SOBERANO, INCPHONE: (256) 882-5451
2510 AUTUMN RIDGE DR FAX:(256) 882-5453
COPYRIGHT @ 2009 Soberano, Inc.
A. BATTERY AND BATTERY DOOR – The Battery Door is at the rear of the unit and is accessed by pressing catch upward. The “+” and the “-“ signs on the door indicate how to insert the two AA batteries.
B. POWER ON/OFF – To turn the unit on push and hold the Button until you see lights, then release. The first lights you see indicate the percent life left in the battery. For instance, the illustration on the right indicates the battery has 30% life remaining. After about three seconds, the lights will do a “Cat Walk” to indicate the unit is ready for scanning. When in the Scanning Mode, the right most light will blink every two seconds. To turn the unit off, push and hold until you see the Cat Walk then release.
C. SCANNING – To scan, hold the unit horizontal and scan side-to-side like you would with a paintbrush. Scan a wide arc at a steady rate. Do not point or stop and go. The unit must be continuously scanned. The ten-light Display will light up when you scan across a significant heat source.
Scanning Speedis important. It’s like running your hand across a burning candle. If you go to slow, you burn your hand. If you go to fast, you feel no heat at all. It should take about three seconds to scan an arc of 140o over and back. A Steady Scan is important. A stop-and-go scan may produce false Hits.
D. WHAT IS A “HIT”? - A “Hit” is when the lights light up. This occurs when you scan across a heat source. The lights will turn on immediately when you scan into the source and then, over a period of about one second, turn off one-by-one from the right to the left.
E.TWO SENSING ELEMENTS AND THE FIELD OF VIEW - The GF-PRO-MTmhas a left and a right sensing element with a gap in between as illustrated in the diagram below. When the Light Display indicates a “Hit”, it means that the left and the right sides are suddenly seeing a different amount of heat and, the difference is changing. If the difference goes static and no more changes are occurring, the lights go off (I.E. You cannot point and hold). Note: After a Hit, if you then point the unit at that heat source and hold, the lights will not light up again. The GF-PRO-MTM must be scanned for it to show heat sources.
F. EFFECTIVE RANGE – Range is a function of a number of factors including: Clarity of line of sight, ambient air temperature, humidity, wind, and scanning speed. Falling snow and rain can block some of the infrared radiation emitted from a source from reaching the unit. This reduces the range of the unit. Since there are a huge number of possible conditions in which the GF-PRO-MTM could be used, its range in all conditions and environments is not known. Maximum range is obtained in conditions that include a clear and open line of sight to the source, a source whose temperature emitted is several degrees different from that in the surrounding area, low humidity and no wind. In 65o F weather, low humidity and a 5-10 mile per hour wind, normal ranges on deer are as follows:
600-700 yards in open range
300-350 yards under tall, mature trees with a light to moderate under growth
30-50 yards through thick growth such as thick evergreens and cut over fields, and corn
Please note that, if the temperature is very cold, the range on a human will drop to around 100 yards because of the heavy clothes, gloves, and face masks being worn.
G. HIDDEN SOURCES AND DELAYED RECOVERIES – The GF-PRO-MTM will find hidden heat sources. A clear and open line of sight is not needed. It will find dove, quail, rabbits and pheasants. It is common for a mortally wounded animal, like a deer, to get into a well concealed hiding place to die. GFI has numerous testimonials of deer and bear recoveries that were made 12-24 hours after the animal was killed.
H.WHAT IS GAIN AND SQUELCH – Gain is similar to the volume control on a car radio. The higher the number the stronger the incoming signals are perceived and output. Squelch is similar to a squelch on a two-way radio. The incoming signal must exceed the squelch setting in order for that signal to be processed by the unit.
I.HOW TO CHANGE GAIN & SQUELCH – To change the Gain or Squelch, “double click” the Button (I.E. Press and release two times quickly). The five left-hand lights will then show the current Gain. The illustration below on the left shows a current Gain of two. The Gain options are 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. Single Click until the desired Gain is shown and then, Double Click. The last Gain showing will be saved and the Current Squelch will be shown with the five right-hand lights. The illustration below on the right shows a current Squelch of three. The Squelch options are 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. Single Click until the desired Squelch is shown and then Double Click. The last Squelch shown will be saved and the unit will return to the operate mode ready to be scanned to search for heat sources.
