T Remote Deposit Self Assessment
Current Date: 10/19/18 Bank:
New Client AssessmentExisting ClientAssessment Port #: / Relationship Manager:
TM Representative:Annette Bleninger: 612-782-2829Becky Roslee: 218-283-9411Beth Benoit: 218-281-0244Beverly Marx: 218-828-5154Cindy Johnson: 320-762-4714Curt Sandberg: 701-795-4514Doreen Mickelson: 218-846-0365Jennifer Lund: 701-492-2622Jill Nelson: 612-782-2824Kathy Gram: 715-235-2144Lisa Scharf: 320-255-7147Nick Metzigian: 701-857-6266Sara Larsen: 651-450-5142Shelli Hawkinson: 507-537-0211 Steph Behm: 651-726-6033Toni Sing: 320-231-8177
Credit Relationship Depository Relationship / Corporate Resolution Received/Verified
Business Profile Information
Business Name: / TIN:
City, State, Zip:
Primary Contact: / Contact Phone #:
Risk Management Practices (compliance with remote deposit agreement, business account agreement)
Yes No Do you maintain remote deposit services with another financial institution?
Yes No Are you in compliance with the Bremer Remote Deposit and Business Account Agreement?
Management Oversight(management practices that govern accounting staff responsibilities, separation of duties)
Yes No Do you have written procedures available for daily processing of receivables?
Yes No Is more than one employee involved in the creation of the daily deposit, approval, and transmission?
Yes No Is the processing of deposits and reconciling bank statements assigned to different employees?
Yes No Do you maintain remote deposit in multiple locations?
Yes No If yes to multiple locations, do the same processing procedures and controls apply to all locations?
Operational Controls (deposit processing, deposit reconciliation, check storage, check destruction)
Yes No Are you converting checks to ACH transactions?
Yes No If yes to converting checks, do you provide the required ACH disclosures?
Yes No Is there a daily reconciliation completed between the accounts receivables and deposit processing?
Yes No Are the processed checks stored in a secure location?
Yes No Is access to processed checks restricted to only those employees involved in deposit processing?
Yes No Do you have a method for secure destruction?
Yes No Are the processed checks destroyed on a scheduled basis within 14 days of scanning?
Employment Practices(back-ground checks, backup and training)
Yes No Do you perform back-ground checks on prospective employees?
Yes No Do you provide ongoing training for employees?
Yes No Do you provide back-up for “single-location” employees?
IT Infrastructure and Security (hardware, software, user access/passwords)
Yes No Does each user access the system with their own unique User Access ID and Password?
Yes No Do you have a data security policy and procedures for computer usage?
Yes No Do you subscribe to an anti-virus software service?
Yes No If yes to anti-virus, do you act promptly upon notification of updates from the anti-virus service?
Yes No Do you update your computer operating systems with published patches?
Yes No Do you monitor for unauthorized network and system activity?
Yes No Do you educate your employees on fraud schemes including internet access that target businesses?
Yes No Do your employees know who to report suspicious activity to?
I hereby attest that the following information is accurate and correct and hereby request access to Remote Deposit Services through Bremer Bank, N.A. and agree to abide by the terms and conditions of the Bremer Remote Deposit Agreement.
Business Name
Printed Name
Authorized Signature
Email completed document to: