 98 from Computer Information Systems to change the department name to “Informatics and Computer Science.” The State Board has already approved this name change.

2.  Proposal 99 from HCISM (Health Care Information Systems Management) to change the name of the degree program to HCI (Health Care Informatics) and update the curriculum.

Hunt reminded that since the INFO 1181 course is equivalent to CS 1181, which was approved as a Gen Ed Objective 7: Critical Thinking course, INFO 1181 will also fulfill the Gen Ed Objective. Murphy will let the GERC chair know this is the case.

Blakeman said next week’s meeting will be held via email to approve GERC’s final list of Gen Ed courses, UCC’s minutes for October 31, November 7 and November 14, along with Proposal 88, Proposal 98 and Proposal 99.

E. ADJOURNMENT: 4:35 p.m.



A. GERC Gen Ed proposals remanded for revision, but ‘grandfathered’ for one more year:

2.  GERC Proposal 61 ANTH 2239 (revised) – Objective 9: Cultural Diversity

GERC-approved ‘grandfathered’ Gen Ed proposals:

9.  GERC Proposal 12 MATH 1123 revised – Objective 3: Mathematics

10.  GERC Proposal 14 MATH 1130 revised – Objective 3: Mathematics

11.  GERC Proposal 11 MATH 1153 revised – Objective 3: Mathematics

12.  GERC Proposal 10 MATH 1160 revised – Objective 3: Mathematics

13.  GERC Proposal 9 MATH 1170 revised – Objective 3: Mathematics

14.  GERC Proposal 13 MATH 2256/2257 revised – Objective 3: Mathematics – conditional approval: fulfills Gen Ed Objective only for Elementary Education majors

15.  GERC Proposal 83 ECON 2201 – Objective 6: Behavioral and Social Science

16.  GERC Proposal 84 HONS 1101 revised – Objective 1: Written English

GERC-approved proposed new Gen Ed course proposals:

2.  GERC Proposal 78 ENGL 2210 – Objective 9: Cultural Diversity (to replace AMST 2200)

GERC Gen Ed proposals remanded for revision, but ‘grandfathered’ for one more year:

3.  GERC Proposal 8 MATH 1127 revised – Objective 3: Mathematics

4.  GERC Proposal 85 HONS 1102 revised – Objective 4: Humanities


1. 2013-05 Computer Aided Design Drafting Technology, Technical Certificate in Mechanical Drafting

Institutional Tracking No. / 2013-05

Institutional Tracking No. 2013-05

Idaho State Board of Education

Proposal for Other Academic Program Activity and Professional-Technical Education

Date of Proposal Submission: / 09/20/13
Institution Submitting Proposal: / Idaho State University
Name of College, School, or Division: / College of Technology
Name of Department(s) or Area(s): / Technical Department / Computer Aided Design Drafting Technology

Program Identification for Proposed New, Modified, or Discontinued Program:

Title: / Mechanical Drafting
Degree: / Technical Certificate
Method of Delivery: / Lecture, Laboratory
CIP code (consult IR /Registrar) / 15.1306
Proposed Starting Date: / Fall 2014
Indicate if the program is: / X / Regional Responsibility / Statewide Responsibility

Indicate whether this request is either of the following:

X / New Program (minor/option/emphasis or certificate) / Discontinuance of an Existing Program/Option
New Off-Campus Instructional Program / Consolidation of an Existing Program
New Instructional/Research Unit / Expansion of an Existing Program
Contract Program/Collaborative / Other


College Dean (Institution) / Date / Vice President for Research (as applicable) / Date
Graduate Dean (as applicable) / Date / State Administrator, SDPTE
(as applicable) / Date
Chief Fiscal Officer (Institution) / Date / Academic Affairs Program Manager / Date
Chief Academic Officer (Institution) / Date / Chief Academic Officer, OSBE / Date
President / Date / SBOE/OSBE Approval / Date

Before completing this form, refer to Board Policy Section III.G., Program Approval and Discontinuance. This proposal form must be completed for the creation of each new program and each program discontinuation. All questions must be answered.

1. Describe the nature of the request. Will this program/option be related or tied to other programs on campus? Please identify any existing program, option that this program will replace. If this is request to discontinue an existing program, provide the rationale for the discontinuance. Indicate the year and semester in which the last cohort of students was admitted and the final term the college will offer the program. Describe the teach-out plans for continuing students.

We are requesting to add a Technical Certificate: Mechanical Drafting option to our current Computer Aided Design Drafting program.

2. List the objectives of the program. The objectives should address specific needs (industry) the program will meet. They should also identify the expected student learning outcomes and achievements. This question is not applicable to requests for discontinuance.

See Attachment B.

3. Briefly describe how the institution will ensure the quality of the program (i.e., program review). Will the program require specialized accreditation (it is not necessary to address regional accreditation)? If so, please identify the agency and explain why you do or do not plan to seek accreditation. This question is not applicable to requests for discontinuance.

The Computer Aided Design Drafting Technology program is accredited by the Association of Technology, Management, and Applied Engineering (ATMAE). Periodic self-studies are prepared in accordance with ATMAE standards. The program is visited by an ATMAE evaluation team at least once every six years. Follow up reports and more frequent visits are required if any ATMAE standard is found to be in non-compliance or partial-compliance.

4. List new courses that will be added to curriculum specific for this program. Indicate number, title, and credit hour value for each course. Please include course descriptions for new and/or changes to courses. Attach a Scope and Sequence, SDPTE Form Attachment B, for professional-technical education requests. This question is not applicable to requests for discontinuance.