Minutes of a Meeting of Sapcote Parish Council held at 7.30pm on Thursday 12 May 2016 in the Pavilion at Sapcote Playing Fields.
Present: Mrs A Davies (Chairman),
Mrs Robinson-Smith, Mrs Brannan
Messrs Hewson, Howell, Taylor and Towers
Also Present Mr M Guntrip, Clerk to the Council
Members of the public.
68/15 Election of Chairman
Resolved that, Mrs Anne Davies be elected as Chairman for the forthcoming year.
69/15 Election of Vice Chairman
Resolved that, Mr I Hewson be elected as Vice Chairman for the forthcoming year.
70/15 Appointment of Representatives to Bodies
Resolved that Mrs Davies, Mrs Twitchett, Mr Howell and Mr Towers be appointed members of the Planning Body to consider planning applications on behalf of the Council for the forthcoming year.
Resolved that the Clerk be appointed to represent the Parish Council at meetings of the Recreation Ground Management Committee and the Fosse Villages Neighbourhood Planning Group and other ad hoc groups as required.
71/15 Apologies for Absence
Mrs Twitchett (holiday), Mrs Rogers (work), Miss D Woods DC (holiday), Mr E White CC. and Mrs S Scott DC.
72/16 Declarations of Interest
Mrs Davies declared an interest arising out the employment of her daughter in the cemetery.
Mr Howell declared an interest arising out of his position as member of Sapcote Library Group.
73/16 Co-option
It was reported that an application for the position of parish councillor had been received from Mrs Diane Brannan. Following a vote it was unanimously agreed to co-opt her onto the Parish Council.
74/16 Minutes of the Meeting of the Parish Council held on 7 April 2016
Resolved that, the minutes of the Meeting of the Parish Council held on 7 April 2016, a copy of which had been circulated to each member, be accepted as a true record of the proceedings.
75/16 Information Update
The Clerk reported that he had raised with Stoney Stanton Parish Council the suggestion of altering the parish boundaries to include the Jelson development within the parish of Sapcote. Stoney Stanton Parish Council had now responded by suggesting that the whole site should be included in Stoney Stanton. No further action at this time.
Following discussion at the last meeting the Clerk had written to BDC Environmental Services for a formal assessment on the quarry fencing. The Clerk circulated their response.
76/16 Public Participation
Members of the public registered their disappointment at the decision of BDC to approve the alterations to 5 Tuckey Close despite the widespread opposition including that of the Parish Council. They asked if it was possible to get an explanation as to why this development received approval given that its size and mass was out of proportion to the adjacent buildings. Mr Hewson to follow up.
A number of complaints were received about the pumping of water from Granitethorpe quarry onto adjacent land resulting in the flooding of farm land. It was noted that this was not an activity controlled by planning enforcement and had therefore been passed over to the Environment Agency (EA) and they had visited the site and spoken to the owner. He was permitted to pump out no more than 20 cubic metres per day however BDC had advised the EA that considerably more than this had been pumped out.
BDC Environmental Health officers had also visited the site regarding the pumping of water but did not identify any environmental health issues. Also, they did not have any powers to deal with other issues relating to the pumping so the matter was left in the hands of the EA. They did however speak to the adjacent landowner over the flooding of her fields.
BDC had contacted the EA for a more detailed update on their investigation and were awaiting a response. The EA had advised however that they were unable to find any evidence of illegal tipping into the quarry.
One matter of continuing concern was the insistence of the EA to require everything to be reported via their hotline, particularly as it was agreed at the joint meeting that all of the appropriate authorities would adopt a co-ordinated approach to matters concerning these quarries.
In terms of the action within the remit of the County Council, the appeal against the enforcement notice served on the owner by the County Council was due to be heard at a public inquiry set for 14 September. The Planning Inspectorate had now changed this to a written representation procedure with a requirement that comments were to be received not later than 8 June 2016 and the interested parties had been notified accordingly.
On other matters BDC is continuing with the legal process of enforcement.
Reports were also received about;
The alleged destruction of wildlife. Clerk to contact the police wildlife officer.
Tankers delivering oil to the site.
A member of the public reported that he had been speaking to the County Council about other possible breaches of planning regulations that he had observed.
