Confidence, Resilience, Empathy, Aspiration, Enquiry

Resources Sub Committee Meeting
Minutes / 28th April 2016 / 4.30pm / Tidcombe Primary School
Meeting called by / Governing Board of Tidcombe Primary School
Type of meeting / Resources Sub Committee
clerk / Yvonne Land
present / Cliff Bailey – Resources Lead and Foundation Governor, Simon Green - Headteacher, Hannah Clarke – Staff Rep and Ruth Roberts – Parent Governor and Safeguarding
appologies received and approved / None
declaration of interests / None declared
Item 4: Terms of Reference – CB questioned a few of the items and after a brief discussion, the terms of reference were agreed with some small amendments.
Action: Recommend Terms of Reference to be adoped by FGB
Item 5: Finance Policy – SG suggested £7,500 for spending limit and £5,000 for virements. CB felt these were too high. SG explained why he went for these figures and all were in agreement to accept these and to recommend the finance policy to be adopted.
Action – Recommend Finance policy be adopted.
Item 6: Budget Monitor – The budget monitor showed a carry forward of £47,775 from 2015/16. Some of this will be spent on planned building works and the rest will help to balance the budget for this year and the following year. The Capital balance was £11,982 and this will be spent on the planned building works. The monitor for 16/17 shows a forecast year end position of £22,287 and it assumed all budget lines will be spent. The capital balance is £18,183. CB is to come in to see YL for greater clarity on the budget monitor.
Item 7 : Finance Audit – All agreed with the responsesSG & YL put together. YL to return responses to the Audit Team.
Action – YL to return responses to the Audit Team
Item 8: REFIT – SG explained that this is still ongoing and that the school has recently had an in depth survey for the next stage. We are awaiting the results from this.
Item 9: Building Works–SG reported that this project has been discussed by governors over the last few months as we need to increase the size of the current Year 5 classroom, build storage as we are losing the stock cupboard and create a couple of areas for small group work. Essentially there will be no loss of any space as the children now use laptops instead of the computer area. The committee looked at the plans and SG explained in detail what was involved. HC asked if the storage area was wide enough to hold the rolls of paper, if the walkway was wide enough and where would the guided reading books be stored that are used on a daily basis. After a lengthy discussion it was agreed to go ahead with the plans and that the work should take place during the summer holidays ready for September but the surveyor meets with the SLT before work begins re storage and walkways.
Action: SG to contact NPS to ask for building works to go ahead during the Summer holidays and for Alison Coffey to arrange to meet with the SLT
Item 10: Governor Training – The clerk has emailed governors the training programme from Babcock and has asked governors to book any relevant training.
Action: Governors to book relevant training.
Item 11: Review of Governance – CB, BG and HC met to put together an action plan. CB has now drafted a preamble to this but as it has not yet been circulated to governors, he will send it to the clerk to distribute and be discussed by the FGB in May. Clerk to add this item to the agenda.
Action: Clerk to add Review of Governance to FGB agenda in May
Item 12: Safer Working Practice – SG made governors aware that several staff work alone but actually, as we are the employer, we have to ensure we have undertaken due diligence and duty of care for the employees. If someone is working late and is tired and stressed then accidents are more likely to happen. HC explained that there is no way teachers can do their jobs to a high standard within the hours given and staff are sensible enough not to go up a ladder if they are working alone. SG advised that the staff handbook does mention this. SG asked that balance of risks, duty of care and diligence to teaching should be considered and discussed at the next meeting. RR added that Health and Safety is often common sense but it wouldn’t hurt to reinforce this.
Action: Governors to consider balance of risks, duty of care and diligence to teaching and discuss at the next meeting
Item 13: Date of next meeting – this has been arranged for Thursday 23rd June at 4.30 – 5.30pm.
Meeting finished at 5.50pm
Action items / Person responsible / Deadline
Action: Amend Terms of Reference and recommend to be adoped by FGB / YL / 12/05/16
Action – Recommend Finance policy be adopted. / YL / 12/05/16
Action – YL to return responses to the Audit Team / YL / 12/05/16
Action: SG to contact NPS to ask for building works to go ahead during the Summer holidays and for Alison Coffey to arrange to meet with the SLT / SG / asap
Action: Governors to book relevant training / SG, HC, RR & CB / asap
Action: Clerk to add Review of Governance to FGB agenda in May / YL / 12/05/16
Action: Governors to consider balance of risks, duty of care and diligence to teaching and discuss at the next meeting / SG, HC, RR & CB / BY