FY 2017

Project Year 6

October 2016‒September 2017

ENVISION FY17 PY6 Senegal Work Plan


ENVISION Project Overview

The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)’s ENVISION project (2011‒2019) is designed to support the vision of the World Health Organization (WHO) and its member states by targeting the control and elimination of seven neglected tropical diseases (NTDs), including lymphatic filariasis (LF), onchocerciasis (OV), schistosomiasis (SCH), three soil-transmitted helminths (STH; roundworm, whipworm, and hookworm), and trachoma. ENVISION’s goal is to strengthen NTD programming at the global and country levels and support Ministries of Health (MOHs) to achieve their NTD control and elimination goals.

At the global level, ENVISION—in close coordination and collaboration with WHO, USAID, and other stakeholders—contributes to several technical areas in support of global NTD control and elimination goals, including the following:

· drug and diagnostics procurement where global donation programs are unavailable

· capacity strengthening

· management and implementation of ENVISION’s Technical Assistance Facility (TAF)

· disease mapping

· NTD policy and technical guideline development

· NTD monitoring and evaluation (M&E).

At the country level, ENVISION provides support to national NTD programs by contributing strategic technical and financial assistance for a comprehensive package of NTD interventions, including the following:

· strategic annual and multi-year planning

· advocacy

· social mobilization and health education

· capacity strengthening

· baseline disease mapping

· preventive chemotherapy (PC) or mass drug administration (MDA)

· drug and commodity supply management and procurement

· program supervision

· M&E, including disease-specific assessments (DSAs) and surveillance.

In Senegal, ENVISION project activities are implemented by RTI International.



ENVISION Project Overview i

List of Tables ii

Acronyms List iii

Planned Activities 6

1) NTD Program Capacity Strengthening 6

a) Strategic Capacity Strengthening Approach 6

b) Capacity Strengthening Interventions 7

c) Monitoring Capacity Strengthening 7

2) Project Assistance 7

a) Strategic Planning 7

b) NTD Secretariat 9

c) Advocacy 9

d) Social Mobilization 9

e) Training 15

f) Mass Drug Administration 16

g) Drug and Commodity Supply Management and Procurement 17

h) Supervision 17

i) M&E 19

3) Maps 22


Appendix 2. Table of USAID-supported Regions and Districts 30

List of Tables

Table 1. Social mobilization/communication activities and materials checklist 12

Table 2. USAID-supported coverage results for FY16 and targets for FY17 15

Table 3. Planned disease-specific assessments (DSAs) for FY17 by disease 20

Acronyms List

AE Adverse Event

AFRO Africa Regional Office (WHO)

ALB Albendazole

APOC African Programme for Onchocerciasis Control (WHO)

ARG Africa Resource Group

ASTMH American Society of Tropical Medicine & Hygiene

BREIPS Bureaux Régionaux de l’Éducation et de l’Information pour la Santé (Regional Offices for Health Education and Information)

CCA Circulating Cathodic Antigen

CDC United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

CDD Community Drug Distributor

CDTI Community-Directed Treatment with Ivermectin

CM Case Management

CODEC Collectifs des Directeurs d’École (School Principals’ Group)

COR-NTD Coalition for Operational Research on NTDs

CRS Catholic Relief Services

CSR Corporate Social Responsibility

CY Calendar Year

DBS Dried Blood Spot

DCMS Division du Contrôle Médical Scolaire (School Health Control Division) (MEN)

DLM Direction de la Lutte contre la Maladie (Disease Control Directorate) (MSAS)

DNA Deoxyribonucleic Acid

DQA Data Quality Assessment

DSA Disease-Specific Assessment

ECD Équipe Cadre de District (Health District Management Team)

ECR Équipe Cadre de Région (Health Region Management Team)

ELISA Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay

ENDA Santé Environnement et le Développement en Afrique-Santé (Environment and Development in Africa-Health)

EPIRF Epidemioogical Data Reporting Form

FARA Fixed Amount Reimbursement Agreement (USAID)