77/16 District Councillors
Mr Hewson reported that BDC was investigating the possibility of establishing a private company to manage the construction of affordable housing across the District.
He also reported that a new depot was being constructed for the servicing of Council waste collection and road cleaning fleet.
78/16 County Councillor
Not present
79/16 Correspondence
BDC: In it to bin it award.
D Crumpler: Complaint about Granitethorpe
BDC: Everards Brewery planning application approved
LCC: Response to complaint about footpath obstruction
BDC: Invitation to attend Chief Executives leaving dinner
BDC: Enquiry regarding caravan parked on allotment on Hinckley Road
BDC: Nominations for Outstanding Achievements Awards
R Vernon: Response re guided tour of nursery*
BDC: Quarry fencing*
BDC: Planning made easier. Press release.
BDC: Open space guides
* Copied to Members
** Circulated to Members
80/16 Delegates Reports
Nothing to report
81/16 Planning Matters
Resolved that, the following decisions of the Planning Group be approved
16/0364 Single storey front and rear extensions, Objection
alterations to existing garage and increased
roof height to create first floor habitable
accommodation (Revised scheme)
5 Tuckey Close
16/0430 Single storey rear extension and first floor side No objection
28 Sharnford Road.
16/0286 Creation of dropped kerb and erection of fence No objection
and gate along western boundary.
40 Leicester Road
16/0437 Erection of 8 residential dwellings with associated No objection
access, parking and amenity space.
Land off Grace Road.
16/0308 Change of Use from retail (1A) to childrens Objection
day nursery (D1). (Amendment). Maintained
Unit 12A Rugby House
16/0510 Install 1 no. 30m high tower with 6 no. antennas,
2 no. dishes, 2 no. equipment cabinets and ancillary
equipment within a steel palisade fenced enclosure.
Rear of Hydrotech, Sapcote Road, Stoney Stanton. No objection
16/0499 Removal of Condition 10 to outline application Supported
11/0272/1/OX and reserved matters application 13/0795
Jelson Site, Sapcote Road
Resolved that, the following decisions of Blaby District Council be noted
15/0984 Removal of Condition 1 attached to planning Refused
permission 05/0196/1/VY to remove occupancy
Acorn Cottage, Aston Firs
15/1103 Change of use of land to form 4 transit pitches with Refused
associated amenity blocks, car parking and one
wardens mobile home.
Land north of Aston Firs, Hinckley Road
15/1350 Change of use of land to form gypsy caravan site (6 Refused
pitches) and erection of communal day/amenity
Whitegate Stables, Aston Firs
15/1348 Retention of change of use of land for the siting of 1 Approved
mobile home and 3 caravans for extended gypsy
family accommodation.
Winter Oaks, Caravan & Castle, Aston Firs
15/1365 Change of use of land to accommodate 8 transit Withdrawn
pitches and 1 mobile home for warden use.
Land rear of Oak Tree Cottage, Aston Firs
15/0825 Change of use of land to use as landscaping Approved
contractors depot including erection of a storage
building, 2m high fencing & creation of hardstanding.
Land east of Sharnford Road.
15/1368 Extension to caravan site (Retrospective). Approved
Caravan and Castle, Aston Firs
15/1540 Erection of two dwellings Approved
Rear of Church View House
16/0308 Change of Use from retail (1A) to childrens Approved
day nursery (D1). (Amendment).
Unit 12A Rugby House
16/0286 Creation of dropped kerb and erection of fence Approved
and gate along western boundary.
