Clean Beaches Initiative (CBI) PROPOSITION 40 – PHASE 2 Program RequirementS

Answer the following questions on this form. Once you have completed the form, please upload it to the FAAST system using the “Attachments Tab” as "AttA_Project_Questionnaire".

Describe the water quality problem(s) and the scope of the problem(s) that WILL BE addressed BY the proposed project.
Provide data on the number of postings and closures by year and the population affected for at least two years. Additional data should be included if it is available.
Identify known or possible sources of bacteria or pathogens and quantity of flow to be treated. Describe any studies or data collection efforts that have been done to confirm these conclusions. Attach copies of reports on the "Attachments" Tab of the FAAST Application.
Describe the impaired waters, their beneficial uses, and the water quality problem(s) that interfere with the beneficial uses of those waters. Beneficial uses associated with a waterbody can be found in each RWQCB Basin Plan located on their web site. You can find links to the RWQCB websites at.
Do you have copies of written reports or summaries of available data (any data that might be available but unreported to date) that quantify or provide further explanation of the problem(s)?
If you answered "YES", please elaborate and attach the reports on the "Attachments" Tab of the FAAST Application.
Describe the water quality objectives of the project and the expected improvements in water quality from the project. When will the project achieve these objectives?
Describe the types and quantity of pollutant(s) that this project is proposing to address.
Provide an overview of the project, including the methodology to reduce beach contamination and the expected outcome of the project.
Estimate the long and short term effects this project will have on postings and closures at the beach.
Describe key partnerships and related efforts to solve this problem.
Have governmental agencies taken any formal action related to this problem? If you answered "YES", please provide an explanation.
If you answered "YES", please elaborate.
Discuss any ongoing projects designed to address parts of the beach contamination problem.
discuss the status of long-term efforts to reduce non-point source pollution in the adjacent watershed and how the project will assist in those efforts.
discuss long-term efforts to meet existing regional water quality control plan objectives and how the project will assist in those efforts.
Describe any computer models, management practices, specialized testing, or other extraordinary methods and materials that will be implemented or used as part of this project.
List any permits, approvals, or design standards that must be obtained/met before the project can be implemented. (All grant recipients will be required to certify prior to final disbursement that they have obtained all necessary permits and approvals required to construct their projects.)
describe any other projects, either ones that you have implemented or another entity has implemented that are similar to the one being proposed and what the outcomes/results were at reducing bacterial contamination at the beach. Include, if known, data supporting the reduction and elimination of beach postings and/or closures from these projects.
Is this a phased project or part of a larger project effort? Please explain the objectives, framework, and scheduling for the larger project. Note whether there is a commitment to complete the entire project and how that commitment is structured (e.g., Memorandum of Understanding or a Joint Powers Agreement).
If you answered "YES", please elaborate.
provide an outline of a quality assurance project plan and monitoring plan. Include a general description of quality assurance procedures, location of sampling sites, frequency of sampling, duration of sampling period, depth of sampling, and data analysis techniques. The outline must include a summary of the rationale behind the sampling plan to explain how the monitoring plan will determine project effectiveness.
describe how the project will demonstrate a capability of sustaining water quality benefits for a period of 20 years as required by (Section 30916(c)) of the Resources Code.
Describe anticipated future work that may require funding. Include: 1. follow-up activities upon project completion and 2. planned future activities with watershed stakeholders within the project watershed, such as additional phased projects, continued monitoring and maintenance, development of geographic information systems (GIS), and land resource planning.
indicate if this project is implementing a total maximum daily load.
ANSWER: Select OneYesNo
If you answered “YES”, provide further description of these activities.
Identify the applicable TMDL by name, and if applicable, cite the RWQCB resolution number that established the TMDL.
Identify the steps that will be taken to achieve TMDL implementation.
When is full conformity with the load allocations in the TMDL anticipated?
If only some of the allocations in a TMDL are addressed by the proposed work, identify which allocations are applicable.
Provide the status of all environmental documents required for the project. All projects that require CEQA compliance will be allowed to use funds for reimbursement of CEQA costs. The amount budgeted should be consistent with the size and complexity of the project. Work that is subject to CEQA shall not proceed until the SWRCB has received documents that satisfy the CEQA process and the SWRCB has approved a grant commitment for the project. If draft CEQA documents are available, the project applicant should attach those. The applicant should send 2 copies of the final environmental document to the SWRCB and 15 copies to the State Clearinghouse.
Will the proposed project have any effect on Coho Salmon, Steelhead Trout, or other threatened or endangered aquatic species? If you answered "YES", please explain what actions will be necessary to make the project consistent with recovery plans for these species.