DFC can only be used in quantities above the local de minimis levels. Any expenditure below a certain figure is automatically scored as revenue - DfES recommends a figure of about £2,000 but it is a local decision and some authorities are higher.
DFC = falls within DFC rules No = DFC not an appropriate funding source
Local = Check local audit advice
- Lockers. DFC
- Cycle storage. DFC
- Scooter storage. DFC
- Cycle repair workshop equipment. No (equipment does not fall into DFC and is also likely to be below local de minimis levels)
- Providing a laminated cycle 'passport' with a swipe-in chip for the secure store. Local
- New access at school perimeter. DFC – strictly only if it is on school land
- New path for pedestrians and/or cyclists in school grounds. DFC
- Wider paths in the school grounds. DFC
- Drainage. DFC
- Improved lighting in school grounds. DFC
- On site waiting area for pedestrians. DFC
- On site shelter for pedestrians (eg parents waiting, pupils waiting for school buses in the school). DFC
- Bus turning circle in school grounds. DFC
- Guardrail. DFC – de minimis levels might apply
- Traffic calming on school access roads in school grounds. DFC
- New signing. DFC – de minimis levels might apply
- Re-siting school fences to improve access. DFC
- Car drop zones / turning circles / car parks in school grounds. DFC
- Markings to rationalise parking or improve safety of pupils in the vicinity of cars. No – comes under repair and maintenance unless part of larger project
- Remote control entry system for a pedestrian gate. DFC
- Active play equipment - especially if one of the stated objectives of the plan is to promote physical activity. No – counts as equipment
- Coloured road or pathways to show who goes where. Possibly notDFC – see markings above (but resurfacing all cycle paths red would be OK)
- Publicity and promotional resources. No - Equipment
- Tabards for walking bus escorts/passengers. No- Equipment
- Trolleys for (walking bus) bags. No - Equipment
- Wet weather changing facilities, eg, drying room, hairdryers. DFC – Not hairdryers unless incidental to larger project
- Software - for mapping and surveys etc. No
- Trees to 'eat' CO2. Local – landscaping project could be DFC
- Subsidised bike lights/helmets/hi viz/locks for people cycling to school. No - Equipment
Examples of how some of Devon’s schools have spent their School Travel Plan grants: