7th Grade Science
Course Description:
Seventh grade science has a major emphasis on living systems. The units of study in order are as follows.
First Semester; Process Skills, Characteristics of Life, Human Body Systems and Genetics.
Second Semester; Survival, Energy Cycles, Ecosystems, Changing Earth and Space.
A student’s nine-weeks grade will be based on a weighted average of the following components:
Tests/Major Projects – 50%
Labs/In-class Activities/Quizzes (pop and other) – 35%
Homework/ Daily – 15%
When a student is absent, it is the student’s responsibility to get any assignments from the teacher, complete the assignment, and return the assignment within the number of school days that the student was absent. Since tests are announced in advance, the student is expected to take the test upon returning to school the following day. Arrangements for planning a time to take the test or make up a lab will need to be made with the teacher immediately upon the students return to school. Variations to the policy may be made on a case by case basis for prolonged absences due to illness.
Late Work:
Assignments turned in 1 day late will be accepted for a maximum grade of a 75%. Thereafter the maximum grade possible is a 50%. You can download and even print missing work at the websites listed on the bottom of the page.
Students wanting to retest must make approved test corrections before attending the specified retest tutorial. This is available to all students after every test.
v Show respect for person and property, be prepared and ready to learn when the bell rings
v Gum and food are NOT allowed in the classroom
v Lab Rules must be are followed (see “Safety Contract)
v Each student will accept responsibility for their own actions
v Adhere to SBISD technology guidelines.
Students will be required to purchase and maintain a composition notebook throughout the year. This notebook is one of the most important tools we will utilize in the classroom. Notes, labs, vocabulary and more will be recorded into this notebook. Students will be allowed to bring their notebooks home to study for tests provided they bring it back the next day.
Mr. Harvey – Thursday / Friday 7:45-8:20 AM
Ms. Azeem – Monday 3:35-4:15 PM , Wednesday 7:45-8:20 AM
Ms. Boyd – Monday / Wednesday 7:45 -8:20 AM
Mr. Garrett - Thursday 3:35-4:15 PM , Wednesday / Friday 7:45-8:20 AM
Mr. Sontag – Monday 7:45-8:20 AM , Thursday 3:35-4:15 PM
· Students are encouraged to attend any tutorial offered above, as all teachers cover the same material. A late bus is available for any student attending tutorials after school.
Contact Information:
Conference period: 3th period
Email/Websites: -
- Edmodo Page
– Edmodo Page
School Website can be accessed at -