40 Leicester Road
16/0364 Single storey front and rear extensions, Approved
alterations to existing garage and increased
roof height to create first floor habitable
accommodation (Revised scheme)
5 Tuckey Close
82/16 Finance
Resolved that the following items of expenditure be approved
Peak Cashflow Ltd. (Brian Mee)
Cemetery Grass Cutting £ 247.20
Playing Fields Grass Cutting £ 174.00
Peak Cash Flow (Brian Mee Assoc.) £ 421.20
Sapcote Community Library £ 1,000.00
(Annual contribution 2016/17)
Chairman’s Allowance (Mrs Davies) £ 185.00
Vice Chairman’s Allowance £ 185.00
(Mr Hewson)
Sapcote Bloom Group £ 525.00
(Annual contribution)
SRGMC (Half year) £ 2,275.00
Plants and compost £ 51.99
Hand Shears £ 7.49
Inland Revenue (NI Underpayment) £ 12.48
NS & I Savings Account £ 22,235.00
Resolved that, the following items of income be noted
Annual Precept (50%) £ 38,969.00
Council Support Tax (50%) £ 2,840.00
New Homes Bonus (year 5 of 6) £ 5,747.00
New Homes Grant £ 20,163.00
Affordable Housing Grant £ 2,072.00
Legal Fee Repayment (Scout Group) £ 1,875.00
83/16 Items for the Next Agenda
Nothing requested
Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting held at 7.00pm on Thursday 12 May 2016 at Sapcote Pavilion, Sapcote Playing Fields
1 Attendance
Chairman: Mrs A Davies
Members of the Parish Council
Member of the public
Clerk to the Parish Council
2 Report of the Chairman of the Parish Council
In December we were sad to see Andrew Porwol’s departure from the Parish Council. Andrew has been a long standing member serving for over 11 years but unfortunately he was forced to resign because of ongoing business commitments. Andrew has made a valuable contribution to the Parish Council and the community over a long period, and particularly with his generous support of village planting schemes and the Bloom Group. We wish him well for the future.
I reported last year that the County Council announced that it was rationalising the Leicestershire library service in an attempt to achieve its required savings, and in future, would operate only its 16 core libraries, which were located in the County’s major population centres. This decision meant that the remaining 36 community libraries would either have to close or be run on a voluntary basis because, over the coming years, their budgets would be withdrawn.
While in 2014 an attempt to establish a community library in Sapcote failed, a second attempt was made during this year and this appears to have been successful. Meetings were held to recruit volunteers and this culminated in some 40 people coming forward to offer their services. A business plan was submitted and accepted by the County Council and a management committee of trustees was subsequently established under the chairmanship of Robert Allen-Turl. Over the past seven months the committee has worked hard to take this project forward to a point where it is now on the verge of becoming a reality. Although the County Council will shortly hand over to the new management committee, they will continue to maintain a supporting interest in the library for some years. The Parish Council will also continue its support for the library and has included an annual financial contribution in its budget for this purpose.
You will recall that last year the Parish Council was forced to fell all of the trees along the boundary between the All Saints Primary School and the cemetery as the bank had become unstable. During the year, the second phase of these works was carried out with the removal of the substantial tree stumps. The whole exercise was very costly but was considered essential to ensure the safety the children in the adjacent school field, the visitors to the cemetery and the graves and memorials. A key part of these works was the replanting of the bank and this has now been carried out by members of the Parish Council with the assistance of Sapcote Garden Centre staff.
Both the Grace Road and Limes sites are progressing and it is anticipated that both of these sites will be half occupied this year. The Parish Council has resolved to adopt the land to the rear of the Grace Road site and is currently talking to David Wilson Homes to ensure that adequate fencing is provided to protect the public, and particularly children, from the dangers presented by the substantial drops into the adjacent quarries. On the third major site Jelson had now commenced the preliminary works.
A major issue that has arisen during the year is the activities at Granitethorpe and Sapcote Quarries. At Granitethorpe Quarry there has been unauthorised dumping into the quarry, the importation of construction waste onto site for dumping into the quarry, the levelling and tipping onto land, storage of vehicles and wide spread changes to the landscape. Additionally, damage has been caused to the access road and a property at the entrance of Leicester Road.
Following pressure from the Parish Council, district and county councillors, and importantly, members of the Sapcote community, a Stop Notice was issued on the activities at Granitethorpe on 19 February and this brought these activities to an end. Other matters are subject to ongoing investigations by the relevant planning authorities. The local community is now maintaining its vigilance on this site to ensure compliance with the stop notice. I would like to thank those members of the community who maintained a watch on the activities on this site and provided the evidence that helped bring about a cessation of the unauthorised activities.
In Sapcote Quarry there has been dumping, the creation of an access off Leicester Road which had additionally caused the destruction of a substantial length of historic stone wall, removal of hedgerow, construction of fencing, engineering works on site and, the felling of trees. A number of these matters are under review by the relevant planning authorities. We are presently challenging the County Council over their failure to act on the new access off Leicester Road.