Which of the following is the leading cause of death in the United States of America?

Myocardial Infarction

Which of the following is characterized by incomplete expansion of the lungs or collapse of previously inflated lungs?


Which of the following involves separation of the diaphragmatic crura & widening of the space between the muscular crura & the esophageal wall?

Hiatal Hernia

Which of the following is an autosomal recessive disorder marked by accumulation of toxic levels of copper in many tissue & organs, mostly in the liver, brain, & the eye?

Wilson’s Disease

Which of the following is a cancer of the connective tissue that usually spreads via the blood stream?


Which of the following is a cancer of the epithelial tissue that usually spreads via the lymphatic system?


Which of the following cells is produced predominately by an inflammatory response to Salmonella?


What organism is the most common opportunist to infect AIDS patients?

Pneumocystis carni

Which of the following presents with a positive HLA-B-27 & increased risk of deformity?

Ankylosing Spondylitis

Toxic Megacolon is a complication of which of the following?

Ulcerative Colitis

Skip lesions are a characteristic of which of the following?

Krohn’s Disease

Aschoff bodies are characteristic of which of the following?

Rheumatic Fever

Pseudohypertrophy is most common in which of the following muscle disorders?

Duchanne’s Dystrophy

The most threatening effect of Guillian Barre is on which of the following muscles?


Dry eyes & mouth are symptoms of which of the following autoimmune diseases?

Sjogen’s Syndrome

Vascular tumors originate in which cell type?


Sequestra frequently accompany which of the following?

Pyogenic Osteomyelitis

What is the primary mechanism of inflammatory edema?

Increased Permeability of the Capillary Wall

The most common sites for cardiac valvular vegetations are which of the following valves?

Aortic & Mitral Valves

Coccidiomycosis most commonly affects which organ?


Who is considered the father of pathology?


What characteristic is least suggestive of malignancy in a growing tumor?

Fibrous Capsule (usually benign)

Which of the following secrete both heparin & histamine?

Mast Cells

Carcinoma is least likely to metastasize where?

Skeletal Muscle

Which of the following affects both salivary & lacrimal ducts?


Which of the following is a common site for cardiac valvular vegetations?

Aortic Valve

Which leukemia has the Philadelphia Chromosome?

Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia

Which of the following leads to decreased bone density?


A female with gonorrhea may pass it via delivery by which of the following?

Opthalmia Neonatorum

Which of the following has the best prognosis?


Which of the following is the most common malignant tumor of the intestines?


Which of the following is a common site for cardiac valvular vegetations?

Mitral Valve

Which of the following is characteristic of a neoplasm?

It Cannot Return To Normal

Where are neoplasms most commonly formed?


Multiple myofibromas & café au-lait spots are associated with which of the following?

Von Recklinghausen’s

Which part of the spinal cord is most affected by myotrophic lateral sclerosis?

Anterior Horn

Which of the following are findings in a patient with tetralogy of fallot?

Pulmonary Stenosis & Right Ventricular Hypertrophy

What describes thrombophlebitis?

Venous Inflammation & Thrombus

What describes right side heart failure?

Distention of Neck Veins, Dependant Edema, Liver Enlargement

Systemic fibrosis is seen in which of the following?


What organism is most responsible for pneumonia in AIDS patients?

Pneumocystic Carni

Which of the following immunoglobulins are associated with a Type II response?

IgG & IgM

Which of the following is a common cause of right side heart failure?

Left Side Heart Failure

Pernicious anemia is due to a lack of which of the following?

Intrinsic Factor

Which of the following disorders affects myoneural junction?

Myasthenia Gravis

Which arteries are involved in giant cell arteritis?


T-helper cells are seen in which types of immunity?

Type IV

Presenile dementia is seen in which of the following?

Alzheimer’s Disease

A female with gonorrhea may pass it to the child when?

During Delivery

Which Leukemia is involved with the Philadelphia Chromosome?


A person with Galactosemia should avoid which of the following?

Lactose (milk)

Pernicious anemia & lack of Vitamin B12 results in ______.

Spinal Cord Degeneration

Which of the following causes pitting edema?

Congestive Heart Failure

What causes edema of flanks & fatty changes in the liver?


Which of the following cause a cyanotic condition?

Dextroposition of the Aorta

The Philadelphia Chromosome is a risk factor for which Leukemia?

Chronic Myelocytic Leukemia

Which of the following is a periosteal encasement of necrotic tissue?


