Residency Programme
(Senior Clinical Scholar Programme)
Pg. No.1. / School Organisation and Management / 1
1.1 / Mission Statement / 1
1.2 / Accreditation Status / 1
1.3 / Management Organisation / 2
1.4 / School Organisation / 2
2. / Residency Aims and Objectives / 3
3. / Residency Organisation and Management / 4
3.1 / Management of the Residency Programme / 4
3.2 / The Graduate School / 4
3.3 / Disciplines included in the programme / 4
3.4 / Residency Terms and Conditions / 4
3.4.1 / Definition / 4
3.4.2 / Practical Clinical Training / 4
3.4.4 / Research Training
Stipend / 5
3.5 / Start dates and induction / 5
3.5.1 / Start Dates / 5
3.5.2 / Orientation / 5
3.5.3 / Standard Operating Procedures / 6
3.5.4 / Health and Safety Policy / 6
3.5.5 / Ethics and Welfare Policy / 7
3.5.6 / Line Management/Supervision / 7 / Supervisors / 7 / Disciplinary Procedures / 7
3.6 / Learning Support / 7
3.6.1 / Resident (Senior Clinical Scholar) Rounds / 7
3.6.2 / Teaching and Learning Service Courses / 8
3.6.3 / Computing Courses, Biostatistics Courses and Staff Development Courses / 8
3.6.4 / Continuing Professional Development / 8
3.6.5 / Training in Related Disciplines / 8
3.7 / Annual Progress Review / 8
3.7.1 / Purpose of Review / 8
3.7.2 / Process of Review / 9
3.7.3 / Residency Progress Review Panel / 9
4. / Miscellaneous / 9
4.1 / Loss of Earnings Insurance and Pension Provision / 9
4.2 / Maternity Policy / 10
4.3 / Annual Leave / 10
4.4 / RCVS Membership / 10
4.5 / Professional Insurance / 10
4.6 / Undergraduate Teaching / 10
4.7 / Enquiries / 10
5. / Appendices / 11
Appendix 1: Participating Diploma Holders / 11
Appendix 2: SOP for assistance with study design and/or data analyses
Appendix 3: Master of Veterinary Medicine / 12
The School of Veterinary Medicine is part of the College of Medical, Veterinary & Life Sciences. The College of Medical, Veterinary & Life Sciences is one of the largest centres for research and professional training in Life Sciences, Medicine, Veterinary Science, Dentistry and Nursing in the UK. With just over 1200 postgraduate students, the College Graduate School is a thriving intellectual community, providing training and teaching for the clinicians, researchers and allied health professionals of tomorrow.
The University of Glasgow’s School of Veterinary Medicine is pre-eminent in teaching, research and clinical provision, and attracts students, researchers and clinicians from around the world. Our internationally accredited school provides an expert referral centre via the Small Animal Hospital, the Weipers Centre for Equine Welfare and the Scottish Centre for Production Animal Health & Welfare for animal owners and referring practitioners throughout the UK. In the Research Excellence Framework 2014, the Grade Point Average for our veterinary and animal health research activity was ranked highest in the UK, reaffirming our position as one of the country’s leading veterinary schools.
1.1Mission statement
The School of Veterinary Medicine mission is: “to deliver excellence in research and teaching, to advance knowledge and to promote excellence in the practice of veterinary medicine”. The mission of the professional teaching programme is to provide an evolving quality educational programme in a research rich environment that will prepare students for future careers as veterinarians.
1.2Accreditation status
The School of Veterinary Medicine carries all necessary and appropriate accreditations to teach the disciplines listed in 3.2, below.
The Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons provides the authority that allows graduates of the School to style themselves Members of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (MRCVS), the essential qualification that all practising veterinarians in the UK must carry. The School was last inspected by the RCVS in 2013 and was found to meet all standards required by the law. Similarly, the European Association of Establishments of Veterinary Education, which conducts conjoint visitation with the RCVS, found the Faculty to meet European-wide standards with not a single identified category 1 deficiency.
The school teaching programme has been recognised by the American Veterinary Medical Association since 1999 and was re-accredited in 2006 then again in 2013.
