St. Vivian School
885 Denier Place
Cincinnati, Ohio 45224
(513) 522-6858
Resource & Handbook
St. Vivian School
885 Denier Place
Cincinnati, Ohio 45224
Family/Student Resource & Handbook
As a ministry of St. Vivian Parish, St. Vivian School, in partnership with our school families, provide an education that nurtures students to become life-long learners and models of Christianity. We strive to engage each student academically and spiritually in a Catholic environment.
1. We believe everyone is made in God’s image and should be valued.
2. We believe academic and spiritual growth is the priority of St. Vivian School.
3. We believe the faculty and parish of the St. Vivian community work in partnership with families to foster academic and spiritual growth.
4. We believe each student is a valued individual whose learning style is met by using a variety of instructional approaches.
5. We believe in providing a Catholic environment to prepare students to become responsible members of their community who make good moral choices, live the Gospel message, and serve as Christ did.
6. We believe in strengthening each person’s respect for one another by respecting and accepting diversity.
There are many educational choices. St. Vivian School, in partnership with St. Vivian Parish, is a special place. We recognize, however, that we are not a perfect fit for everyone. Families who choose St. Vivian School acknowledge that they support the above mission and beliefs statement and affirm the value of a Catholic education.
In order to be successful in its mission, everyone involved in the education process at St. Vivian School must be engaged and willing to support the values upon which this community is founded. The following policies serve to clarify some fundamental values and expectations. You will find information regarding the following:
· Admissions policy including maximum class sizes and registration priorities
· Tuition rates and payment policies
· Volunteer expectations
· Annual Parent contract
Honor Code of St. Vivian Catholic School
On my honor, as a student of St. Vivian School, I pledge to be motivated by God, accept guidance from my parents, and respect the authority of my teachers.
I will utilize the gifts with which God has blessed me.
I will be honest and truthful.
My words and actions will reflect the teachings of Jesus.
I will be respectful to my teachers and staff, my fellow students, and our school property.
I will act in a polite, cooperative, and constructive manner and take responsibility for my own choices and actions.
I will make the right choice, the choice that is expected of me, even when no one is watching.
In the event that I witness an act that violates our Honor Code, I have the responsibility to report the act to an adult – parent/guardian, teacher, or principal.
a. It may be in writing and left on a teacher’s desk, or sent to the school office
b. It may be in person
c. I am encouraged to sign the note to better resolve the situation.
I understand that anything that I report will be handled responsibly.
St. Vivian School – Important Phone Numbers
Attendance Line (available 24 hours) 522-6858
Ext. 1
School Office (7:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. M – F) 522-6858
Mrs. Jane Brack, Principal, ext. 202
Mrs. Alice Derrick, Secretary, ext. 203
FAX#: 728-4336
Parish Office/Business Office 728-4331
(8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. M – F) FAX#: 728-4335
Religious Education Office 522-6858
Ext. 124
Extended Care (2:25 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.) 522-6858
Ext. 223
Direct Line 728-4334
School Website:
This resource and handbook contains important information about St. Vivian School. It should answer many of your questions, but feel free to contact us if you need additional information.
Please review this document with your child and keep it available for future reference.
We pledge to do our best to insure that your child succeeds. We appreciate your support and wish you the best for the 2015-2016 school year.
