Becky Adkerson ~ Eighth Grade ~ English Language Arts ~ 2011-2012

Buchanan High School ~ Buchanan, Michigan

Teacher Introduction:

I attended Southwestern Michigan College, Lake Michigan College, Indiana University, and Andrews University. I have a BA in Education, majored in English, minored in history, and I am currently working on adding additional certification in social studies to my current teaching certificate.

My goal is to have an organized and structured classroom where every student can learn to the best of their ability.


The following syllabus is based on the Common Core National Standards found in the Michigan Curriculum Framework which was distributed by the Michigan Department of Education, Office of School Improvement.

Assignments, assessments and/or projects will be assigned for all given areas.


The novel selections may vary from year to year. Listed below are several possible selections that may be used in the classroom to meet the guidelines set forth by the Michigan Department of Education.


Johnny Tremain written by Esther Forbes, historical fiction

The Outsiders written by S.E. Hinton, realistic fiction

Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry written by Mildred Taylor, realistic fiction

Informational Text:

Information Text may include, but will not be limited to, the following:

Comparative essay

Newspaper writing

Technical writing

Persuasive writing

Research paper

*Narrative writing will also be included


Narrative Piece: Students will write cohesive, narrative pieces that include appropriate conventions to the genre and employ literary and plot devices.

Historical Expository Piece: Students will write a historical expository piece that includes appropriate organization, illustrations, marginal notes, and/or annotations.

Research Paper: Students will formulate research questions that demonstrate critical evaluation of multiple resources and perspectives and argument/counterarguments that culminate in a presented, final project.

Spelling: Students will use correct spelling conventions in the context of their own writing. Students may participate in weekly spelling exercises.


Speech: Students will plan and deliver a speech that incorporates precise, interesting, vivid language in the active voice, is organized logically to convey the message, includes persuasive non-verbal techniques, and makes use of rhetorical strategies to support the purpose of the presentation and to positively impact the intended audience.

Daily Oral Language: Students will participate in Daily Oral Language (DOL = grammar).

Listening & Viewing:

Students will listen to and view a variety of peer speeches and presentations to analyze for key factors, fact, opinion, bias, propaganda, argumentation, or support.


Students will earn a letter grade based on the total number of points earned in any given term. Quarterly exams will be given. These will count as 15% of the semester grades.

The grading scale is as follows:

100-97 A+ 96-94 A 93-90 A- 89-87 B+ 86-84 B 83-80 B-

79-77 C+ 76-74 C 73-70 C- 69-67 D+ 66-64 D 63-60 D-

59 and below F

High school freshman have the opportunity to take certain elective classes; however, these classes require my recommendation and permission. It is imperative that students maintain at least a C+ average to be considered for such classes.

Rules & Behavior:

ALL school rules are to be followed in my classroom each and every day. Nothing less will be accepted. Students who choose to break rules will be dealt with immediately with assigned detentions or given referrals.

Students and parents must remember that the students are here to learn and anything a student does to take away from the learning process will NOT be tolerated. This includes talking when they have not been called upon and/or having to be redirected to the task at hand. Although students or parents may think it is “no big deal” to talk out of turn or to be redirected, I simply cannot and will not accept this behavior.

In addition to the school rules, the following classroom rules apply:

·  All students will take full responsibility for their individual behavior

·  All students will demonstrate respect concerning people and property in a thoughtful, considerate manner through their speech and actions.

·  Students must be seated in their assigned seat when the bell rings or they will be considered tardy.

·  Students must have permission to get out of their seats.

·  Students will NOT talk when someone else is talking whether it is another student, counselor, teacher, speaker, or office personnel.

·  Students will not put their heads down. They are expected to be attentive at all times.

·  Computer and iPad use is limited to the assignment I have given. If a student chooses to use the computer and/or iPads for any other reason, their privileges will be revoked for a given amount of time.

·  Students will not write notes or draw during class.

·  Students will be expected to come to class prepared, work to the best of their ability and actively participate. This includes having paper in their binders and LOTS of sharpened pencils. I do NOT want my class interrupted to allow several students to go to the pencil sharpener. They must take care of this before the bell rings.

Please review the above syllabus with your child, detach, sign, and return to Mrs. Adkerson.


Student (Please Print)


Parent Signature