13th/22ndWeek Report (Delete as appropriate)

Name: ...... Date joined UEL: ......

Designation: ......

Staff No: ...... School/Service......

This form should be used as an aid to structure discussion between the Supervisor and the staff member on his or her progress during the probationary period and to provide a summarised record of that discussion. It should be completed by reference to the job description, person specification and attendance record. Comments should be made against each category. The columns marked very good to not satisfactory should be ticked as an overall observation which nearest matches the comments made.

In the light of this discussion, the following sections should be completed:

1.Probationary Assessment

Has the employee satisfactorily completed this stage of the probation review?

YesNot clearNo

If ‘NO’ or ‘NOT CLEAR’, please refer to the Procedure for Probationary Period Assessments. Under item 2,please set out in detail the areas which are unsatisfactory and what action has been taken by the Supervisor and staff member to remedy the situation.

2.Staff Development Action Plan

Aspects of work to be given particular attention:
Further training and/or work experience:
Operational Aspects of work to be addressed by Supervisor(s)
Strengths, successes
Areas of interest
Weaknesses, areas of difficulty
Areas of a lesser interest
Operational Problems experienced by employee
Comments / Very
Good / Good / Satisfactory / Not
Research Objectives
and Management (including management of time, resources, and staff, where appropriate)
Relationships with others (both staff, students and external clients)
Attitude/Manner, and Motivation
Conduct (include formal and informal warnings)
Attendance record
Any health effect on job

3.Confirmatory Signatures

Supervisor(s):I have seen the employee; the attached report and above statements are a summary of our discussion.



Name(s) (block caps)......


Employee:I have discussed my work programme with my Supervisor(s) and have read and noted the contents of the attached summary and above statements.


Name (block caps)......



If the probationer has met the performance criteria, please give a copy to the probationer, retain a completed form for your records and send a copy to the relevant HR Manager.

If the probationer has not met the performance criteria, please send the completed form to the Dean of School/Director of Service, copied to the relevant HR Manager by the 13th week of employment.


If the probationer has met the performance criteria, please send the completed form to the Dean of School/Director of Service, copied to the relevant HR Manager by the 22nd week of employment.

If the probationer has not met the performance criteria, please refer to the Probationary Policy for Management Grade andSupport Staff.