What are patients with asbestosis predisposed to?


A periosteal reaction described radiologically as a sunburst reaction is most common in which of the following?


Which of the following is a degenerative disease that affects the cranial nerve nuclei?

Progressive Bulbar Palsy

Circulatory levels of which of the following increase during an acute inflammatory response?


Which disease presents with chronic rheumatoid arthritis & splenomegally?

Felty’s Syndrome

What is an a.k.a. for Marie Strumpell’s Disease?

Ankylosing Spondylitis

Which of the following affects the substantia nigra of the basal ganglia & results in resting tremors?

Parkinson’s Disease

Megaloblastic anemia is caused by which vitamin deficiency?

Vitamin B12

Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis for an infant who develops projectile vomiting in the 1st 3 weeks of life?

Pyloric Stenosis

What is the most common benign tumor of the spine?


What causes hoarseness associated with a carcinoma in the apex of the lung?

Laryngeal Nerve Damage

Which of the following substances is produced in the cells & increases inflammation due to tissue injury?


What happens to a cell as a result of thyroid goiter?


Which of the following types of thyrotoxicosis is the most common in patients under 40?

Graves Disease

What are the 4 steps associated with thrombus?

1.  Dissolving

2.  Recanalization

3.  Obstruction

4.  Embolism

Which of the following does a lesion that has casious necrosis in the center surrounded by endothelial macrophages characterize?


The release of histamine into the skin following cutaneous trauma causes which of the following?

Vasodialation of Arterioles (redness)

Which of the following occurs in a Keloid?

Hypertrophic Enlargement of Scar Tissue

Which of the following is classified as a benign neoplasm?


Which of the following is a systemic immune complex reaction?

Rheumatoid Arthritis

What would a deficiency of Vitamin C most often affect?

Connective Tissue

Chronic alcoholism, which leads to Wernecke-Korsakoff Syndrome, causes what type of vitamin deficiency?


Which of the following is a characteristic of Lyme’s Disease?

Bulls Eye Rash

Which of the following is associated with Kleinfelter’s Syndrome?

XXY Chromosome Abnormality

Which of the following is the most common degenerative disease of the joints?

Osteoarthritis (a.k.a. DJD)

Which of the following is associated with Rheumatoid Arthritis?

Pannus Formation

Which of the following is responsible for post-infectious glomulonephritis?

Beta-Hemolytic Strep

Who is most likely to have entrapment neuropathy of the median nerve?

Pregnant Females

What is the definition of cardiac temponade?

Fluid in the Pericardial Space

Which of the following is a primary immunodeficiency disease?


Which of the following results from hyperparthyroidism?


What type of collagen can be found @ the end of wound healing?

Type I

What type of collagen is found 1st (earliest) in a wound?

Type III

What type of collagen is located in the basement membrane?

Type IV

A deficiency, in which of the following trace elements results in tetani similar to that, which accompanies hypocalcemia?


A patient with a yolk cell tumor of the testes likely has an elevation in which of the following blood serum levels?


Tensile strength is the proteinaceous deposition of ______in a healing wound.


A cancer that has not invaded the basement membrane or the tissue of origin is called ______.

Carcinoma In Situ

Thrombosis & embolism of which of the following vessels can cause a transmural infarction of the small intestine?

Superior Mesenteric Artery

Which of the following diseases produces symptoms due primarily to demyelinization of peripheral motor nerve axons?

Post-Infectious Polyradiculitis

Generalized muscle weakness, poor intestinal tone & resultant bloating, heart abnormalities, weakening of respiratory muscles are characteristic of which of the following deficiencies?


Coccidiomycosis most commonly affects which of the following organs?


Epidural hemorrhage most likely results from laceration to which of the following arteries?

Middle Meningeal

Synovial thickening & secondary inflammation with edema but no pannus formation is seen in which of the following conditions?

Gouty Arthritis

Ischemic necrosis as a consequence of cardiac muscle damage is which type of necrosis?


Which of the following causes localized edema, which accompanies filariasis?

Lymphatic Obstruction

Which joints do Heberden’s Nodes affect?

Distal Interphalangeal

What is the most common cause of Cirrhosis of the Liver?

Chronic Alcoholism

What is the most common cause of abdominal aortic aneurisms in the elderly?


What is the 1st sign of artherosclerosis?

Fatty Streaks

Which of the following causes lobar pneumonia?


What is the mechanism that allows the Herpes Virus to stay in the body after the original infection?