1.3Management organisation
University of Glasgow
The University of Glasgow consists of four colleges: bringing together areas of excellence:
- College of Arts
- College of Medical, Veterinary & Life Sciences
- College of Science & Engineering
- College of Social Sciences
The School of Veterinary Medicine is part of the College of Medical, Veterinary & Life Sciences. The senior officers directly relevant to the School are:
- Principal Professor Sir Anton Muscatelli
- Head of College Dame Professor Anna Dominiczak
In addition, there are three additional Vice-Principals responsible for strategic direction of the University. They are:
- Vice-Principal (Strategy and Advancement) Professor Neal Juster
- Vice-Principal (Learning and Teaching) Professor Frank Coton
- Vice-Principal (Research) Professor Miles Padgett
The Head of the School of Veterinary Medicine sits on the College Management Group along with the other Heads of Schools and Research Institutes. The Head of Colleges sits on the university Senior Management Group along with the other Heads of College, the Vice-Principals, the Clerk of Senate and the Principal, supported by senior administrative officers (the Secretary of Court, Director of Finance and Director of Human Resources).
1.4 School of Veterinary Medicine Organisation
The management decision-making body of School is the School Executive, which meets every second week and consists of the following:
Head of School: Professor Ewan Cameron
Associates Head of School -
Learning & Teaching:Professor James Anderson
Head of Production Animal Sciences: Dr Kathryn Ellis and Dr Monika Mihm-Carmichael
Head of Small Animal Clinical Sciences: Prof Anne French
Head of Veterinary Biosciences: Professor Lubna Nasir
Head of Equine Clinical Sciences: Professor Tim Parkin
Head of Veterinary Pathology, Public Health and Disease Investigation: Dr Pamela Johnston
Head of School Administration: Ms Sarah Chiodetto
Human Resources Manager: Mr David Tedman
The academic units define line management and do not carry significant budgetary allocations.
- School of Veterinary Medicine Administration
- School of Veterinary Medicine Undergraduate School
The undergraduate school provides all support for the delivery of the 5-year undergraduate. Programme. Governance is provided through the relevant school committee (Learning and Teaching Committee – see below).
The aim of the programme is to cultivate an ethos of academic clinical practice and research.
The strategy of the programme is to develop academic clinicians as potential future staff members of University of Glasgow. Where possible, the allocation of residency positions should be to provide strategic support for either:
a) Mid-career academic staff to facilitate them to maximising their full potential.
b) Senior established academic clinicians to facilitate them to maximise their scholarship, clinical research and contribution to education.
The intended outcomes of individual residency programmes are:
- To attain such qualifications that are available in the discipline that will allow the senior clinical scholar to be recognised as a specialist in due course. In most cases this qualification will be a European Diploma
- To assist in the provision of a clinical service for referring veterinary surgeons (including a commitment to out of hours work)
- To develop research skills by producing a thesis for the degree of Master of Veterinary Medicine, publishing original scientific papers as the main author, presenting internal seminars and short communications at national and international conferences.
- To develop effective teaching techniques by undertaking such courses as necessary and gaining practical and assessment experience (this may include formal lectures during Year 3 and 4 and may include small group tuition in Years 1 to 3)
3.1 Management of the Residency Programme
The overall responsibility for management of the residency (senior clinical scholarship) programme lies with Professor Sandy Love and Professor Tim Parkin.
3.2 The Graduate School
The College Graduate School will be responsible for supporting the residency programme through co-ordination of relevant training modules (eg biostatistics, computing skills etc) and by provision of Quality Assurance monitoring of both the process and the progress of residency training (see below, 3.7). The Graduate School will be responsible for management and development of the residency programme.
3.3 Disciplines included in the programme
At Glasgow the residency programme offers either three-year or four-year positions in only the following disciplines:
- diagnostic imaging
- anaesthesia
- small animal medicine
- cardiology
- oncology
- neurology
- cattle health and production
- small ruminant health and production
- equine internal medicine
- equine surgery
- pathology
- epidemiology and public health
The participating diploma holders are listed in Appendix 1.
