AGENDA ITEM / DISCUSSION / ACTIONMembers Present: Curt Childress,Michael DeCarbo, Alice Ho; Kari Irwin, Scott James,Vanessa Jones, Jolene Shields,ASG representative Thomas Landry.
Members Absent: John Smith,SergioRodriguez, Jeremy Collins, Armanda Carpenter.
Guests Present: Alfonso Oropeza
Welcome and introductions /
- As the Administrator co-chair of the Committee, Kari Irwin welcomed everyone to the meeting
- Approval of the minutes, May 15, 2014
- Nominations for faculty co-chair
- Select a member to take minutes and write monthly summary report
- Select a member to maintain the Technology Committee website
- Review the Committee’s mission
- Discussion on the strategy of communicating with constituents and other committees
- Create a process for archiving relevant information that pertains to accreditation
- Set timeline for reviewing Technology Master Plan
- Set a timeline for reviewing the DE Faculty Handbook
- Update on PIE and Technology Committee responsibilities
- Technology e-Newsletter
- The minutes are not available.
- There was a discussion on the selection of a faculty co-chair, but no decision was made.
- Jolene volunteered to take the minutes and write the summary report. Alice will write the minutes for this meeting, and Jolene will start during the October meeting.
- Alice has been maintaining the Technology website and will continue doing so.
- Members review the mission statement: “The Technology Committee promotes the use of technology to increase efficiency of college operations and to support teaching and enhance student learning.” The motion tore-affirm the mission was made by Scott and second by Thomas Landry.
- Scott suggested us to think of strategies to improve the communication with other Dept. and committees. He suggested setting up network folders for various documents such as survey, which will also help us prepare for future accreditations. The following strategies were discussed:
2. Better utilize the SharePoint collaboration site.
- Besides setting up network folders, Kari suggested adding “accreditation” in the footnote for the document pertains to accreditation and standardize file location, thereby making is searchable.
- We should review Technology Plan (2014-2017) every year to mark down what have been accomplished, what we want to accomplish and set achievable goals every year.
- Scott suggested reviewing Distance Learning Handbook yearly, which was approved in Spring 2014. He will provide changes and bring to the committee.
- Michael gave an overview of the PIE committee. The purpose of PIE is to review and prioritize all the requests for resources. All the requests that are technologyrelated will be forwarded to the Technology Committee for prioritizing.
- The e-newsletter will be published in mid-November. The deadline to receive articles is October 30.
- Continue the discussion at the next meeting
- No action required
- Members to review Technology Plan and select achievable goals for discussion at the next meeting.
- Scott will provide suggested revisions to the committee for discussion at the next meeting.
- Kari to follow up with Lana Wong regarding former templates and documents related to Tech Comm and PIE.
- Submit articles to Alice by October 30 for inclusion in the e-newsletter.
ASG Report /
- Thomas Landry is the Senator of Technology at ASG. He will update the ASG with highlight of the meeting.
- Thomas will report to ASG
TAG Report /
- No meeting since June 2014.
- John and Michael will participate on TAG, and provide updates.
- No report
SCC IT Standing Report / District IT purchased 320 new computers, 215 for SAC and 105 for SCC. IT staff is in the process of replacing aging computers for instructors and staff. If you have any issues with your equipment, call the Help Desk first,so IT can document these problems and the use of resources. The District has purchased site license for Adobe Creative Cloud. It was installed in U-90, B-106, B-208, B-104, U 85 and U 89. For staff wanting Adobe Pro email the ITS Help Desk and they will schedule a technician to install it.For personal use, faculty and staff can get Creative Cloud through Foundations for CCC.More information will be forthcoming. /
- No action required
Website Committee /
- District has implemented the Siteimprove package to help identify dead links, and misspellings. Content owners and Managers will receive the report weekly. In addition, IT staff is building mobile friendly design for college website and working on migration to SharePoint 2013.
- Michael asked what is the channel to post faculty excellent speech on the home page and who is the faculty co-chair for the committee. Dean at Public Affairs is in charge of writing stories for the home page. Alfonso will talk with faculty members at thecommittee about selecting a co-chair.
- Alfonso will talk with faculty members at Website committee about the selection of a co-chair.
Meeting adjourned at 3:00 pm // NEXT MEETING: October 16 at 1:30 p.m. in H 127-1
College Mission Statement:Santiago Canyon College is an innovativelearning community dedicated to intellectual and personal growth. Our purpose is to foster student success and to help students achieve these core outcomes: to learn, to act, to communicate and to think critically. We are committed to maintaining standards of excellence and providing accessible, transferable, and engaging education to a diverse community. (Approved by RSCCD Board of Trustees, 9-23-13)