Wheeler High School
Course:Environmental Science
Teacher:Mr. B. Nelson
Environmental Science – A study of the interactions between living organisms and the Earth. The course studies how Earth’s charecteristics affect and stustain life. It also studies how living organims impact the environment. The course also looks specifically at the impacts humans have on the environment and presents ways to decrease negative impacts of humans.
The goal is for you to see that the earth needs to stay in a state of equilibrium and how our lives affect that over all equilibrium.
Writing utensils
Colored pencils and/ or markers
Loose leaf paper
3-ring binder
100 Page Lab composition notebook
- Students will execute and present several projects.
Your grade at the end of the semester will be determined as a result of the following: laboratory experiments and write-ups, quizzes, classwork, homework, projects, writing assignments, and tests.
35%:Tests, Research, & Projects
15%:Daily Grades - Classwork, Homework,
10%: Quizzes
20%: Labs
*20% of the total grade EOCT (End of Course Test)*
This environment should be conducive to learning at all times. Lab activities are designed to reinforce particular areas of study. Students will be working with a variety of serious lab equipment and must therefore conduct themselves in a responsible manner at all times:Any misbehavior in the lab will result in immediate removal from the lab and a grade of zero will be recorded for that exercise. Misbehaviors include but are not limited to: insubordination, running, horseplay, use of water without permission, and food in the lab.
EXPECTATIONS- Be Respectful!
- No profanity or foul language.
- No sleeping in class. (if you are sick you may go to the nurse to call home)
- No food or candy in class. (drinks and gum are ok)
- No unauthorized cell phone use in class.
- Students will only receive 5 hall passes per semester.
If you choose to break a rule
Appropriate measures will be taken, for example:
- First time - Detention (before or after school) and Parent Phone Call
- Serious or repeat offenses will result in a referral.
It will be your responsibility to keep an accurate record of all grades. Check your grades daily on pinnacle.
Work must be completed on time. Late work will have a ten point deduction added for each day it is late. Make up work must be completed before or after school and must be made up within the time frame outlined in the student handbook. Please make arrangements for pick-up no later than 4:00 unless discussed with me.
You are responsible for getting your make-up work
-I reserve the right to refuse unexcused late or make-up work.
Tutoring help will be available daily before school. After school tutoring will be held once per week and will be announced.
The best way to help foster the success of your child in this course is to develop a daily study regiment at home, check their grades daily on the pinnacle website, and contact me immediately whenever you have questions or concerns.
Student Name ______
Parent Name ______
Ihave read through this syllabus and have gone over it with my child I understand the terms set forth in this syllabus.
Parent Signature ______Date ______
Student Signature ______Date ______
Parent Day Time Contact Number(s) ______
Parent Email Address ______