3.4 Residency Terms and Conditions
The residencies are supervised structured 4 year training programmes in specific professional disciplines
3.4.2.Practical Clinical Training
Residents will rotate through speciality areas relevant to their discipline and the requirements of the various colleges (examples provided in Appendices 2, 3 and 4). Residents will be involved in the diagnosis, treatment and care of cases in the speciality area under supervision of faculty members. Every morning residents are required to attend ward rounds (depending on their rotation). In the rotations residents will generally work in conjunction with both senior staff members and also the intern (junior clinical scholar) attached to that particular discipline. The exact organisation of the practical clinical training will vary between the different disciplines. Residents will be required to participate in an out-of-hours rota involving both evening and weekend duties. When on the weekend rota the senior clinical scholar will be required to attend the hospital on each day and to check the hospitalised patients and to advise the nurses and interns. They are also required to attend any new emergency cases that might present during the weekend. When on the evening week-day rota, their attendance will only be required when necessary e.g. for clinical emergencies. Residents will not receive any supplementary payment for participating in the out-of-hours rotas.
3.4.3 Research Training
Residents at Glasgow are required to undertake a part-time Masters degree (Master of Veterinary Medicine; MVM) by research, often in collaboration with the school’s major research groups. The regulations for the MVM will be those in place at the time of commencement of individual residency training programmes. i.e. those in the University Calendar and applied by the Graduate School.
The residency stipend is £19,250 and initially the appointment is for 1 year. Reappointment (for subsequent years is made on an annual basis after review of progress) for a second ,third and fourth year depends on satisfactory progress of the scholar (the stipend rises to £20,800 by the fourth year). It has been agreed with the Inland Revenue that these scholarships are not subject to P.A.Y.E. and National Insurance contributions are the responsibility of the individual. Clinical Scholars are entitled to an exemption on Council Tax payments (regulations vary between Local Authorities). There is no accommodation provided for senior clinical scholars. Holders of senior clinical scholarships are required to matriculate (register) as postgraduate students in My Campus.
Externally funded residencies (senior clinical scholarships) may vary in stipend award.
3.5Start Dates and Induction
3.5.1 Start Dates
Entry to the residency programme will generally take place on either 1st March or 1st September but vary with clinical discipline to comply with specific European College exam dates.
3.5.2 Orientation
Orientation will comprise a tour of the campus with special reference to clinical facilities, clinicopathological facilities, James Herriot Library and an introduction to relevant academic staff/residents/interns and the administrative staff within the clinical services unit.
3.5.3 Standard Operating Procedures
Throughout the veterinary school there are regularly updated Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for all activities. Residents will be required to familiarise themselves with the SOPs relevant to the hospital/unit in which their work will be undertaken.
3.5.4 Health and Safety Policies
Residents will be required to familiarise themselves with School/Hospital/Unit Health and Safety Policies. The convenor of the School Health and Safety Committee is Ms A. Macrae. Appropriate personal protective clothing will be supplied to residents.
3.5.5 Ethics and Welfare
The School of Veterinary Medicine is committed to maintaining high standards of ethics and welfare to all animals/animal tissues within the school. Residents will be required to familiarise themselves with the Ethics and Welfare regulations of The School of Veterinary Medicine and all research projects must comply with these regulations. The Ethics and Welfare Committee is chaired by Professor Joanna Morris and is administered by Miss Gillian Ironside.
