Hastings & Rother Adult Learning and Skills Strategy 2013/14 actions
- Ensure that the local learning and skills offer meets the current and future skills needs of local employers.
2013/14 actions / RAG / Comments
a)Secure 1066 commitments from local employers via the Own Grown campaign to support young people aged 14-24 with opportunities to develop a greater understanding of the local labour market / Green / Over 1200 commitments to date with campaign completed in Feb 14. Further campaign for 2015 pledges started in June.
b)Produce and publish 5 Local Labour Market resources that enable local residents to discover more about the key employment sectors in Hastings and Rother / Red / A number of LMI resources were planned but not finalised. ESCC bought Labour Market Insight to provide real time LMI.
c)Run a minimum of 3 x termly sector specific provider/employer events focused upon improving the curriculum offer within Construction, Engineering and Financial Services / Green / Monthly Building Links events focused upon construction, 1 x Engineering and 1 x Financial Services sessions held
d)Jointly deliver an area wide Careers and Jobsfairs drawing together employers who are recruiting alongside providers who can support residents skills or career enhancement. / Amber / Amber Rudd held Jobs Fair in April 14
- Ensure that community based and non-accredited learning is improved and enhanced, recognising its importance to social and economic inclusion across the Hastings and Rother area.
2013/14 actions / RAG / Comments
a)Sussex Coast College Hastings and Adult & Community Learning Forum to host an area wide Community Learning curriculum planning event to influence the 2014/15 curriculum offer. / Green / Discussed at last two Community Forums and event happened end Feb/beginning March
b)Develop and deliver a coordinated Adult Learning Festival across the area in May 2014 that celebrates non-accredited learning and adult education. / Green / Festival will occur May – June 14 (linked to Adult Learners Week)
c)Partners work together to develop additional, coordinated provision for residents of Sidely and North East Hastings, linking with the Big Local initiative. / Amber / Big Local Areas are developing their plans but there has been little involvement from this group.
- Build relevant, clear and effective local pathways from non-accredited learning through and to higher education and/or employment.
2013/14 actions / RAG / Comments
a)Develop a skills improvement plan in partnership with Sea Change Sussex that focuses upon the construction and legacy employment opportunities at North East Bexhill, Rye Harbour, Priory Quarter and the Queensway / Red / Discussions have yet to occurred but will be taken forward in 2015
b)Sussex Coast College Hastings and Adult & Community Learning Forum to host an area wide Community Learning curriculum planning event to influence the 2014/15 curriculum offer. / Green / Discussed at last two Community Forums and event will happen end Feb/beginning March
- Maximise the funding which flows into the area to support local education, skills and employment priorities and actions within this strategy.
2013/14 actions / RAG / Comments
a)Develop and submit a range of projects to the SELEP EU Investment Strategy that address issues within this strategy / Green / 3 overarching proposals were submitted to SELEP in Jan 14
b)Establish a working group to identify match funding and European Union (EU) partners in preparation for the 2014-20 European Funding round / Red / Not formally held due to time constraints