1. Tell Us About Your Accomplishments

(For all remaining questions, please use additional space as needed.)

  1. Provide brief summaries of three to five cases your program has worked on during the report period. Explain the problem(s) faced by the client(s) and the assistance provided by your program. If available, include or attach client quotes that express the impact of these services. (Please note: we frequently use these summaries, without client names, to illustrate to others the important work done by LFW grantees. If you do not want a particular summary to be shared, please indicate that below.)

Case One:

Case Two:

Case Three:

Case Four:

Case Five:

  1. tell us about emerging issues, obstacles and solutions.
  1. Please describe emerging issues affecting the legal needs of the clients that you serve. For each of these emerging issues, please describe: (a) indicators you see that show the trend and (b) your program’s plans to address the emerging issue.
  1. Please describe any obstacles or issues you encountered that affected your program’s ability to achieve the purposes of the grant. Indicate how you addressed those obstacles.
  1. There is a collaborative State Plan process to determine priorities for Washington’s legal aid system based on the Civil Legal Needs Study results and other information about unmet legal needs. How has your program participated in the state planning process?

C.tell us about your staff and volunteers.

  1. Tell us of all personnel changes that affect the program funded by this grant.
  1. Briefly summarizeprofessionaltraining received by staff during this period. (You do not need to list each training attended.) Which trainings did your staff find to be most effective?
  1. Did you complete staff evaluations for all staff, including evaluation of the program director by the board, as described in the grant application? If not, please describe your plan for implementation.
  1. Using the chart below, please indicate the total number of volunteer attorneys who participated in the delivery of legal services during the reporting period. Please do not include attorney volunteer time for service on the board of directors. Do not include compensated attorneys (program staff, Moderate Means program referrals, etc.).

Number of Volunteer Attorneys
a. Served on panel(s)
b. Provided case services during period
c. Provided other services during period


a)“Served on panel(s)” – Number of volunteers who are signed up to participate in the program; may or may not have been requested to provide services during the reporting period.

b)“Provided case services” – Actually provided services on one or more full-representation cases during the reporting period.

c)“Provided other services” – Provided services such as teaching a pro se class, staffing an advice clinic, etc., as well as in-house services such as intake, answering phones, clerical support, accounting, etc.

  1. Using the chart below, indicate hours of service performed by volunteers. Use reported figures or estimate, using your best professional judgment.

Hours of Attorney Pro Bono Service

a. on case services
b. on other services
  1. Please describe any efforts made during the reporting period to recruit, train and/or recognize volunteers.

D.Tell Us About Your Board

If you are an independent organization, please provide the following information about your governing board. If your program is part of a larger organization, please provide this information about both your advisory board and the governing board of the sponsoring organization.

Advisory / Governing
  • Number of board members:
/ ______/ ______
  • Number of board members who are WSBA members:
/ ______/ ______
  • Number of board meetings held during this report period:
/ ______/ ______
  • Dates of the meetings:
/ ______/ ______
  • Average number of board members in attendance at each meeting:
/ ______/ ______
  1. Please describe your board development process. What are the strengths of your board and opportunties to increase the board’s effectiveness?

E. Tell Us About Your Clients

  1. Have there been changes in how your program conducts client intake?Please identify intake challenges and what your program has tried to address those challenges.
  1. What steps did you take during the report period to remove access barriers for clients with special needs (such as non-English speakers, people with physical or cognitive disabilities, etc.)?
  1. Have you used Ethnic Bridge for phone interpretation to serve clients? What is your feeback on using that service? Are you experiencing unmet in-person interpretation needs?
  1. How does your program reach out to and provide legal help to people who are not eligible for services from Northwest Justice Project?
  1. Does your program make exceptions to serving clients under200% of the federal poverty guidelines? If so, in what circumstances? Have you referred clients to WSBA’s Moderate Means Program?
  1. Did you receive any client grievances during the reporting period? If so, briefly explain how they have been or will be resolved.

F. Tell us about your cooperation and collaboration with other community groups.

  1. Describe your collaborative work with other legal services providers and community groups during the report period.
  1. List any new partners or allies you have made in the report period. Describe how you will work together.

G: Resource Development

  1. Please describe the ways your programstaff or board members have participated in the Alliance for Equal Justice’s resource development efforts, described below.
  1. The Equal Justice Coalition raises support from public entities such as the State Legislature and King County.How have you or your board members participated in the EJC this year?
  1. How have you participated in the Campaign for Equal Justice’s work to raise private funds from the legal community in your area such as phonathons, Beer and Justice events or one-on-one meetings?
  1. Describe any non-cash or in-kind contributions your program received in 2016 other than volunteer legal services.
  1. Please list the source and amount of non-LFW funding received by your program during 2016.

Individuals (donations, bequests, other planned giving, etc.) / $
Local Bar Association/Foundation/Bar Sections (Includes dues check-offs and other contributions) / $
Government Funding (Federal, State, County, City, etc.) / $
Special Events / $
Public and Private Foundations (including grants from United Way / $
Workplace Gifts (including United Way) / $
Attorney and Client Fees / $
Other (class action residual funds, corporate, fellowhips/interns, religious institutions, unions, earned income, in-kind goods and services (estimated $ value), etc.) / $
  1. For 2017, please provide an estimate of the following (responses will be pooled and distributed to assist with resource development planning and coordination). Click the “plus sign” below each question to add fields if you have more than one item to enter.
  1. Private or public foundations that your program plans to pursue and the anticipated amount of the request. Also, please indicate if the request is for general operating support or for a specific project.
  1. If your program plans to host a special event, what is the anticipated date of the event in 2017?


Please let us know about your experience using Legal Server for referrals, case management, reporting and assessment. What works well for you? What areas could be improved?We are considering making more Legal Server training and consulting services available, so specific examples of needs in this area are welcome.


How are we doing? Let us know if you have comments or suggestions in the following areas:

Note: Last year we compiled these suggestions and considered each of them, making several changes as a result. So feel free to offer ideas for improvements, if we hear the same thing from multiple grantees it increases the chance of action!

Grants process and reporting

Grantee support resources




Is there anything else that you think would be useful for us to know?