3.5.6 Line Management/Supervision Supervisors
Individual residents will be allocated a supervisor who will be responsible for both day-to-day clinical training as well as ensuring progress through the programme as a whole. It is essential that the resident maintains an up to date documentation of their clinical training as specified by the Programme Director of the governing European College of their speciality. This documentation, which may include case logs, presentation logs etc, is necessary to provide proof of attainment of residency targets, as well as to allow timely identification of any potential deficiencies in clinical training or research activities. Instruction/supervision/training of residents will not be the responsibility of the Clinical Services Directors. Disciplinary Procedures
In the event of complaint, grievance or appeal, residents should take these up, in accordance with School Policy, through Prof Sandy Love, the PG Convener, (not Head of Division and not Clinical Director). The Policies and Procedures guidelines for academic and academic-related staff will be utilised in any disciplinary matter. The Policies and Procedures are available on
3.6Learning Support
3.6.1. Resident Rounds and Seminars
All Residents will be required to attend the weekly seminar programme that is organised through the year. These include formal lectures by senior staff, resident seminars and resident case discussion sessions. Residents must give one presentation (research or case report) per year as part of the seminar programme. In their final year, residents are additionally required to deliver a 40 minute presentation on an area within which they have been involved in a research capacity or within which they have developed a particular clinical expertise. In addition, residents will be required to attend divisional research seminars, a post-graduate clinical club, weekly radiology rounds, weekly clinical pathology rounds, student grand rounds, clinical/pathological conferences, journal club meetings and other meetings as required by their specific programmes.
3.6.2 Teaching and Learning Service Courses
Residents are required to attend the Teaching and Learning Service course on Small Group Teaching during the first year of the programme.
3.6.3 Computing Courses, Biostatistic Courses and Staff Development Courses
Residents will have the opportunity to attend (at no charge) a range of computing courses offered by the University’s Computing Services ( and statistics courses offered by the Robertson Centre for Biostatistics ( and courses offered by the Staff Development Service ( and the College Graduate School. Within the School there are many members of The Boyd Orr Centre for Population and Ecosystem Health which is an internationally renowned research group. There is longstanding collaboration between the veterinary epidemiologists within this group and clinical researchers and the basis and conditions of future collaborations are summarised in Appendix 5. All approaches for collaboration must be made prospectively by supervisors and it is important to recognise that this is a research group and not a statistical service provider.
3.6.4Continuing Professional Development
Residents are expected to attend scientific meetings appropriate to their chosen discipline. In certain circumstances residents will be also allowed to study at other veterinary centres to gain experience in certain areas. Certain residency programmes involve study at other university departments. A budget of £1,500 per annum is currently available to each resident to allow him/her to pursue appropriate continuing professional development (CPD) as identified by their supervisor. Residents are also encouraged to obtain their own funding by submitting conference abstracts and applying for grants.
3.6.5 Training in related disciplines
To fulfil the credential requirements of many colleges it will be necessary to complete structured training in related disciplines. Modular training in related disciplines must be requested by supervisors.
3.7 Annual Progress Review
3.7.1Purpose of Review
In keeping with all categories of clinical academics and post graduate students, residents will undertake annual review of their professional development. Through reflective review of each year of the residency, issues such as specific training needs, revision of the detail of the individual programme, course attendance etc. will be identified. Additionally individual Programmes may require more frequent review (bi-annual for ECVIM and ECVS in the SAH).
3.7.2Process of Review
In the 9th month of each year the resident will submit a report using the Graduate School Progress on-line system together with a copy of the portfolio submitted to the credentials committee of the relevant European College (or equivalent). Supervisors will submit a separate independent report on the progress of each individual residency. Late submission of the reports will not be permitted. The Resident Progress Review Panels Group will review the reports and make recommendations to the Graduate School which will feed back the resident (and supervisor)
3.7.3 Residency Progress Review Panels
The Residency Progress Review Panels are drawn from members of the veterinary academic staff below, and they will be clerked by Ms Harvinder Deol. Each resident’s progress will be reviewed by academic staff from independent clinical service groups/disciplines.
The panel members are:
Sandy Love, Tim Parkin, Martin Tomlinson, Martin Sullivan, Peter Hastie and Joanna Morris.
The remit of The Progress Review Panels is to:
- Review and report on annual progress/development of individual senior clinical scholars with regard to clinical knowledge/skills, clinical research and undergraduate training/assessment.
- Recommend appropriate modification of any general aspects of the individual scholar programme.
- Identify weakness(es) of supervision
Outwith the remit of The Progress Review Panels:
- Recruitment of residents
- Recommendations on detail of specific clinical training
- Line management of residents
- Training of residents
- Reporting to external bodies (and funding bodies)