FTS Filariasis Test Strip

FY Fiscal Year

Groupe ISSA Groupe Innovation et Système de Santé en Afrique (Innovation Group and Health System in Africa)

GTMP Global Trachoma Mapping Project

HQ Headquarters

HRA High-Risk Adult

HSS+ Health Systems Strengthening Plus (USAID)

IA Inspection d’Académie (Schools Inspectorate)

ICP Infirmier Chef de Poste (Health Post Head Nurse)

ICT card Immunochromatographic Test Card

IE Inspection de l’Éducation (Education Inspectorate)

IEC Information, Education, and Communication

IEF Inspection de Formation et de l’Education (Training and Education Inspectorate)

IME Inspection Médicale des Étudiants (Medical Inspectorate of Students)

IR Intermediate Result

IST Inter-Country Support Team (WHO/AFRO)

IT Information Technology

ITI International Trachoma Initiative

IVM Ivermectin

JRF Joint Reporting Form (WHO)

JRSM Joint Request for Selected PC Medicines (WHO)

LF Lymphatic Filariasis

LOE Level of Effort

M&E Monitoring and Evaluation

MCD Médecin-Chef de District (Health District Head Doctor)

MCR Médecin-Chef de Région (Health Region Head Doctor)

MDA Mass Drug Administration

MDP Mectizan® Donation Program

MEB Mebendazole

MEN Ministère de l’Education National (Ministry of National Education)

Mf Microfilaraemia

MHA Ministère de l’Hydraulique et de l’Assainissement (Ministry of Water and Sanitation)

MOH Ministry of Health

MSAS Ministère de la Santè et de l’Action Sociale (Ministry of Health and Social Work)

MSH Management Sciences for Health

NGO Nongovernmental Organization

NTD Neglected Tropical Disease

OMVS Organisation pour la Mise en Valeur du Fleuve Sénégal (Senegal River Development Organization)

OV Onchocerciasis

PC Preventive Chemotherapy

PCR Polymerase Chain Reaction

PEPAM Programme d’Eau Potable et d’Assainissement du Millénaire (Millennium Potable Water and Sanitation Program) (MHA)

PGIRE Projet de Gestion Intégrée des Ressources en Eau et de Développement des Usages Multiples du Bassin du Fleuve Sénégal (Integrated Water Resource Management Project) (OMVS)

PNA Pharmacie Nationale d’Approvisionnement (National Supply Pharmacy)

PNEFL Programme National d’Élimination de la Filariose Lymphatique (National Lymphatic Filariasis Elimination Program)

PNLBG Programme National de Lutte contre la Bilharziose et les Géohelminthiases (National Bilharzia and Soil-Transmitted Helminths Control Program)

PNLO Programme National de Lutte contre l’Onchocercose (National Onchocerciasis Control Program)

PNLP Programme National de Lutte contre le Paludisme (National Malaria Control Program)

PNPSO Programme National de Promotion de la Santé Oculaire (National Eye Health Promotion Program)

PRA Pharmacie Régionale d’Approvisionnement (Regional Supply Pharmacy)

PSSC II Programme Santé–Santé Communautaire II (Health Program-Community Health component II) (USAID)

PTA Plan de Travail Annuel (Annual Work Plan) (MSAS)

PZQ Praziquantel

R4D Results for Development Institute

RM Région Médicale (Medical Region)

RPA Resident Program Advisor (RTI)

RPRG Regional Programme Review Group (WHO/AFRO)

SAC School-Aged Children

SAE Serious Adverse Event

SAFE Surgery-Antibiotics-Facial Cleanliness-Environmental Improvement

SCH Schistosomiasis

SIAPS Systems for Improved Access to Pharmaceuticals and Services

SIM Subscriber Identity Module

SMART Specific-Achievable-Measureable-Relevant-Time-Bound

SNEIPS Service National de l’Education et de l’Information pour la Santé (National Health Education and Information Service) (MSAS)

SOP Standard Operating Procedure

STAG Strategic and Technical Advisory Group

STH Soil-Transmitted Helminths

TA Technical Assistance

TAF Technical Assistance Facility

TAP Trachoma Action Plan

TAS Transmission Assessment Survey

TBD To Be Determined

TEMF Trachoma Elimination Monitoring Form (WHO)

