Unit Two Legislative Branch 9th Grade Civics
Engaging Performance Scenario Task 2
Engaging Scenario
Our class is transforming into one of the chambers of Congress. You and three other members of Congress have decided that in order to solve a problem (school, community, state, or nation) you are going to write up a bill and present it to Congress. Your bill must be persuasive since it must pass by a majority vote in our house of Congress. If all goes well and your bill passes and is signed by the president, your bill will become law.
Standards SSCG 4b, SSCG 8e,and SSCG 8f
Performance Task Synopses
Task 2 Student Directions:
- Out of class research at least 3 current bills on the national, state or local level.
- With a partner, organizethe information that you found from the research of the 3 current bills on the national, state or local level.
- Complete graphic organizer analyzing the bills, complete assignment on provided chart paper.
- Students should use appropriate websites to research current national/local bills, such as and
- Students will use the following questions during their research
- Possible questions:
- Who would this bill help?
- Would it hurt anyone?
- What costs might be associated with this legislation?
- What would change if this bill became a law?
- How would you vote on this bill? Explain.
- Provide space and time for students to share their results and information with the class.
Task 2 Teacher Notes: The Unit 2 Performance task two rating will be based on the graphic organizer for the three bills the groups develop.
Performance Task 2Graphic Organizer Scoring Guide
4 Advanced / 3 Proficient / 2 Basic / 1 Below BasicDemonstrates advanced proficiency
All “3” Proficient criteria plus:
Student extends the selected pieces of legislation by adding enhancements to each bill. / Demonstrates proficiency
• Graphic organizer responses reflect an overall understanding of selected legislation.
• Student is able to summarize each piece of legislation.
• Student can consider pros and cons of each piece of legislation.
• Student includes a personal reflection of how they would vote on each piece of legislation. / Demonstrates partial proficiency
• Graphic organizer responses reflect a limited understanding of selected legislation.
• Student is able to summarize some of the legislation.
• Student can consider pros and cons of some of the legislation / Does not meet proficiency
• Graphic organizer responses do not reflect an overall understanding of selected legislation.
• Student is not able to summarize each piece of legislation.