Instructions for Submitting an Exam to Delmar for AAPC CEU Approval
The AAPC is offering CEU credits to qualified candidates for the 100-question ICD-9-CM exam that appears in the 2009 Coding Workbook for the Physician’s Office, ISBN 1-4354-8409-6, by Alice Covell. The AAPC will grant a total of three (3) CEU credits for this title, for passing grades of 70% and above. To apply for CEU credit on this title, please read the following directions. You may use the copy of the exam from the book or you can download and print the exam directly from this Online Companion website.
· Copy, tear out, or print out the exam(s) you wish to submit to Delmar for CEU approval; an answer sheet is provided at the end of each exam for recording your choice for each question
· Use the appropriate coding manual to determine the correct choice for each situation
· Submit the completed exam answer key along with your name, address, email, and home phone to Delmar at:
Delmar Cengage Learning
Attn: Editorial Assistant, Insurance & Coding
5 Maxwell Drive
Clifton Park, NY 12065
· If Delmar finds that your exam meets or exceeds the passing grade of 70% or 70/100 correct, you will receive a certificate from Delmar on behalf of the AAPC stating that you have earned CEU credit
Please note: Awarding of a certificate from Delmar does not constitute full CEU approval. You are responsible for submitting this certificate to the AAPC the next time your credential is up for renewal in order to officially obtain the CEU credit(s).
For more information on obtaining CEUs, please go to