J.WHEN TO CHANGE GAIN OR SQUELCH – When searching for large heat sources that may be up close, such as in a dark room looking for a dog or cat, a Gain = 1 and Squelch = 5 would be a good combination. When searching for sources that are at long distances of several hundred yards, such as a hillside 500 yards away, a Gain = 4 and Squelch = 1 would be a good combination. When getting to many trash hits from things such as hot rocks just after sunset or trees warmed above the surrounding area by direct sunlight, the first option is to speed up the scan rate. If that does not work increase the Squelch. If that does not work, lower the Gain. Remember, lowering the Gain and increasing the Squelch both reduce the brush penetration and the overall range.
The Gain and Squelch last used when the unit is powered down will be retained and used for the next power up.
A Gain = 2 and a Squelch = 3 is a good combination for the vast majority of outdoor cases for the recovery of both small (Yes you can find quail, dove, and rabbits) and large game.
If no changing data is sensed for ten minutes (I.E. The unit is not moving and it detects no heat sources moving), the Ten Minute Timer will power the unit off to save battery. A Gain = 5 with the Squelch = 1 prevents the Ten Minute Timer from turning the unit off. This combination is the best for Motion Detection. To detect motion, the unit must be held very steady with no movement for about two seconds to allow the software inside it to begin detecting motion.
Operational Range:Below 0oto above 212oF.
Power:Two AA Batteries.
Current Draw:8 milliamp.
Size:Diameter 1.5 inches (Approximately) Length 6 inches.
Weight:6.1 ounces.
Display:Ten segment red LED Bar Graph Display.
Enclosure:Injection molded ABS Thermoplastic.
Detector:Lithium tantalum duel element pyro-electric sensor.
- Hold the unit parallel to the ground and scan from side-to-side through an arc of 90 –180 degrees.
- Always scan in a manner where the unit points to the area being searched.
- Scan in a manner like the pendulum on a clock, never stopping or changing pace.
- Any “Hits” shown will be a significant heat source that should be checked.
- If that “Hit” is what you seek, you are done. If not, move on and continue searching.
N. SAFETY - Never shoot at the source of heat without determining what you are shooting at and what is beyond
The GF-PRO-MTMwill not tell you what kind of heat source you are detecting. IT COULD BE ANOTHER PERSON! This unit is not a substitute for good, safe hunting procedure.
Always remember --- Safety is First.
- When trying to find a downed animal, like as a deer, use all your normal tracking techniques such as: Watch the animal closely when it is shot and immediately afterward; Stay on the blood trail if possible; Mark the track and the last blood; Etc. While doing this, continue to scan the area in front of you and to each side of you. Go check your Hits but, always come back to the blood trail to continue. With this technique, you will be searching a range of 50-300 yards to each side based upon the terrain and density of foliage.
- If there is no blood trail, plan and execute a grid search of the entire area. For instance your grid search could be as follows: If there is a creek in the area, stay 100 yards from the creek while moving forward for 500 yards and continuously searching in front and to both sides. Now, move to 100 yards on the other side of the creek and move back 500 yards while searching. Now, move to 300 yards from the creek and search forward, Etc.
- To learn how to use the GF-PRO-MTM play Hide-&-Seek with another human.
- A 30” parachute cord is a good choice for a lanyard (Not included).
- Give the GF-PRO-MTMa 10-14 year old and watch them play Hide&-Seek. It will surprise you how quick children adapt and become experts with the unit. The main reason for this is adults have the “Point & Hold” and the “Stop and Go Scan” ingrained in them because this is how they have been trained to use guns and almost every other device they have owned.
DISCLAIMERS – Soberano, Inc. cannot and does not warrant the performance or result that may be obtained by using this product, either express or implied. The GF-PRO-MTMis not intended for law enforcement, security guard, or other similar types of applications.
COPYRIGHT – All rights to this publication are reserved to Soberano, Inc., 2510 Autumn Ridge Dr, Huntsville, Alabama 35803.