Title:Send and Receive Documents, Mail and Deliveries - 5601 Fishers Lane
Effective date:02/04/2016
Lead Author:Mike Mendoza
Authorizing official: Tracy A. Shahan, PhD, MBA / Approval date:
Updated by:SASOP / Review date: 02/04/16

For more information:refer to theGuide for 5601 Fishers Lane and NIH Mail Guide and Resources.

You can locate room and MSC numbers in the NED system.

NIAID Mail – Inter-Office and Hand Carry


NIAID provides the pickup and delivery of official regular inter-office mailand packages up to five pounds to NIAID and designated NIH locations on the NIAID Messenger Schedule.

To send inter-office mail,complete the U.S. Government Messenger Envelope including name, building, room, and/or mail stop code (MSC).

Hand Carry Messenger

NIAID provides the pickup and delivery of official signature receipt mail (NIAID Hand Carry) and packages up to five pounds to NIAID and designated NIH locations on the NIAID Messenger Schedule. For signature receipt, please also complete the carbon Hand Carry Delivery Slip (Form 2735) in its entirety including sender’s MSC for the timely return of your signed delivery slip.

U.S. Government Messenger Envelopes and Hand Carry Delivery Slips are available from AO Kim Singleton(RM 4E66).

NIAID Inter-Office and NIAID Hand Carry mailboxes are located on the West wing G (basement) level outside of the exercise center (LD05) to the far right of the mailbox cluster. For packages more than 1” thick, please use the unsecured bins underneath the mailbox cluster.

Use NIH special services for mail that requires a delivery signature but not a receipt to all NIH locations in Bethesda, Rockville, and Gaithersburg. Ask the recipient to send you delivery confirmation or email NIH Mail Customer Service Branch (MCSB) and request delivery confirmation. See the NIH Mail Guide and Resources to engage this service (page 7 sample 5) and other services. You may also call the MCSB at 301-496-3586.

U.S. Mail Address

The following is the official U.S. Mail address for the new building:

Department of Health and Human Services
National Institutes of Health
5601 Fishers Lane Room [MSC]
Bethesda, MD 20892-[MSC]

For FedEx, UPS, and other courier services, use Rockville, MD 20852.

SRP Address:

National Institute for Infectious Diseases

Scientific Review Program

5601 Fisher Ln, RoomXXXX, MSC 9823

Bethesda, MD 20892-9823

For deliveries useRockville, MD 20852

Please provide your mail stop code (MSC) to correspondents to facilitate the efficient delivery of US and interoffice mail.

Pick-up and Delivery Times

Mail is picked up at 5601 Fishers Lane in the 9:30-10:15 a.m. timeframe. Deliveries arrive in the 10:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. timeframe.