Certification Info:
Thank you for contacting the Magi Society (pronounced may-jigh) and thank you for appreciating Magi Astrology enough to ask about our Magi Astrology Certification Program.
The newly-revamped Magi Astrology Certification Program has been developed to be an organized, foundational approach to learning Magi Astrology. As you master basic principles, you will move on to increasingly complex levels of knowledge. Certification Program participants receive login access to their group's website, online lessons, and call-in information for quarterly teaching teleconferences. Certification program participants will have access to the most cutting-edge advances in Magi Astrology long before Magi Society members or the general public.
The Magi Astrology Certification Program is free to qualifying members of the Magi Society – to participate in the Magi Astrology Certification Program you must be a be a professional level member of the Magi Society - currently that requires that you join the Magi Society for a minimum of 5 years.
The primary purpose of the Magi Society is to conduct research in order to discover new astrological knowledge and to help our members to master the principles of Magi Astrology. We do our best to help our membership learn enough from us to be able to utilize astrology to help themselves significantly improve their own lives and to help guide others. Our membership benefits are formulated to help achieve these goals. By joining the Magi Society, a member receives unique computer software. 5-year members may participate in the Magi Astrology Certification Program. We welcome both novices and professional astrologers to join us.
- 1 year membership $55
- 5 year membership $275 (Qualifies you to participate in the free Magi Astrology Certification Program)
- One-time initiation fee $25
If you wish to join the Magi Society, membership fees are payable online here: www.loveoracle.com .
Scroll to the bottom of the homepage and click the PayPal button.
Follow the instructions to make your payment.
Please ALSO send us 2 emails:
1. Email the Magi Society at this email address:
to let us know you paid and what you paid for and we will expedite your membership. We will then email you instructions on how to download your software from one of our sites.
2. Email us at the Certification Program email: so we can send you the information to start the program as soon as we receive confirmation of your payment from the Membership Office.
We appreciate your interest in Magi Astrology. The Board of Governors of the Magi Society wish you much happiness, good health and fulfilled dreams in this dawn of the New Age.
Very truly yours,
Magi Society