These questions have been specifically designed to get your copy just right. This is NOT a test, so you cannot get it wrong! Answer as best you can, and remember that the more detail you provide, the better we will be able to understand your brand and your writing requirements.
The results?Seamlessly tailored, unique and personalised copy.
Insert answers in red.
Client:Insert here
Business Name:Insert here
Business Location:Insert here
Contact Telephone Number:Insert here
Email: Insert here
Logo (insert if applicable):-
1. Please provide a brief description of the kind of copywriting you want created or reviewed.
Is it for a Website, an ‘About’ page, Brochure, a Pamphlet, or a Press Release?
Insert here…
2. Specify the approximate length of each piece of copywriting you require.
(Apara, half a page, a full page, 10 pages)
Insert here…
3. What is your business? What do you do?
(Please use plain English and avoid buzz words or industry specific jargon)
Insert here…
4.What is the background/history/heritage of your business?
Insert here…
5. How does your product/service benefit your customer?
Insert here…
6. What inspired you to create the product/service that you provide?
Insert here…
7. What tone of voice do you think is appropriate for your business and your customers?
Conversational/ Friendly/ Formal/ Funny/ Educational/ Light hearted / Alternative / Risqué
Please provide examples of copy you already like. This can be sourced from websites, advertisements, blogs, magazines, quotes, books, Pinterest etc. (links are fine)
Insert here…
8. What are the values of your business? What does it stand for?
Insert here…
9. Who is the main audience? Who will be reading the copy? What are their needs/desires? Provide as much information about the target consumer as possible. For example, age, income, job title, suburb, interests, political affiliation, choice of newspaper, gender.
E.g. “Our clients are typically aged 30-40, have $500 to spend, are university educated, female, interested in arts and the environment, married but haven’t got children, etc.”
Insert here…
10. If applicable, describe your‘creative process’.
Insert here…
11.How do you want your business to be perceived by the target market/s? What do you want them to think about your business or product?
Insert here…
12. What is your Unique Selling Proposition (USP)? What differentiates you from your competitors?Why would a customer buy from you rather than someone else? For example, you have a wider range of colours, your products/services are 30% cheaper than your nearest competitors, your product is locally made, or has a unique or innovative design etc.
Insert here…
13.Provide any material that supports your business’s USP or competitive advantage.
Case studies, testimonials, product reviews, awards/accolades.
Insert here…
14.Do any of your competitors provide a similar product/service? If so, who are they? What are their strengths? What does their marketing look like? (For example, Website, Brochure, Facebook page) Provide links to their websites if possible.
Insert here…
15.What is the main objective your business hopes to achieve with this copy?
For example, attract new customers, retain old customers, make your brand sound more contemporary, enable your business to charge higher prices by positioning itself as a ‘premium’ provider, etc.,
Insert here…
16. If you already have copy, what do you like about your existing copy? What don’t you want changed?
Insert here…
17.What don't you like about your current copy?
For example, is it too technical, too pushy, too long, too boring, too dated, etc.?
Insert here…
18. If applicable, please provide a brief work history (dot points are fine)
Insert here…
19. Please include bullet points of ‘essential information’ that must be included in the copywriting (if applicable).
Insert here…
20. Please sum up the ‘personality’ of your brand.
Insert here…
21. If you’re hiring us for SEO copywriting, please provide us with your keywords and/or your long tail keywords, if you know them.Do not provide us with these keywords, unless you’ve been specifically quoted for SEO copywriting.
Insert here…