Department of Petroleum Engineering
PETE 204: Reservoir Rock Properties
3 credits : 2 50-minute lectures + 1 3-hour laboratory session per week
Catalog Description: Basic petrophysical properties of reservoir rocks are covered including porosity, permeability, fluid saturation, electrical conductivity, capillary pressure, and relative permeability. Applications of Darcy’s law to flow in porous media are also presented. Laboratory experiments illustrate measurement of various rock properties.
Co-rerequisite: GEOL 201: Physical Geology
Textbook: None
References: - Petrophysics by Dejabbar, Tiab and Erle C. Donaldson
- Petroleum Reservoir Engineering By Amyx Bass and Whiting
- Course Notes
Course Objectives:
1. Calculate and measure rock properties, recognize their importance and identify factors affecting them.
2. Introduce the student to the nature of rock-fluid interactions and the concept of relative permeability.
3. Introduce the student to the theory of single and multiphase fluid flow in porous media.
4. Improve professional skills through conducting experiments and writing laboratory reports.
Topics and Hours:
Topic Class Hrs
1. Introduction 2
2. Porosity; definition, types, classifications and measurement 2
3. Rock Compressibility; definition, types, significance and measurement 2
4. Fluid Saturation; definition and measurement 1
5. Rock Resisitivity; definition, significance and the resisitivity log 3
6. Exam 1 1
7. Rock Permeability, Darcy’s law in differernt forms and its applications,
averaging permeability 6
8. Exam 2 1
9. Fluid-Rock Interaction; wettability, surface and interfacial tension 4
10. Capillary pressure:definition, measurement, hysterisis, applications, and
correlations 4
11. Effective and Relative Permeability: definition, measurement, correlation,
hysterisis, three-phase, applications 4
Total Hours 30
Lab experiments: 12
Method of Evaluation:
Attendence 4 %
Homework assignments: 14 %
Quizzes and exams: 36 %
Laboratory: 18 %
Final exam: 28 %
Total: 100%
Contribution to Professional Component:
Engineering Science: Engineering Science: All topics relate to the understanding and application of scientific and engineering principles related to evaluation of petrophysical properties of reservoir rocks and fluid flow in porous media.
Relationship of Course Learning Outcomes to Program Outcomes:
Course Learning Outcome / Program Outcome1. Understand all rock properties relevant to storage and fluid flow in porous media.
2. Understand fluid-fluid and rock-fluid interactions and their effect on fluid flow in porous media.
3. Be able to compute fluid flow rates in porous media in various geometries under different conditions.
4. Be able to conduct experiments to measure rock properties and report the results in a professional manner. / · Ability to apply knowledge of math, science and engineering.
· Ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data.
Prepared by: Dr. Hasan S. Al-Hashim, February, 2010.
Instructors: Dr. Hasan S. Al-Hashim, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Department of Petroleum Engineering, 3-207, (03) 860-2566, ; Dr. Sidqi Abu Khamsin, Professor, Department of Petroleum Engineering, 3-220, (03) 860-2699, ; Dr. Mohammad Al-Marhoun, professor, Department of Petroleum Engineering, 3-210 (03) 860-2536, .