Course Name / Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Teachers / Tsun-Cheng WANG, Tsen-Hsian WU, Shou-Yen KAO, His-Fen TU, Che-Shoa CHANG, Yong-Kie WONG, Man-Tin LUI, Wan-Liang LO
Objective / To learn the normal structure and function of oral and maxillofacial region forming pathological state and provide the knowledge how to evaluate and manage _____ means of lecture and simulation skill training and also teach students how to resolute surgical complications.
Pre_Course / Anatomy, Physiology, Microbiology & Immunology, Pharmacology, Oral Embryology, Histology, Oral Anatomy, Oral Diagnosis, Oral Pathology, Dental Radiology, Dental Anesthesiology
Outline / Including Surgical Principles, CPR, Dental Emergency, History and Physical Examination, Exodontia, Preprosthodontic Surgery, Tooth Transplantation and Dental Implant, Maxillofacial Injury, Infection of Head and Neck, T-M Joint Disorder and Diseases, Sensory and Motor Nerve Disturbance, Cyst and Lesion Tumor of Head and Neck, Oral Cancer, Disease of Salivary Gland, Maxillofacial Deformities.
Teaching Methods / Lecturing in class with demonstration and practice in Laboratory
References / 1.Contemporary oral and maxillofacial surgery, Larry J.P., Mosby, 4th edition, 2003.
2.Massachusetts general hospital manual of oral and maxillofacial surgery, R. Bruce Donoff, Mosby, 3rd edition, 1997.
Syllabus / Topic
Principles of surgery: Bacteriology, pharmacology & sterilization
Practice of surgical procedures: scrubbing, wearing gown, skin preparation, draping, incision & sutures (10:00 AM ~ 6:00 PM)
Principles of surgery: Cardiopulmonary emergency procedures & Dental Emergency
History and physical examination
Exodontia: Introduction of general principles
Exodontia: Office and equipments, Armamentarium,
Introduction of Clinical Exodontia.
Exodontia: Simple exodontia, Complicated exodontia.
Exodontia: Impacted teeth
Midterm Exam
Preprosthodontic surgery I
Preprosthodontic surgery II: Implantology and tooth transplantation
Maxillofacial injury I: Emergency management and evaluation;
Soft tissue injury.
Maxillofacial injury II : Armamentarium, splinting, wiring &fixation method. Traumatic injuries of teeth and alveolar bone.
Maxillofacial injury III: Fracture of mandible
Maxillofacial injury IV: Fracture of midface included zygoma, orbit, nasal bone fractures
Maxillofacial injury V: complicated fractures and complications
Infection of head and neck; osteomyelitis of the jaw
Final Exam
Evaluation / First semester
  1. Quizzes and presentations: 25%
  2. Midterm exam: 25%
  3. Final exam: 50%
Second semester
  1. Quizzes and presentations: 50%
  2. Final exam: 50%