Amount received / £8,000 and £5 per pupil. / £9708.00Breakdown of how it is spent /
- ASP package with Islington
- Sport coaches x 5 afternoons
- Islington football league
- Football kits
- Sports equipment
- Sports day provisions
- Afterschool sport clubs
Impact on pupil’s PE and sport participation /
- ASP package with Islington: free entry to competitions.
Football for year 5 and 6
Athletics for year 5 and 6
Tennis for year 3 and 4
Gymnastics for year 3,4,5 and 6
Olympics for Year 2
Inclusion competition Y2 to 6
- Sports Clubs-
Martial Arts
- Sports Coaches
Developing a competitive instinct and motivation to do well to be chosen for the team.
Working as part of a team and a sense of belonging within a school community.
Clearer talent pathways.
Increased physical activity after school hours, contributing to a healthier active lifestyle.
Developing key skills within each sport.
Specialist teaching for ALL year groups and ALL classes once a week alongside teachers.
Lunch time sport clubs and afterschool sport clubs
Teachers improve their own PE subject knowledge and pick up key strategies for each sport- CPD
Developing and fostering a better attitude to sport and interest in afterschool clubs and competitions are high.
Children receive opportunities for free football sessions at Arsenal Hub and cricket sessions as the sport coaches take them there.
Planned Inter school competitions such as Dodgeball and the upcoming Euro 2016 competition tournaments.
Provide training for the school’s football teams and participate in the Islington football league after school.
How improvement will be sustainable in the future. / Offer CPD staff meetings through sports coaches.
Profile of PE and sport across the curriculum- link to PHSE and Science and Geography (Olympics/Euros/Rugby)
Broader experience of a variety of sports. Apply for Sainsbury’s school games Mark. / Staff to take on a more increasing role in PE after CPD. Increased confidence, knowledge and skills of staff.
All pupils engaged in regular physical activity kick starting healthier lifestyles and self esteem.
Increased participation of competitive sports and opportunities to develop sport as a career.
Enter Sainsbury’s school games and Islington intra school competitions.
School is recognised for efforts in PE.