Application Form
After filling the application please send to
Personal Data
Full NameMale/Female / Date of birth
Nationality / Street & no.
City, country / Post code
Mobile / Do you need visa for Cyprus? If yes, please write all pass details and the costs
Personal E-mail & Facebook profile link / Dietary requirements
Level of English
(Please mark with X) / Speaking / Reading / Writing
Very good / Very good / Very good
Good / Good / Good
Basic / Basic / Basic
(Note that the indicated space for submitting the information can and should be exceeded)
What is your main working experience and knowledge?(please list all experiences you consider relevant to this application)
Have you been participating in some international training before?
(please list all experiences you consider relevant to this application)
(Note that the indicated space for submitting the information can and should be exceeded!)
Please share with us your understanding related toagro tourism?(please be as detailed as possible)
What are the main competences you would like to gain/improve in this training course?
What are the 3 most attractive aspect of this training course for you?
How do you plan to use the learning gained during this training course (please be specific)?
Describe what can be your contribution in the training, in terms of your experience, knowledge and skills?
Anything else you would like to tell us?
Emergency contact person ( Name, Phone number, optional: email of emergency contact)
Do you have any special needs or requirements that the host organization should know about? (e.g. medical needs, allergies, dietary restrictions, etc.). Otherwise leave blank
TRAVEL DETAILS ( most economic option only)
From which country/city are you coming?
Please describe your full itinerary, note the different transportation (bus, train, plane)
How much your round trip transportation will cost?
If you are accepted as a participant on this course, will you require assistance in obtaining visa for Spain? If yes, please indicate:
Passport no. / Date of issue
Place of issue / Date of expiry
Please take note of the following conditions that will apply if you are selected to take part in the training
1. I commit myself to participate in the whole process, including: to prepare myself carefully for the training course; to do all remote preparation work the team will ask for; to take part in the full duration of the TC; to participate in the whole evaluation process.
2. I am aware that obtaining a health and a full travel insurance are my own responsibility and at my own expenses. I understand that the information I provided on my special needs does not remove my own personal responsibility for ensuring my own health.
3. I authorise my National Agency and the European Commission to publish, in whatever form and by whatever medium, including the Internet, my correspondence address, information about my organisation and work and pictures taken at the seminar.
4. Respect the deadline for booking your tickets to Spain. (to be announced)
Participation fee of 35 Euros will be applied to non active members.
Please return this application form completed not later than