Round Rock Sertoma Serteen Scholarship Application
Deadline: March 1 Academic Year
· Must be entering college on a full time basis (this summer or coming fall).
· Must submit application and all required materials by March 1 to dkthomas@wsgr
Student Information:
Student’s Name _____________________________________________________________________
Address ____________________________________________________________________________
City __________________________________________ State _______ Zip ____________________
Phone _______________________________ E-mail _______________________________________
High School Attend_________________________________________________
Community Volunteer Activities:
Serteen and Sertoma Activities:
Sponsor/ Advisor will provide total hours or events of participation in Serteens for all of the years participated in: ________________
Extracurricular Activities (include jobs held):
Please write a paragraph explaining why being a member of Serteens was important to you.
Please describe your plans for future nonprofit participation (such as Sertoma).
How many years have you been a Serteen? _______________________
There will be one scholarship that will be renewable annually for a total of four years and the following requirements must be met for renewal.
· Must maintain a GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale.
· Must attend one Round Rock Sertoma meeting and update us on your progress.
· In addition, attend one Round Rock Sertoma meeting or function this could include your Serteen Club meeting.
· Must submit a letter requesting the renewal each year by June 1st. Please have a transcript in the same envelope and send to:
Round Rock Sertoma, PO Box 412, Round Rock, TX 78680
There will be two other one time scholarships offered for two other Serteens.
By submitting this application I have provided Round Rock Sertoma with accurate information and I agree to the terms stated above for the scholarships available.
Electronic Signature ___________________________________________ Date ___________________