In the Old Testament, the Hebrew word for “angels” is malak; in the New Testament, the Greek word angelos is used for “angels.” Both words mean “messenger,” and that seems to be the primary function of angels in the Bible: to relay God’s message, or His will, to mankind. Read Hebrews 1:14 (p.1579 of your Life Recovery Bible) and record what the scripture says:
Look up the following scriptures in your bible, and record any information you learn about angels:
Angels were created by God and were present at the time of creation:
Psalm 148:2-6 (p. 780)
Job 38:4-7 (p.671)
Angels are much lower than God:
Psalm 89:5-7 (p. 742)
Angels are also much lower than Christ:
Psalm 8:5 (p. 684 - read footnote to 8:3-9)
Hebrews 1:4-14 to 2:5-10 (p. 1578-1580)____
1 Peter 3:22 (p.1615)
Because angels are lower than God and Christ, angels must not be worshiped:
Colossians 2:18 (p. 1533)
Revelation 19:10 (p. 1666)
Revelation 22:8-9 (p. 1670)
When spoken of collectively in the Bible, angels are often referred to as ”the army of heaven” or as “the Heavenly Host.” Thus God is frequently called the “Lord of Hosts.”
1 Kings 22:19 (p. 460)
Luke 2:13 (p. 1290)
Except for a passage in Daniel, the Bible doesn’t provide us with a physical description of angels, but they are often referred to in human terms: they look like men and speak like men (sorry, ladies, no female angel is found in the Bible!). Record was the scripture says about angels in Daniel 10:5-6 (p.1089-1090):
It is interesting to note that many times angels are not recognized as angels by humans. Read the following scriptures and summarize what you learn about angels:
Genesis 18:1-5 (p.26)
Judges 13:16 (p. 322)
Ezekiel 9:1-2 (p. 1022)
Hebrews 13:2 (p. 1594)
Angels are not described as having wings, except in Revelation 14:6 (p.1662), etc., which describes them as “flying.” Cherubim and Seraphim are described as having wings, as are the living beings of Ezekiel 1:5-12 (p. 1014-1015), but just how they differ from angels is never stated. Read the following scripture and summarize what you learn:
Exodus 25:20 (p. 109)
Isaiah 6:2 (p. 855)
Angels are best described, not by their appearance, but by the things they do. Read the following passages and discover some of their functions:
Psalm 91:9-16 (p. 744)
Genesis 48:15-16 (p. 71)
Acts 12:6-11 (p. 1399)
Job 33:23 (p. 667)
Revelation 8:3-4 (p. 1657)
Luke 15:10 (p. 1318)
Psalm 103:21 (p. 750)
Genesis 24:6-7, 40 (p. 33-34)
Daniel 7:15-16 (p.1086)
Revelation 14:6-7 (p. 1662)______Psalm 103:21 (p. 750) Luke 1:26-38 (p. 1288) Jude verse 6 (p. 1644)
The Bible mentions archangels, who are evidently higher ranking forms of angels. Two archangels are mentioned by name. Record what the scripture says about them:
The archangel Gabriel:
Daniel 8:15-16 (p.1087)
Daniel 9:21-22 (p. 1089)
Luke 1:19, 26 (p. 1288)
The archangel Michael:
Daniel 10:13, 21 (p.1090)
Jude verse 9 (p. 1645)
Revelation 12:7 (p, 1660)
The Angel of the Lord is a rather mysterious figure. He can be described as the Lord Himself, and also as one sent by God. Many passages switch back and forth and it is difficult, if not impossible, to distinguish how they differ. The following stories are good examples of this ambiguity. Record what you learn:
Genesis 18 (p.26-27)
Judges 13 (p.320-322)