St. Vivian School Staff
Adopted by Education Commission June 2014
Mission Statement 3
Beliefs Statement 3
Honor Code 4
Important Phone Numbers 5
Table of Contents 6
Administration, Faculty and Staff 7
Education Commission 8
PTA Board 8
Admissions Policy 9
Annual Family Contract 11
Assignments/Student Evaluation 11
Attendance Policy 12
Awards 13
Books 14
Bullying 14
Cafeteria 15
Cell Phones, Electronic Devices 18
Child Abuse and Neglect 18
Child Protection Decree 18
Code of Conduct 19
Communication 25
Conferences 25
Curriculum 25
Custody 25
Dress Code 26
Distribution of Non-School/Non-Parish Materials 28
Drugs, Alcohol, and Tobacco 28
Due Process 28
Extended Care Program 29
Family Service Requirements 29
Field Trips 31
Fund Raising 31
Fundraising: Matching gifts 31
Health and Safety 32
Internet Policy 35
Library 35
Lock Down 36
Lockers 36
Lost and Found 36
Media Release Policy 36
Pornography 36
Promotion, Retention and Graduation 36
Religious Education 37
School Closings 37
Smoke Free Building Policy 37
Standardized Testing 37
Student Property Inspection 38
Student Records/Access 38
Supervision of Students 38
Threats 39
Transportation 39
Tuition and Fees Policy 40
Visitors 44
Volunteer Program 44
Wellness Policy 45
Withdrawals 46
Right to Amend Handbook 46
School Calendar 2014-2015 47
School Supply List 2014-15 48
Faculty & Staff Voice Mail & E-Mail Directory 50
Pastor Rev. Jerry Hyland 728-4331 100
Deacon Deacon Larry Maag 728-4331 102
Principal Mrs. Jane Brack 522-6858 202
School Secretary Mrs. Alice Derrick 522-6858 203
Business Manager Mrs. Kathy Rothschild 728-4331 101
Parish Secretary Mrs. Erin Henz 728-4331 100
Religious Education Mrs. Julie Zinser 728-4339 124
522-6858 GRADE/SPECIALIST Room # Ext:
Preschool Mrs. Anne Schmitt 001 221
Preschool Assistant Ms. Lisa McClelland 002 222
Kindergarten Mrs. Michele Heyob 122 208
Kindergarten Assistant Mrs. Carrie Klus 123 207
Grade 1 Mrs. Heather Shisler 121 209
Grade 2 Ms. Trisha Hendricks 120 210
Grade 3 Mrs. Mary Joan Heckle 125 205
Grade 4 Mrs. Lori Sullivan 124 206
Grade 5 Mrs. Amy Thomas 126 204
Grade 6 Mr. Taylor Deters 205 234
Mrs. Carrie Chambers 202 231
Grades 7 Mrs. Michelle Surber 204 232
Ms. Kelly Heekin 203 233
Grades 8 Mr. Eric Froese 201 230 Jr Hi Religion/Grade 8 Mr. Phil Miller 206 235
Spanish Ms. Marsha Davis 005
Physical Education Mr. Phil Miller 235
Music 229
Art: Mrs. Mary Burgei 225
Technology: Mrs. Mary Burgei 237
Auxiliary Clerk/Librarian Mrs. Cathy Bennett 214
School Nurse Mrs. Jenny Ferris, R.N.(Friday) 218
Cafeteria Manager: Mrs. Michelle Waldbillig 228
Extended Care: Mrs. Julie Borgeding 223
Maintenance: Mr. Paul Petronio
Mr. Wayne Eilerman
Mr. Tom Ortman
Education Commission
The St. Vivian Education Commission represents all aspects of the total education program in the parish, including school, religious education, youth and adult. Parents are welcome at all meetings.
PTA Board
The St. Vivian PTA represents all of our parents and teachers working together to enhance the educational program for all of our students. Parents are welcome at all meetings.
ADMISSIONS POLICY (Revised 2013-2014)
As a ministry of St. Vivian Parish, St. Vivian School exists to support and encourage the responsibility of parents as the primary educators of their children.
We believe that a Catholic identity and atmosphere is more effectively achieved when a percentage of Catholic students predominates. Therefore, our target goal is to maintain a percentage of at least 70% Catholic students in each grade level. No student presently attending St. Vivian School will be asked to leave in order to achieve this target.
St. Vivian School admits students on a space availability basis, with first consideration given to registered parish families. Families seeking to become parishioners must first register in the parish before registering in the school.
St. Vivian does not discriminate on the basis of race or gender.
St. Vivian will enroll students within the following guidelines. For Kindergarten, the optimal (goal) class size is 24. In grades 1-4 our optimal (goal) class size is 25. In grades 5-8 our optimal (goal) class size is 30. The administration may use its discretion to adjust class sizes as needed.
Waiting lists will begin when a specific grade level exceeds the optimal number of students. Prospective students will be listed based on the specific date of their inquiries and according to the priorities listed below about St. Vivian School.
Registration forms for the upcoming school year are made available in January to families with children currently enrolled in St. Vivian School and parishioners of St. Vivian Parish.