TEO Tetracycline Eye Ointment

TF Trachomatous Inflammation—Follicular

TFGH Task Force for Global Health

TIPAC Tool for Integrated Planning and Costing

TIS Trachoma Impact Survey

TSS Trachoma Surveillance Survey

TT Trachomatous Trichiasis

USAID United States Agency for International Development

VAD Visite à Domicile (Home Visit)

WASH Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene

WFP World Food Programme

WHO World Health Organization

ZTH Zithromax

ENVISION FY17 PY6 Senegal Work Plan


Planned Activities

1) NTD Program Capacity Strengthening

a) Strategic Capacity Strengthening Approach

RTI will contribute to building the operating capacity and skills of Ministry of Health and Social Work (MSAS) Disease Control Directorate (DLM) NTD staff by continuing to participate in all of the DLM’s NTD meetings. RTI’s participation in these meetings constitutes an opportunity to communicate regularly with all of the DLM’s NTD personnel and to conduct personalized follow-up meetings with each DLM NTD staff member without formalities, enabling more efficient work in the short term and improving program performance in the long term.

RTI works closely with central-level MSAS NTD personnel to help them to develop and to lead the national NTD program’s long-term strategies and shorter-term activities.

RTI’s Regional Focal Points are embedded in the offices of the eight RMs outside of Dakar that ENVISION fully supports for integrated MDA; while reporting to their designated RTI supervisors in Dakar, they have effectively become an integral part of their respective RM’s Health Region Management Team [ECR]. This not only keeps the issue of NTDs on the RM’s radar year-round – rather than just during the MDA period as was previously the case – but it also provides a local source of NTD technical expertise, advocacy, and encouragement.

Strengthening of capacities for planning, monitoring, and evaluation: RTI staff will closely accompany the DLM’s NTD staff. The DLM’s NTD staff and RTI will jointly clean and finalize the DLM’s NTD PTA for 2017, establishing an action plan with a timeline and a checklist, and regular follow up.

RTI will help to ensure that the DLM’s NTD team receives copies of all key WHO guidelines, protocols, and recommendations. RTI will collaborate with the DLM’s NTD team to provide individual or group orientations on particular topics within those documents for members of this team.

In the RMs and health districts, the Regional Focal Points will use the quarterly meetings of the ECRs and the monthly meetings of the ECDs to raise issues related to PC-NTDs, ensuring that the MSAS teams and partners at these levels receives the latest technical information and guidance from the national NTD programs. Before, during, and after the MDA campaigns, the Regional Focal Points accompany and provide organizational and technical support to the RMs and health districts.

Strengthening knowledge of WHO guidance and protocols: Through close contact with the DLM via regular contact and meetings, RTI and the DLM will jointly identify the DLM’s needs in terms of technical orientation and/or training. RTI and the DLM will then jointly address these knowledge gaps or weaknesses through one-on-one or group orientations and/or training.

Provide copies of WHO reference documents related to NTD control: RTI ENVISION will financially support the ordering, printing, and/or photocopying of key WHO (and other) NTD reference documents and will share these with the DLM team after each knowledge-strengthening session (see preceding paragraph).

b) Capacity Strengthening Interventions

In general, strengthening the capacity of the DLM’s NTD personnel will also positively impact the RMs and health districts. All capacity building interventions conducted with the DLM will be shared with the regions and districts during the RMs’ quarterly coordination meetings, by the Regional Focal Points and/or by the DLM personnel who will periodically attend. The DLM will also share all technical and guidance documents with the regions and districts. In addition, RTI ENVISION’s Regional Focal Points will continue to technically and organizationally support the RMs’ NTD Focal Points.

c) Monitoring Capacity Strengthening

In FY17, RTI will assist the DLM in developing a timeline table (Gantt chart) listing all NTD-related coordination meetings. RTI will financially and technically support the DLM in holding these meetings as scheduled and will help the DLM track the participation of all NTD partners in these meetings. RTI will also assist the DLM in developing achievable, specific-achievable-measureable-relevant-time-bound (SMART)-type recommendations at the end of each coordination meeting, focusing on assigning responsibility for these recommendations to specific DLM personnel.

