Mission Report


General Information
Project / Capacity building for Upgrading of Food establishments and Animal By-Product management
Activity / Activity 2.5 In depth training of at least 50 inspectors on food establishments in the framework of the upgrading strategy
Pilot practical training on evaluation of structural conditions and classification of establishments - 10 simulation exercises
Reference number TOR / Mission no. 44
Short Term Expert / Ms. Inga Skādule, LV
Mr. Edzart Bruinier, NL
Ms. Susanne Rasmussen, DK
Period STE Mission / 8-13 February 2016
Arrival / 13 March
Working days / 14-17 March
Departure / 18 March
Persons Interviewed/Workgroup Members / 14-15 March 2016, see enclosed list of participants
15-16 March 2016, see enclosed list of participants
Used documentation/information / Mission reports No. 35, 36, 39 and 42 including: Draft training plan, PPT, checklists, procedures and pictures as examples on structural problems
Draft National Programme for the upgrading of establishments dealing with food of animal origin
Other delivered products concerning TOR
(Please attach a copy of the terms of reference
provided by the resident Twinning Adviser,
Programme, day, date, Introduction
documentation, Power Point Presentation, etc.)
This Mission Report includes appendix(es) / General Report (part of this document)
Information Analyse (phase 1)
Advise and recommendations (phase 2)
Description of implemented products (phase 2)
Training report (phase 3)
Study visit/ Internship report (phase 3)

PPT for trainings:

[PPT will be enclosed in the finale version of the mission report]

Draft checklists:

Procedure for assessment and categorization of milk and meat establishments:

Updated training plan:

1  Description of the activities during visit

2 trainings each lasting 2 days were conducted. The training was a mixture of theoretical training and practical training on assessment of structural conditions and categorisation of establishments as simulation exercises in a meat establishment, see the agenda below.

First training took place 14-15 March 2016 in Jablanički, Pirotski and Pčinjski district and 13 inspectors were trained.

Second training took place 16-17 March 2016 in - Borski and Zaječarski District and 10 inspectors were trained.


10.00-10.30 / Presentation of participants and the Twinning Project / RTA
10.30-11.10 / Overview of procedure on upgrading of establishments / BC
11.10-11.25 / Introduction on filling in checklists / BC
11.25-11.50 / How to deal with Food safety issues during assessment visits, enforcement policy / BC
11.50-12.00 / Break
12.00-13.00 / Examples on non-compliances in relation to assessment of establishments / BC/STE
13.00-13.45 / Lunch break
13.45-14.45 / Discussions in groups / STE
14.45-15.15 / Main principles in hygiene package (Responsibilities, level playing field) / STE
15.15-15.50 / Ante mortem and post mortem inspection - related to structure / STE
15.50-16.25 / ABP on slaughterhouses - related to structure / STE
16.25-17.10 / Animal welfare on slaughterhouses - related to structure / STE
17.10-17.30 / Information on practical visit day 2 / BC


08.30-13.00 / Use of procedures and checklists – practical part
·  Visits to slaughterhouses/ meat processing establishments using procedures and checklists for upgrading / BC/ STE
13.00-13.45 / Break
13.45-16.45 / Discuss findings, evaluation and categorization / BC/ STE
16.45-17.00 / Evaluation of training / Participants

2  Comment on progress in candidate country

BC/STEs have held 9 x 2 days training courses in assessment and categorisation in meat establishments with all together 105 veterinarian inspectors participating. BS/STE used the prepared PPT for the theoretical part. The inspectors used the procedure and checklists for upgrading during the visits of the establishments.

3  Recommendations for future actions or STE missions

Recommendation - checklist:

·  The checklists need to be revised again. There are some mistakes in them and some of the questions should be translated more correctly.

Recommendation - future trainings:

Inspectors should be informed beforehand:

·  They should have the layout of the company handed out in advance

·  It should be specified to them, that they are supposed to decide and follow an inspection strategy during the visit to the establishment. This to make sure that they assess all part of the establishment with same degree of quality.

·  that during assessment exercise the inspectors should do the inspection, the STEs are only observers, but STEs should be available to answer questions, explain the requirements of EU if it is necessary.

·  that inspectors are responsible to intervene according to the already existing Serbian national legislation if food safety or animal welfare is compromised. Food safety and animal welfare issues shall be dealt with according to the already existing enforcement procedures.

·  On details on the training program and the use of checklists (that the checklists are only for use in the upgrading process and that they are different from the already existing checklists for normal inspections).

4  Details of any follow-up actions by STE

Evaluations from participants are found enclosed:

[Evaluations will be enclosed in the finale version of the mission report]