The following priority list is used to admit students:
1. Children of registered parishioner families with siblings currently enrolled in St Vivian School.
2. Children of registered parishioner families.
3. Siblings of students currently enrolled in St Vivian School.
4. Children of Catholic families not registered at St. Vivian Parish.
5. Children of non-Catholic families.
Once a child begins preschool at St. Vivian, they have the right to continue in school, even if parishioners apply and the class is already filled according to the St. Vivian order of preference for admissions.
Age Requirements
An incoming kindergartener must be five years of age by September 30 of their admission year to enter. Early admission as set by the Ohio Revised Code will be decided by the principal.
Admission shall not be based solely on academic ability or achievement. However, since our school does not have the educational facilities to meet the instructional needs of all learners it may be determined that St. Vivian is not an appropriate educational placement for some students. The registration of children with special needs will be reviewed annually between administration and parent(s)/guardian(s) prior to the acceptance of registration for the following year.
Re-Enrollment for All Students
St. Vivian School is committed to supporting all of its students. Accordingly, efforts are made to develop individual intervention plans to assist students experiencing behavioral and/or educational problems. In some instances, however, it may become apparent that St. Vivian is no longer an appropriate educational placement for a student despite the interventions that have been implemented. This outcome could be due to a history of chronic behavior problems or educational needs beyond the capabilities of the school. In such cases, a conference will be conducted with the parents, principal, and/or the student’s teachers to help identify an appropriate placement for the student.
Transfer Students
Before a student is considered for acceptance into St. Vivian School, the following documents must be received by our school office for review:
· Cumulative folder including official transcripts or grades.
· Birth certificate
· Immunization records
In addition, the following records may be requested:
· Grades/test scores
· Discipline Record
· Psychological testing, counseling records
· Individual Education Plans, 504 Plans
· Baptismal Certificate
· Standardized testing scores (Ohio Achievement Tests, IOWA Tests, etc.)
Probationary Period
New students’ academic and behavioral progress will be reviewed during the first school year of acceptance. If the reviews are unsatisfactory, a conference will be held with teachers, parents, and the principal in order to devise an academic and/or behavioral intervention plan. This intervention plan will be re-evaluated within four weeks or sooner if necessary. If the reviews continue to be unsatisfactory, another plan may be considered or the student may be asked to withdraw from St. Vivian School.
Parish Scholarship Eligibility
St. Vivian Parish families are eligible to receive the Parish Scholarship based on the fulfillment of ALL the following criteria:
1. The family must be registered at St. Vivian Parish. To be registered, you must provide your names, address, telephone number and other information to the Parish office.
2. At least one parent/guardian and the student(s) must be baptized Catholics.
3. The family must live as Catholics who joyfully and regularly worship together at St. Vivian Parish. “Regularly” is defined as attending Sunday (Saturday evening) Mass at St. Vivian Parish a minimum of eighteen (18) times per calendar year. As a sign of the family’s presence, an offertory envelope must be placed in the offertory basket each time the family attends Sunday(Saturday evening) Mass, even if the family is unable to contribute that week.
4. The family must pledge financial support to St. Vivian Parish by completing and returning their Covenant letter during the annual stewardship campaign (Grateful Believers). The stewardship commitment begins January 1 and ends December 31.
· All families with children in school must make and fulfill a financial stewardship commitment to the parish. Each family must determine their level of weekly offering based on their means, with consideration for the fact that tuition only covers part of the cost of educating their child/children. As a guide, the suggested minimum commitment to stewardship by school families is $780 ($15 per week).
· If a family fails to submit a Covenant letter by December 1st, the current year’s tuition will be raised to the full tuition rate.
· If a family fails to honor their stewardship commitment, full tuition will be charged for the current year. It is the responsibility of the parents/guardians to notify the Business Manager via a phone call, letter, or email if they encounter financial circumstances at any time that make adherence to their stewardship commitment impossible.
5. The parents/guardians are required to participate in the life of the parish beyond attending Mass (for example performing a ministry, joining a parish organization, coaching a sport or working at the festival, etc.).
The Parish will assess each family’s eligibility several times per year. Families who fail to meet parish eligibility requirements will be assessed the full cost of their child’s (children) education until eligibility requirements are met. If the family is deemed not eligible, but later believes that they are again fulfilling the necessary requirements, the family must contact the Business Manager, so that the family’s eligibility may be re-assessed. All contact with the Parish Office concerning financial matters will be kept strictly confidential. (Approved by Education Commission June 2013)