2) Project Assistance

a) Strategic Planning

Participation in the MSAS’s weekly NTD coordination meetings: RTI will regularly participate in these MSAS meetings, which are run by the DLM.

Funding of and participation in the MSAS’s quarterly NTD coordination meetings: RTI will fund and participate in this quarterly meeting run by the DLM. This meeting is held to monitor the progress of planned activities, discuss challenges, share information related to NTDs, and avoid duplication between partners. This includes collaboration with the water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) sector: the DLM has invited the Ministry of Water and Sanitation (Ministère de l’Hydraulique et de l’Assainissement [MHA]) to all of its meetings to date and named a Focal Point to participate in the MHA’s WASH sector coordination meetings.

RTI and DLM staff participation in the quarterly coordination meetings of the nine regional MSASs fully supported for integrated MDA: RTI will fund the participation of one DLM staff member in one general quarterly coordination meeting of each of the nine RMs fully supported by ENVISION for integrated MDA. RTI’s Regional Focal Points will participate in all such meetings that are held during the terms of their contracts. This presents an opportunity to focus on NTDs, including planned activities and their outcomes and results.

Participation in NTD partner coordination meetings: RTI will continue to advocate for and schedule meetings of the partners that support the MSAS’s national PC-NTD program. These meetings constitute an opportunity to discuss the activities implemented by each partner, identify opportunities for collaboration, and avoid duplication.

Updating and use of the TIPAC: The DLM will update the data in this tool in 2017 through monthly one-day work sessions with RTI ENVISION’s M&E and Capacity Building Officer. The updated version will be shared in the DLM’s quarterly NTD coordination meeting.

Support for the development of the MSAS’s annual NTD work plan (2018): Each year, for its DLM and national NTD programs, the MSAS organizes a workshop to develop a national PTA for NTDs in collaboration with its governmental and nongovernmental partners. RTI will fund this activity. Typically, participants separate into working groups on categories such as (1) coordination, (2) MDA and CM, (3) M&E, and (4) communication and WASH and then present their work to the plenary. Partners commit to supporting specific activities within the overall PTA as they are able. The compiled document is then finalized, validated, and shared with all participants. The workshop will last three days.

Trachoma mapping and impact survey debriefing: Cumulatively, from FY13 through FY16, the PNPSO is expected to complete trachoma baseline mapping in 17 districts, subdistrict-level mapping in 1 district, and one‒two trachoma impact surveys (TISs) in 14 districts, all with technical and financial support from ENVISION. Additional surveys are planned, also with ENVISION support, in FY17. It important to share these results and program successes with other parties involved in Senegal’s NTD program and the various communities concerned. RTI ENVISION will support the PNPSO in organizing a one-day debriefing meeting at the WHO/Senegal office to present and review the findings of these surveys (TF, TT, and WASH data) and Senegal’s new map of trachoma endemicity. This meeting will also serve as an opportunity to update the PNPSO’s roadmap for trachoma elimination, as established in the report from the MSAS’s Trachoma Action Plan (TAP) workshop. The MCDs of the districts where the surveys were conducted and the MCRs of their parent regions will be invited to participate.

OV elimination expert committee meeting: Senegal may be approaching the point at which it could stop MDA for OV. According to WHO’s 2016 OV elimination guidelines, before stopping MDA countrywide, a Ministry of Health (MOH) should establish an independent national oversight committee to address matters concerning OV elimination; this committee typically will include national and international experts and can be embedded in an existing national committee for NTD activities or OV-specific matters.[1] This meeting will review the baseline prevalence, treatment history, epidemiological and entomological survey results, and various factors, such as cross-border endemicity, migration, and co-endemicity with LF. Based on the evidence, recommendations will be made for next steps toward OV elimination in this country. This two-day meeting will be held in Dakar, in the WHO/Senegal office if possible.