Auburn Academy Support Teams’ Agenda
Thursday, December 8th, 2016
8:15 a.m.
Auburn High School Cafe
BAMIT Minutes:
I. Welcome and Call to Order
Kuligowski – 5min
II. Welcome to new members and/or guests
Kuligowski – 1 min
III. Discussion of Agenda Format
Kuligowski – Focus on two pieces, agenda items IV and V. (2 min)
IV. IDU/PBL (See Appendix a)
Action Plan/Discussion:
ACTION: Virtual Business IDU/PBL – Ana Hill to launch in Business class, English - create surveys/websites, and social media, Math – graph survey results e.g. scatterplots, bar graphs, Graphic Design –design market piece, logos, business cards, Art – design/sketch interior of business, Science – determine environmental impact of business, Modern/World Language – labelling and captions, Social studies – determine governmental impact and demographics of enterprise
Site Visit Opportunities/Guest Speaker Opportunities
ACTION: Identify list of ten businesses to contact for site visits
V. Closing/Adjournment
Kuligowski – Review next meeting time
Next Meeting
Feb 8th, 4:30-5:30 p.m.
Appendix A:
PBL/IDU – Project Based Learning and Interdisciplinary Units – In order to improve Academy outcomes, a growth initiative is for AST’s (Academy Support Teams) to spend Agenda time discussing and action planning both PBL’s and IDU’s that incorporate themes relavent to the Academy. For example, H.S. Academy would want an IDU/PBL that is relevant to Health Science. Please use the provided paper/markers to either Brain-storm IDU/PBL Ideas, or to help develop action plans around an upcoming PBL/IDU.
Action Owner Timeline Notes
Virtual Business PBL/IDU / BAMIT Teacher Team / 1.30.17 / See notes aboveCreate and review business list for site visits / Kuligowski / 1.15.17
Monthly Guest Speakers / BAMIT Teacher Team / 1.30.17 / Continue implementing
ATTENDEES: Sam Basille, Marie Garcarz, Ana Hill, Chris Crowley, Heather Kuligowski, Kim Johnson, Sandra Fisher, Courtney Haugdahl, Chris Anderson, Elizabeth DeGunther, Audra Swenson, Robert Hammer, John Cornaccia.