Parish News
Mass Schedule:
Monday (June 6) 9:00 a.m. in St. Andrews
Thursday (June 9) 9:00 a.m. in Heatherton deceased members of the Duykers family
Saturday (June 11)4:00 p.m. in Giant’s Lake
6:30 p.m. in St. Andrews
Sunday (June 12) 9:00 a.m. in Heatherton
10:30 a.m. in St. Andrews
Msgr. Hugh MacPherson Knights of ColumbusAnnual Spring Concert, Sunday June 5at 7
:00 PM, Heatherton Community Centre. Come bring your friends and enjoy the best of local talent. Admission by donation.
A CONCERT like none other!! Sunday, June 12that 2pm, St. Andrew's Church. The SHINING LIGHTS, a singing group from Halifax, will perform in the St. Andrews Church. The members of this group have either been homeless or at the risk of being homeless. The concert is free; however, if you wish to make to donation, the funds will go to the Sisters of St. Martha Street Ministry in Halifax. Come and meet some remarkable people!
The CWL Annual Retreat will take place on Saturday, June 18th at Our Lady ofGrace Monastery, Monastery. The day begins with registration and light refreshments of tea, coffee and muffins from 9:00 to 10:00 am and ends at 3:00 pm. Holy Mass will be celebrated by his most Reverend Bishop Brian Dunn at 11:00 am. A collection at Mass will be offered to the Sisters for their generous hospitality. Tickets will be sold on a beautiful Spa Basket, $2.00 each or 3 for $5.00, with proceeds as part of our donation. Lunch is a choice of chicken pot pie or lasagna at a cost of $15.00 to be paid at arrival.If planning to attend please call Paula at 902-567-0794 as soon as possible. Deadline is June 9th.
St. Andrews Parish & St Francis DeSales News:
St Andrews CWL Walk for Life that was postponed from last week will be held this Sunday after Mass.
The Annual Lobster/Ham Dinner preordered takeout plateis Sunday June 12, 2016; all funds raised are used for Youth Faith Formation. Lobster $15/Ham $10- all dinners include strawberry shortcake. Dinners will be ready following the Mass and must be picked up between 11:15 & 1:00pm at the community center if arrangements are not made for delivery-come and pickup right after church. ~Sponsored by St Andrews Pastoral Council.
St Andrews Pastoral Council-Sunday, 5 June, at 2:00 p.m. in the Martha Room.
The Annual Spring Maintenance Levy will be taken up at the main entrance of the church on Saturday/Sunday June 4 & 5 to allow parishioners an opportunity to contribute.
Thank you for support and contributionsreceived at St. Andrews: Envelopes/Loose $1,373.65 + $40; Bucket $3.10 (for School Breakfast Program); Pope’s Pastoral Works $20; Ant Diocesan Society $50; Maintenance Levy $1,800; St. Francis DeSales-Giant’s Lake $102.
There will be a church clean-up at St. Francis de Sales in Giants Lake on Tuesday, June 14th at 6pm.
The final regular Mass at St. Francis de Sales will be held on Sunday June 26that 4 pm. There will be a lunch after and a concert at 6pm. All are welcome!
The children of Mary and Ronnie Duggan invite family and friends to join us to celebrate their 40th wedding anniversary on Saturday June 18,2016. Come to 4:00pm Mass at St. Francis de Sales in Giant’s Lake; then around 5:30 pm there will be tea, sandwiches, and sweets at their home in Upper South River. Best Wishes only.
Heatherton Parish News:
Collections 29 May
Regular = $1,000.55 Cemetery = $360.00 Pope’s Pastoral Works = $40.00
Antigonish Diocesan Society = $20.00 Loose = $84.85
The next meeting of the Heatherton C.W.L. will be this Monday, 6 June, at 7 p.m. in the Activity Centre.
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: The Lobster Supper will be on Thursday, 7 July, and we are looking for volunteers. Please contact 902.386.2810 or if you are able to help. There is also a sign-up sheet located on the bulletin boards. The more help we receive with this annual event the easier it will be on the workers who volunteer their time.
