Background: The Allman Award is the most distinguished honor in the wallcoverings industry. The award is named after Justin P. Allman, the founder and first president of the Wallcoverings Wholesalers Association, the predecessor of WA. WA bestows the award to an individual in the industry who has made a lasting contribution(s) to the industry over a significant period of time. The award is customarily bestowed annually; however WA is not obligated to bestow the award every year.

Criteria: Each year WA sends a request to all member companies for nominations for the award. Individuals may be nominated to acknowledge and celebrate outstanding contributions in the form of personal, corporate, technical, product or marketing achievements that have benefited the wallcoverings industry. The award is designed to recognize individuals who have demonstrated the ability to be true leaders of the industry. The award is not designed to recognize companies. While consideration will be given to participation in the activities of the Wallcoverings Association as an active member, participating as either a member of the board of directors, or project team member, it is not an established criterion to measure a candidate’s contributions to the industry. Candidates may be selected from all industry segments including, but not limited to manufacturers, distributors and suppliers to the wallcoverings industry. Those nominating a candidate must clearly outline the contribution(s) made by the individual on the nomination form.

Selection Process: A committee consisting of the current WA Officers and three most recent Allman Award recipients will review the candidates and finalize the selection from the list of candidates received. Current members of the WA Executive Committee are not eligible to receive the award.

Announcement: Once a winner has been selected, a member of the committee will contact the individual. WA staff will contact the recipient to prepare an official announcement for the membership and the press. The award will be presented to the recipient at the Annual Meeting. The Allman recipient will receive a complimentary 1-bedroom suite for the dates of the meeting in which the recipient is honored by the association. The recipient and his/her spouse will receive complimentary registration for the meeting in which the recipient is honored by the association. The meetingprogram will feature the Allman recipient as an honored guest of the industry.

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November 11, 2016 to:

Wallcoverings Association

330 North Wabash Avenue, Suite 2000

Chicago, Illinois 60611

FAX: (312) 673-6928


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Past Allman Award Winners

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1946Nancy Vincent McClelland

1947William Burton

1948Walter L. Carver

1949Harry E. Bruce

1950William E. Katzenbach

1951George Louis Zuber

1952Robert B. Griffin

1953Maurice Pinover

1954James Seeman

1955Elizabeth Gordon

1956S. Abbot Smith

1957Luther Lalendorf

1958Luther Lalendorf

1959Warren G. Nelson

1960Lucile Stockwell Chatain

1961Isadore J. Goldberg

1962Albert Van Luit

1963Morris Lapidus

1964M.L. Pemble

1965Henry H. Allman

1966Jerome Blonder

1967Jack Denst

1969George E. Warner, Sr.

1970Robert B. Blakeslee

1971Charles Freeman

1972Albert Grandberg

1973Earl Kinney/

Paul Dowskin

1974Henry Allman

1975Herman Kugler

1976Sydney B. Karofsky

1977Conrad L. Seabrook

1978W. Stuart Brown

1979Walter B. Mendelsohn

1980Jospeh M. Kern

1981George R. Sellers

1982Joseph E. Gallagher, Jr.

1983Arnold Grandberg

1984William D. Armstrong

1985Bryce Bumstead

1986J. Dollard Carey

1987B. Morton Gittlin

1988Carl Vizzi

1989C. Howard Dodson

1990Michael Landau

1991Gilbert Goodman

1992James Ward

1993Martin Johnson

1994George Warner, Jr.

1995Kenneth Grandberg

1996Frank Baker, Sr.

1997Jack Glinn

1998Aaron F. Rice, Jr.

1999Ron Redding

2000Leroy Dodson

2001 Mel Weinzimer

2002 John Fitzgerald

2003 Jim Thybony

2004 Michael Glynn

2005 Jerry Russo

2006 Ken Salyer, Jr.

2007 Bob Parisi

2008 Tim Quinn

2009 N/A

2010 N/A

2011 Peter Ciaccia

2012 Jerry Mason

2013 Philip J. Tarullo

2014 John Baechle

2015 Al Rothschild

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