Sequestering of the Virus Genome in the Sensory Neuron

Where does a pulmonary embolus most commonly originate?

The Lower Extremities

Where can the initial symptoms of Myasthenia Gravis be observed?

Ocular Muscles

Pitting edema is typically cause by what?

Congestive Heart Failure

What condition is probably present when the median groove of the prostate cannot be palpated?

Prostatic Carcinoma

Which of the following would cause the prostate to feel boggy upon palpation?


What exudative lesion is caused by mycobacterial tuberculosis & contains casious necrosis?

Ghon Lesions

Which disease is Brodie’s Abscess associated with?


Which disease is associated with TB of the spine?

Pott’s Disease

What is another name for Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis?

Still’s Disease

Pyknosis is characterized by nuclear ______.


Which of the following is a vasospastic disorder, which affects small arteries & arterioles of the extremities?

Raynaud’s Disease

Which of the following is not a characteristic of Horner’s Syndrome?


What would a hemorrhage in the reticular formation of the brain likely result in?


What is a localized area of tissue necrosis resulting from immunologically induced necrotizing vasculitus?

Arthus Phenomenon

Which of the following is associated with subluxation of the lens, laxity of ligaments & cystic medial necrosis of the aorta?

Marfan’s Syndrome

In most types of allergic reactions which of the following mediates the immediate transient phase of vascular permeability?


Ischemic necrosis as a consequence of cardiac muscle damage is which type of necrosis?


What causes localized edema, which accompanies filariasis?

Lymphatic Obstruction

Which joints do Heberden’s Nodes affect?

Interphalangeal Joints

Which of the following may lead to Megaloblastic Anemia?

Atrophic Gastric Mucosa

Antibodies against double stranded DNA are most characteristic of which of the following?

Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE)

Which of the following classes of immunoglobulins most commonly cause autoimmune disease?

IgG & IgM

What will a protein deficient diet produce?


Dermatitis, dementia & diarrhea are characteristic of which of the following?

Niacin (B3) Deficiency

Which of the following causes beri beri?

Thiamine (B1) Deficiency

Delayed healing of wounds & rapid mobilization of Vitamin A in the liver may be due to what type of deficiency?


Avascular necrosis of the capital femoral epiphysis is called ______.

Legg Calve Perthe's

Which of the following is most likely to accompany Otto’s Pelvis?


Which of the following symptoms is characteristic of Osteoid Osteoma?

Pain that is most severe at night & is relieved by aspirin

What are bone spurs & lipping of vertebral bodies characteristic of?


What is the most common fracture of the wrist?

Collie’s Fracture

A common source of lytic metastasis to bone in females is the ______.

Lungs (lungs are always lytic)

Which of the following is most likely to develop into ankylosis?

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Which of the following is the primary site of pathology in Osteoarthritis?

Articular Cartilage

Which of the following causes excessive release of Ach?


Which of the following is the most common benign tumor in the adult?


Subacute combined degeneration of the spinal cord is due to which of the following?

B12 Deficiency

Which of the following syndromes is a form of polyposis characterized by polyps in the entire gastrointestinal tract?

Peutz Jegher’s Disease

Kaposi’s sarcoma occurs in approximately 1/3 of the patients with which of the following conditions?


Which of the following represents Type II hypersensitivity?


Good Pasture Syndrome

X linked gammaglobulinemia of Bruton is characterized by which of the following?

B-cell deficiency

Which of the following develops from an IgE mediated immune reaction?

Panacinar Emphysema

Neonatal hyaline membrane disease is due to which of the following?

Absence of Surfactant

Which of the following is a genetic defect that causes multiple neuromas?

Von Recklinhausen’s Disease

The primary biochemical requirement for the diagnosis of Gout is which of the following?

Uric Acid Levels In The Blood

What is Podagra?

Gout of the big toe

A fine lateral webbing of the neck would indicate which of the following?

Turner’s Syndrome

Which of the following reactions is an example of Type III hypersensitivity?


Episodes of temporary blindness & weakness of the dorsiflexors is a characteristic of which of the following?

Multiple Sclerosis

Which of the following has the greatest potential of degenerating the dorsal columns of the spinal cord?

Tertiary Syphilis

Which is a poly neuropathy that follows a viral infection?

Giullian Barre

Coagulation necrosis results from which of the following?


Which of the following characterizes Amylordosis?

Interstitial Glycogen Deposits

Which of the following is a reversible cell change?