The next meeting to help with organizing this year’s Lobster Supper will be Wednesday, 15 June, at 6:30 p.m. in the Glebe House.
The next Pastoral Council meeting will be on Tuesday, 14 June, at 7:15 p.m. in the Glebe House.
Diocesan News
ACatholic Moms Retreat for mothers of young children is being planned for June 17th-19th at Bethany Center, Antigonish. It will be a weekend of rest, renewal and formation, offering quiet time of prayer and engaging fellowship with other moms. For more information please contact Laura
Over the years, many forms ofprayer have evolved whereby Christians have expressed care for the sick among us. Shrines associated with healings, such as St. Anne de Beaupre, have welcomed pilgrims and have developed prayers and sacramentals (such as St. Anne's oil) to assist the faithful in their prayer and solicitude for the sick. In recent years, many Christians have found solace and comfort in "healing masses" which tend to a more charismatic form of expression. All of these are valuable and worthy means to bring our illnesses to the Lord in faith and prayer. However, the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick remains the premiere form of prayer for the sick. One of the seven sacraments of the Church, for many years it languished as a ritual intended for those nearing death. The liturgical reform of Vatican II has returned this sacrament to its central focus - the sacramental prayer for the seriously ill in our midst. On Sunday June 12, at 3 p.m. St. Marguerite Bourgeoys Parish, 40 Cabot St. Sydney, will host a communal celebration of the Sacrament of the Sick. Several priests will be available to anoint those who present themselves for the Sacrament. All are welcome to attend the celebration; the attendance of family and friends is a visible expression of support for the sick person. But the actual anointing is intended for those who are suffering from serious medical issues. This would include those who are undergoing treatment for serious illness, those who suffer from chronic physical or mental illness which impacts on their daily lives and activities, those preparing for surgery, those involved in long term recovery and rehabilitation therapies, and those involved in any stage of palliative care. This celebration is part of our parish designation as a pilgrim church for the year of mercy. All are welcome and we extend a special welcome to the people of St. Joseph's Parish, Port Hawkesbury who are making a special parish pilgrimage to join us on June 12. Their pastor, Fr. Conrad Edwards will be the guest homilist for this celebration.
For the past several years, the Emmaus Centre has been providing parish resources to bring awareness to the vocation of catechist and Catechetical Sunday. On September 25, 2016, Pope Francis will celebrate with catechists around the world the Jubilee of Catechists. The National Office of Evangelization and Catechesis has prepared many excellent resources which can be used on Catechetical Sunday or any time throughout the year by clergy, coordinators and parents to emphasize the special role of the catechist. These resources can be used for individual reflection or in a larger group setting. You may wish to use the liturgical suggestions for a special blessing of catechists either on Catechetical Sunday, September 25, 2016 or at another time when catechists are gathered together. Please see the link below. Resources) Resources) Should you have any questions regarding these resources, please don’t hesitate to contact me at , 1-800-656-5311 ext 226 or 902-539-6188 ext 226
Community News
Oak and Owl Plant & Bake Sale this week-end. Sunday St. Andrews Community Centre. Doors open at 11:15am.
Now accepting applications for a summer student at the Heatherton Activity Centre. Please drop off resumes to the Centre Monday to Friday between 7 a.m. and 3 p.m. Deadline for applications is 13 June at 3:00 p.m.
A traditional maritime lobster dinner on Sunday, June 12, 2016 from 12 noon-3pm at the Bayfield community center, 317 Bayfield Beach Road. Fresh cooked whole, 1lb lobster, potato salad, coleslaw, rolls and pie. $18.00 per plate with takeout available. Sponsored by The Harbour Authority of Bayfield and St. Mary's Church, Bayfield.
Registration for the 7th Annual Antigonish 55+ Games is now open. The games will take place in Antigonish and St. Andrews 16-18 June. Registration forms may be picked up at Antigonish Town and County Recreation departments and be dropped off or mailed to 274 Main Street, Antigonish, NS, B2G-0B4. Registration deadline is Friday, 10 June. For more information email or call Jenny Bowie at 902-968-0055.