St. Theresa’s CatholicPrimary School
Barwick Road, Leeds. LS15 8RQ
Tel. 0113 293 0240
Head Teacher: Mr. J. Hutchinson B.Ed. (Hons). M.Ed.
Dear Parent/Carer,
Happy New Year and welcome to a new term at school! This term the children’s history topic will be Ancient Egypt. Past experience has shown that the children really enjoy this topic and want to learn more! You might like to help them with their studies by using your local libraries to find books on the topic and by using appropriate child-friendly websites, e.g. and (The BBC website has some excellent video clips.)
In order to enhance thechildren’s knowledge and understanding of the topic, we have arranged for them to visit Leeds City Museum on Thursday January 25th (3KM) and Friday January 26th (3CC). The children will take part in workshop activities led by the museum staff and will also have the opportunity to explore other parts of the museum and find out about Nesyamun, the Leeds mummy!
We will be travelling to the museum by school minibus, leaving at 9.40 and returning in time for normal dismissal.
As we are not permitted to make a charge for this activity, it is necessary to rely on voluntary contributions to cover the cost of theworkshops and the minibuses. The cost of the workshop is £65 per class so we would like each child to make a contribution of £2.50 for the visit; this would include a donation towards the cost of running the minibuses.Please note, we have struggled in recent months to finance some of our school trips so we would be very grateful if you could contribute the amount requested.
The staff going with 3LM will be Mrs Moore, Mrs Thompsonand others to be arranged.
The staff going with 3CC will be Mrs Crowley,Mrs Kelleherand others to be arranged.
The contact for viewing the risk assessment is Mrs Crowley
Please complete and return the attached slip, giving permission for your child to attend. It is very important that the reply slip is returned as soon as possible as, without it, we will have to leave your child in school.
If there are any problems, please do not hesitate to contact me.
With every good wish
Mr J Hutchinson
Head Teacher
For the trip to Leeds City Museum each child will require:
- School uniform and suitable coat
- Sensible footwear
- Spending money (no more than £3.00 per child) in a purse/envelope please!
- A packed lunch in a disposable container and no glass bottles (children on packed lunches)
Slip to be returned to school
I give permission for my child to take part in the visit to Leeds City Museum on 25th(3KM) and 26th(3CC) January and to his/her participation in any or all of the activities described. I acknowledge the need for obedience and responsible behaviour on his/her part.
I enclose a voluntary contribution of...... towards the cost of the activities.
- Has your son/daughter received a tetanus injection within the last 5 years? YES/NO/DON’T KNOW.
- Should the need arise; I agree to my son/daughter receiving emergency medical treatment including anaesthetic, as considered necessary by the medical authorities present. YES/NO
- Is your son/daughter allergic to any medication? YES/NO
If YES please specify
Children on school dinners: Please provide my child with a school packed lunch on Thursday/Friday 25th/26thJanuary. YES/NO
Please give your emergency telephone number should we need to contact you on the day of the visit.
CHILD'S NAME:...... CLASS:......
SIGNED:...... DATE:......
Walking in Theresa’s Little Way