Around 35 persons attended this meeting, including following EU Officers: Michel Chappuis, Christophe Lesniak, Antonio Paparella, Inago Sabater.

Opening of the meeting

Jésus Rodriguez introduced his report:

- he produced a detailed report for this meeting. This comprehensive document is available on the ECTP Website, and some of the information developed here is detailed in this report.

- HLG is mobilized for various actions (next meeting soon), more especially for JTIs, but the situation is difficult because some members will retire: support to HLG is requested.

- A new ECTP conference will be organized in 2007 in Amsterdam.

- As an organisation matter, EUREKABUILD is supported

- Insistence on documents which are registered on the Website.

FP 7 Proposals (2007)

- According to information collected, a preliminary list of 34 proposals is published on the ECTP, connected with 14 bullets of the Calls. In fact certainly more Proposals were sent.

- Acciona and Bouygues continue to work on the JTI project dealing with Energy Efficient Buildings. The idea of JTI on underground construction is cancelled.

- development of the EUREKABUILD umbrella is very active (18 countries partners) with the contribution of the NTPs: seminars for potential partners, Website, Newsletter (2 issues a year). It is expected that partnerships should be soon established.


- ERABUILD/FP 6 continues, with synergies to be developed.

- according to FP7 first call, an ERA-NET should be launched in July for the Construction sector

- L. Mika (TEKES Finland) introduces a possible EURABUILD2 proposal with 6 new partners

- a new proposal, with a “Cooperbuild” project, is announced by Spain (Carmen Andrade).

- the question is to know if the 2 projects could merge, in orderto avoid a risky situation

- an ERA-NET should also be prepared in the Cultural Heritage field (Italy), with the recommendation that it should associate many participants countries: 3 meetings were already organised (NTPs and ERA should have the same objectives!).

- Livia Pardi expects an ERA-NET Transport in the future.

Strategic Research Agenda

- A first SRA/Implementation Plan was established (Ref to the 9 priorities from 2006):

it is a long and rather complex document, but comments are globally positive. Some complements are still to be added.

- The process for SRA/IAP setting up is engaged: consultation launched on 4th May, SG meeting on 23rd May, draft for HLG on 5th June, endorsement by HLG on 20th June: so, the document is under improvement.

- The SRA/IAP should be updated every year.

FP 7 priorities (for the call to be launched end of 2007)

Starting from SRA/IAP, a list of ECTP wished topics for 2007-2008 Calls was established : it comprises around 35 topics, with mention of the possible budget and of the FP7 programmes or themes involved.

Information is given that the Programme Committee is working on the global submitted topics, and that the national representatives deliver their opinion, depending on the information that they should have collected in their countries.

The process for selection is engaged and result should be OK end of June.

Christophe Lezniak insists for a list of coherent topics: at the end of the PCRD 7, ECTP should demonstrate progresses developed in several areas, and not scared efforts in too many fields!

An assumption is that 3 subjects could be considered as priorities: users needs, industrial production, construction materials.

National Technology Platforms (NTPs)

The network of NTPs involves 23 countries and 7 additional more are announced.

NTPs should be mobilised for Future Eureka actions.

Lead Markets

-  Energy Efficient Buildings

A group of 7 NTPs is producing a document.

-  Sustainable construction (DG Enterprises)

Special interest is bring on Rational use of natural resources and User’s convenience and welfare. A draft document is available (end of the month).

Towards a European Strategic Energy Technology Plan (SET-Plan)

At DG TREN, a contribution should be ready by end of May.

ECTP matters

-  ECTP Budget

Regular budget is 239000 Euros a year.

Because there is no longer public funds, a solution should be to request ECTP Members to pay an annual contribution : 1000 € for large companies, 500 € for others (I find that it should more take into account turn-over of the Members!)

An alternative introduced during the meeting is to collect money on the opportunity of the Amsterdam conference in November where 300 participants are expected. The fees for the 1st participant of an Organisation should be 1300 Euros (1000+300), and 300 Euros for the other Members of this Organisation. Under the assumption of 250 represented Organisations, a 250000Euros budget should be collected.

-  ECTP Structure.

It should be an EEIG, based in Brussels. The base should be a President and 10 Members for the Executive Committee.

-  JTI Structure

It should be an EEIG, based in the country of the leader of the Project.


Compte rendu de G. Pilot