Vermont Principals’ Association

2 Prospect Street ~ Suite #3, Montpelier, Vermont 05602

V ~ 802 229.0547 ~ 802 229.4801

Professional Learning & Support Committee

Membership Request and Application

The Executive Council of the Vermont Principals’ Association created the Professional Learning & Support Committee in May of 2013. The Professional Learning and Support Committee will coordinate and collaborate with the VPA Executive Director and VPA staff to develop activities for the membership. It will serve as the organizing body for the annual Leadership Academy, for the VPA mentoring program and other efforts to support leaders throughout Vermont.

The PL & S Committee is seeking VPA members to plan, organize, and support professional learning activities. While the full scope of this committee is still evolving, our immediate charge is to help plan the 2014 Leadership Academy, conduct and evaluate a survey of professional support through workshops and activities, and develop regional support opportunities for current and aspiring members.

In order to best represent our membership, we are looking for members from throughout the state who represent elementary, middle, and secondary schools. A variety of experience is also sought. Terms of membership are three years (+ or -) at the discretion of the individual. We anticipate meeting 5 times throughout the year - Twice in person, and three times using electronic meeting methods in order to reduce the time active principals would be away from their buildings.

Three VPA members have moved from the Executive Council to this committee to get things up and running. They are Laurie Singer of AD Lawton Middle School in Essex, Bonnie Johnson-Aten of Edmunds Middle School in Burlington, and Madeline Young, recently retired from Highgate Elementary School. Dave Cobb, Development Director, will support the committee.

We ask that you seriously consider applying to become a member of Professional Learning & Support Committee.

Please complete the following request form and forward it as soon as possible to David Cobb, VPA Development Director at . We would appreciate your response no later than Tuesday, September 30, 2013

On behalf of the membership of the VPA, thank you for your consideration and action! Please feel free to contact Dave Cobb in the VPA Office or Laurie Singer at ADL if we can provide any assistance.

Yours in Education,

Dave Cobb

David Cobb

Director of Development


Professional Learning & Support Committee

Committee Membership Request

Mailing Address:
City, State, Zip Code:
School Telephone Number:
Educational Levels of Your School (Please check all that apply.)
○Middle School
○High School
Recent & Relevant Experiences: (Please list a representative sample)
Why are you interested in joining this committee?

Please forward by September 30, 2013 to David Cobb, VPA Development Director at

Thank you!