Chronic disease / Asthma
Member surname / Initials
GetMed membership nr / GetMed plan
GetMed account nr / Option
Patient surname / Initials
Patient date of birth / Dependant code
Doctor name / Initials
Doctor practice number / Contact number
Assessment questions
- Was their any history or symptoms of allergies e.g. seasonal runny nose, recurrent sinusitis, eczema or known allergies to dust, food, animal hair etc?
- History of smoking: current smoker or stopped?
- Was asthma previously diagnosed?
- Diagnosed how long ago?
- Seen by a specialist?
- Had lung function tests done, how long ago was last one?
- A typical symptomatic event would include shortness of breath, wheezing and difficulty in breathing. How many such events would occur on average?
- If these symptomatic events occur at night, waking up the patient with the symptoms described, how often do they occur?
- On average, does the asthma as condition regularly limits normal daily activity such as walking, climbing stairs etc? How often does this happen?
- The puffer treatments used are:
- (if none leave open)
- Describe puffer use.
- (Judge on: Shake, exhale, tilt head back, seal lips around inhaler, puff or inhale deeply, keep 10 counts before exhaling).
- What lifestyle changes has patient implemented since being diagnosed?
- Has patient used oral cortisone for asthma in the last year? If so how many times was this necessary?
- Was patient admitted to hospital for asthma in the last year?
- Was it ever necessary to treat on a ventilator, in ICU or High Care for your asthma (in last 3 years)?
- Do you feel controlled on your current medication?
- Do you use your medication daily as prescribed?
- PEF or VEF1 measurement values:
- On auscultation are wheezes audible?
- Any sign of chronic airways disease?
- In terms of medication use would you describe the patient as:
- In terms of lifestyle adaptation would you describe the patient as:
- How would you assess the severity of the condition?
For Office use
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