HQ 952008

December 29, 1992

CLA:-2 CO:R:C:F 952008 LPF

CATEGORY: Classification

TARIFF NO.: 3926.40.00

Mr. Joel Simon

Serko and Simon

One World Trade Center - Suite 3371

New York, NY 10048

RE: Glass globe with plastic rabbit and basket; Heading 3926,

HTSUSA; Article of plastic; Not 7013, glassware of a kind

used for indoor decoration or similar purposes; HRL 089372,

087878, 088290 and 088067.

Dear Mr. Simon:

This is in response to your letter of June 8, 1992 on behalf

of Russ Berrie and Company, Inc. Your inquiry requests the

proper classification, under the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of

the United States Annotated (HTSUSA), of a glass globe containing

a plastic rabbit set on a plastic basket, item # 13049. You

submitted a sample with your request for a binding ruling.


The article at issue, imported from China, consists of a

glass globe, or dome, containing the figure of a plastic rabbit

which rests on a base in the form of a plastic basket with

artificial grass. A cap in the form of a plastic ribbon rests on

top of the dome. Thus, the globe portion of the product (the

central portion) is framed by a base (plastic basket) and cap

(plastic ribbon).

The article measures approximately 3-1/2 inches in height

and has a circumference of approximately 1-1/2 inches. The

basket and plastic rabbit figure are valued at $9.50 per dozen.

The water globe and artificial grass are valued at $4.10 and $.60

per dozen, respectively.


Whether the glass globe with plastic rabbit and basket is

classifiable in 7013 as glassware for indoor decoration or

similar purposes or in 3926 as an other article of plastic.



The General Rules of Interpretation (GRI's) taken in their

appropriate order provide a framework for classification of

merchandise under the HTSUSA. Most imported goods are classified

by application of GRI 1, that is, according to the terms of the

headings of the tariff schedule and any relative section or

chapter notes. In the event that the good cannot be classified

solely on the basis of GRI 1, and if the headings and legal notes

do not otherwise require, the remaining GRI's may then be

applied. The Explanatory Notes (EN's) to the Harmonized

Commodity Description and Coding System, which represent the

official interpretation of the tariff at the international level,

facilitate classification under the HTSUSA by offering guidance

in understanding the scope of the headings and GRI's.

Since no HTSUSA heading provides for the article, as a

whole, it is not classifiable at the GRI 1 level. Thus, we turn

to GRI 3(a) to classify the article in the HTSUSA heading

providing for one of its components: either the glass globe in

heading 7013, or the plastic basket and rabbit in heading 3926.

GRI 3(a) explains, in pertinent part, that goods which are

classifiable under two or more headings are classified under the

heading which provides the most specific description of the good.

However, all such headings are regarded as equally specific when

each refers to only part of the goods.

Each of the possible headings, in this case, refers to only

part of the good. Since the headings are, thus, regarded as

equally specific, we do not classify the article by GRI 3(a) but

rather by GRI 3(b).

GRI 3(b) provides that articles made up of different

components, that is, composite goods, shall be classified as if

they consisted of the component which gives them their essential

character. "Essential character" is the attribute which strongly

marks or serves to distinguish what an article is. EN VIII to

GRI 3(b) explains that bulk, quantity, weight, value or the role

of a constituent material in relation to the use of the article

are indicia of essential character.

You submit that the plastic basket and rabbit imparts the

essential character to this article. In this regard, you cite

Headquarters' Ruling Letter (HRL) 089372, issued January 29,

1992, where a glass globe on a swan was classified in heading

6810, the provision for the cement swan, which provided the

article's essential character. Other cases which present the

same issue are HRL's 087878, issued May 20, 1991; 088290, issued

March 6, 1991; and 088067, issued February 11, 1991, where the

essential character of these articles was imparted by the glass



We note that the combined value of the plastic basket and

rabbit figure is greater than the value of the glass globe.

Although the bulk and weight of the two components appear about

equal, the plastic basket and rabbit component distinguishes the

article, especially in light of the fact that the plastic

component is found both outside and within the globe. In

contrast to some prior rulings, the subject glass globe is not

substantial, as would be the case with glass globe collectable

articles. Rather, the glass globe merely enhances the appearance

of the plastic bunny and basket component. The article is

classifiable in heading 3926.


The glass globe with plastic bunny and basket is

classifiable in subheading 3926.40.00, HTSUSA, as "Other articles

of plastics and articles of other materials of headings 3901 to

3914: Statuettes and other ornamental articles." The general

column one rate of duty is 5.3 percent ad valorem.


John Durant, Director

Commercial Rulings Division