Catawba Indian Nation (CIN)
RFP Numbering: RFP-EDA-002
Project Name: CIN Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS)
CIN Economic Development Department
Dated: November 2, 2016
PROPOSALS DUE BY: November 17, 2016
TO: Jackie Canty, Economic Development Director
Catawba Indian Nation
996 Avenue of the Nations
Rock Hill, SC 29730
PHONE: (803)412-3525
The Catawba Indian Nation is seeking proposals from qualified professionals that are knowledgeable in research and development, planning and data analysis to create a Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) document in compliance with the requirements of the US Department of Commerce-Economic Development Administration (EDA) for , The Catawba Indian Nation of York County, South Carolina.
NOTE: The Catawba Indian Nation has been a part of York County’s CEDS document and was written in as an area. This will be the Tribes first CEDS document that concentrates specifically on the Catawba Nation.
The Catawba’s have many thriving programs provided for tribal members and the surrounding community. The administrative offices are located on the Reservation. This building houses the Executive Committee of the tribe as well as staff working in departments such as Accounting, Economic Development, Real Estate, Social Services, and Transportation. The administrative office has over 40 employees. The tribe also has a successful housing program, several child care facilities, a seniors program, computer lab, and transit services. There is a clinic on the reservation that is run through Indian Health Services. The tribe has helped support many tribal members in their pursuit of an education through the Scholarship and Job Placement & Training programs. The Catawba Cultural Center provides a link to the rich culture of the Nation.
Of the 566 federally recognized tribes in the United States, the Catawba Indian Nation is the only one located in the state of South Carolina. The modern day tribal lands are located in York County, South Carolina. There are currently over 3070 enrolled members of the Nation. The tribe has a long history and a rich culture that lives on today. It is expected that a CEDS will help the Catawba Nation to identify its strengths and weaknesses and will establish clear priorities for guiding the work of the Nation’s Tribal Officials, Enterprise Corporations, Non-Profits, Culture, and Tribal Organizations as the Tribe works to foster Economic Development on and off the Reservation. The Catawba Nation recognizes a CEDS as a plan and a process, and also expects that research and writing of this CEDS should be done with an eye towards implementation.
The CEDS effort must include, but is not limited to: coordination with the CIN Economic Development Director, Executive Committee, Corporate Nation Board, CEDS Committee, and the Tribal Community. This communication will help with gathering input, analyzing data and preparing a CEDS document that satisfies the requirements of the Economic Development Administration (EDA). Proposers are expected to be familiar with these requirements and develop the CEDS accordingly. This document must address the following list of critical components:
This section will include all current data relevant to the economic, demographic, geographic, workforce, transportation, and environmental metrics of the reservation. The profile section will also review and provide a clear analysis of the Tribes economic clusters paying close attention to the factors that support their success. Finally, the profile should include an in-depth analysis of the economic development problems and opportunities facing the Tribe. This analysis should include recommendations for addressing the problems and strategies for capitalizing on the opportunities. The profile must be situated in the context of the regional economy.
The sSecond section of the CEDS should document the Catawba Nation’s clearly defined vision and set goals and objectives for economic development. This section should document the process by which the vision, goals, and objectives have arisenbeen defined. This should involve meetings with Council members, Corporate Boards, Tribal Officials, and the CIN Economic Development Department. This process should gather a wide range of ideas regarding the future development of the Tribe. Along with overall visions, these ideas will be pared down to a set of cohesive, concrete steps to achieve our goals and address the tribe’s challenges and capitalize on its opportunities.
· A PLAN of ACTION: This component of the CEDS will be an action plan for achieving the Goals and Objectives. These strategies should consist of specific projects and programs that will be carried out by one or more Tribal Entities. The CEDS will identify the nature and intended goal of the project, an estimate cost of the project, a lead agency and potential partner to implement the project, a projected timeline, potential funding sources, the desired outcome of the effort and, where applicable, an estimate of number of jobs to be created or retained by the project. This section of the CEDS should also identify and prioritize critical capital development and infrastructure projects proposed by the Tribal Government.
· EVALUATION AND MEASUEMENTMEASUREMENT: The Final final section will evaluate the process of the administrating the CEDS, as well as distinguishing a performance measurement system to measure the strategy’s current and future success. This section will utilize a measurement system, based on outcome, output and efficiency measures, to maintain a high level of transparency and hold all parties accountable towards implementation. It is important that this document also allows the Tribe to benchmark itself among other Tribal Communities and The United South and Eastern Tribes (USET) according to specific outcomes identified.
A CEDS document that meets all requirements outlined in the EDA Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) Review and Assessment Checklist.
RFP Issue Date: November 2, 2016
Deadline for Proposals: November 17, 2016
Project to be completed by: February 28, 2017
PROPOSAL DUE DATE: Individuals/Firms that wish to be considered in the selection process must mail or deliver two (2) hard copies of each the proposal to Jackie Canty, CIN Economic Development Director at 996 Avenue of the Nations, Rock Hill, SC 29730, and in addition email proposals in a pdf format to . All submissions must be in by November 17, 2016
COVER PAGE: Proposals must be signed and include the individual/Firm firm name, address, telephone number, email, and name of the person authorized to submit the proposal, along with the person’s title. If the individual/Firm operate from more than one location, please specify the office to which this project will be assigned.
QUALIFICATIONS OF THE INDIVIDUAL/FIRM: All individuals/Firms firms must describe the qualifications possessed to preform services under this engagement. Include information about pertinent prior experience, specialized expertise, and resources that the Individualindividual/Firm firm can bring to this engagement. Proposers must demonstrate skill and expertise in the area of CEDS, particularly with economic development agencies and Tribal Nations.
PROPOSED FEES: Provide a detailed fee and compensation schedule.
REFERENCES: Provide names, addresses, telephone numbers and email addresses for a minimum of three client’s references.
CONFLICTS: Describe any existing or potential conflicts of interest that may arise from this engagement.
PRESENTATION: Proposers may be asked to present their proposal in person at a meeting with Tribal Council, The Corporate Board and Elected Tribal Officials.
· Proposals received after the designated time will not be considered in the selection process and will be retained unopened. The right is reserved to accept or reject any or all proposals and to waive informalities in irregularities in the selection process. The right is also reserved to negotiate services to be provided and the accompanying fees.
· The Catawba Nation is not liable for any costs incurred by a proposer in responding to this RFP. There is likewise no liability for the cost incurred by the proposer in connection with an interview conducted as part of the selection process.
· The Catawba Nation reserves the right to retain a proposer it determines to be the most qualified (whether such prosper has submitted a qualifications statement in response to this RFP or not) without competition if such section is deemed to be in the best interest of the Catawba Nation. There is no guarantee that any proposer deemed qualified through this RFP will in fact be awarded any services by the Catawba Nation.