Safety instruction will form an important part of your training, but you will be expected to use your common sense and due care to ensure that you do not behave in any way which could endanger yourself or other people.
Learners are reminded that there is a risk of injury in the workplace unless they keep alert and obey the safety rules which have been laid down for their protection.
Safety hazards in the work area should be brought to the attention of your Coordinator immediately.
All accidents and injuries, however minor, must be reported immediately to your Coordinator.
You are expected to familiarise yourself with the Emergency Evacuation Procedures. Your Coordinator will inform you of the procedure applying to your area.
If you require medical attention you should inform your Coordinator who will allow time off to visit a doctor or hospital. The LCETB does not accept liability for medical, dental or chemist fees.
By law smoking is strictly forbidden in the Training Venue, or near exits. Persons found in breach of this Regulation will face disciplinary action and may have their training place withdrawn.
The use of illegal drugs is strictly prohibited in the Training Venue and Grounds, and will lead to instant dismissal from the course. Similarly, inappropriate behaviour as a result of misuse of drugs or alcohol will not be tolerated, and will be subject to disciplinary policy.
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The appropriate work clothing and shoes for each course must be worn at all times. The Coordinator will inform you of the regulations for your course.
You will be advised on the tools and equipment regulations for your course. All course equipment should be correctly handled and safeguarded against damage, loss or theft.
You will take breaks at the times appointed by your Coordinator.
You are required to sign in at starting time and to sign out at finishing time in the evening.
You will not be permitted to be absent from the Centre or to leave your work area without the permission of your Coordinator. Where this permission is granted, you must sign out when you leave the centre and sign in on your return.
If a learner is unable to attend the course for any reason, the learner must notify their trainer/instructor/employer[1] before ten o’clock on the morning of the absence.
If a learner does not contact their trainer/instructor/employer and does not attend training for three consecutive days it will be assumed that the learner has left the training course and the learners participation on the training course will be subject to review, and the learner may be terminated from the course.
Persistent unauthorised late or lost time will result in deductions from training allowance and possible suspension, or withdrawal of training place.
Absence arising from Sickness
If a learner is sick or unable to attend the course, the learner must notify their trainer/instructor/employer before ten o’clock on the morning of their absence.
If a learner does not contact their trainer/instructor/employer and does not attend training for three consecutive days it will be assumed that the learner has left the training course and the learners participation on the training course will be subject to review, and the learner may be terminated from the course.
No payment will be made for absences related to sickness that is uncertified.
Absence arising from Medical, Dental or Optical Appointments
Learners will be paid for reasonable absences arising from medical appointments including hospital visits for medical tests/ scans and/or consultants’, dental or optical appointments.
Payment will be made based on proof of appointment i.e. copy of letter of appointment.
Absence arising from a Family Bereavement
For absence arising from the death of an immediate family member[2] a maximum of 3 days compassionate leave will be paid to a learner in receipt of a Training Allowance.
Supporting Documentation Required for Paid Absence
An original Doctors certificate must be received by the LCETB within two weeks from the first day of the period of absence due to sickness.
For medical, dental or optical appointments proof of medical appointment must be provided prior to appointment (in cases of emergency the next working day after the appointment).
Deduction of Meals and/or Travel Allowance for Learners Absences
Pro rata deductions will be made to meal and/or travel allowances in respect of learner absences.
Certified Sickness Payments to Learners in Receipt of a Allowance[3]
Payments are made for certified sickness in respect of learners who are in receipt of an LCETB Training Allowance. The rules governing the payment of allowances for certified sickness are as follows:
Learners in receipt of an LCETB Training Allowance that were not in receipt of a disability related payment from Dept. of Social Protection prior to starting the course the following rules apply:
On receipt of a valid doctor’s certificate, within the required timeline, payments are made in respect of certified sickness absence however restrictions apply, for example;
A total of 3 days is payable in any 3 month period.
If absent through illness for periods in excess of 3 days the learner should contact their local Department of Social Protection Office regarding entitlements to benefits and apprentices should also contact their employer regarding any payments they may be eligible for.
Learners who were in receipt of a Disability related payment from Dept. of Social Protection;
A learner who was in receipt of a Disability related payment from Dept. of Social Protection prior to starting the course the following rules apply:
On receipt of a valid doctor’s certificate within the required timeline, payment is made in respect of certified sickness absence however restrictions apply, for example;
A learner with a disability will continue to receive a training allowance for a total of 20 working days certified sick leave in any four month period.
If a learner has an aggregate of 20 days sick leave over a four month period, the LCETB will review the situation in consultation with the learner.
If the learner is unlikely to be able to continue the training course, arrangements will be made between the LCETB and the Department of Social Protection to restore the person’s social welfare payment.
Further clarification on above and any other restrictions relating learners’ specific circumstances should be discussed with their instructor/trainer/employer.
Training allowances will only be paid for the first three days of certified illness in any three month period, after which the Learner must claim Illness Benefit from the Department of Social Protection. All medical certificates must be stamped by the doctor.Learners who are absent for more than 3 days may be entitled to DSP Payments.
The LCETB will allow learners with a disability to have a total of 20 working days certified sick absences in any four month period.
Learners are responsible for keeping their own work area, clean and tidy and for the general cleanliness of the premises, training area, and toilets.
Learners should ensure there is not unnecessary wastage of heat, light and power in classrooms and work areas.
While you are in training your progress is monitored by continuous assessment. All our courses are certified through Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI) or external bodies. There are examination fees for most of these tests. Where required, fees must be paid by the dates specified by your Coordinator.
Records are maintained on your time keeping, work rate, behaviour and tidiness. This information is made available on request to prospective employers.
You are required at all times to observe due respect for and carry out the instructions of the course staff and LCETB personnel.
Inappropriate behaviour including harassment and bullying towards other individuals on the course will not be tolerated.
Anyone found "signing in" or "signing out" on behalf of another person will have his or her training place withdrawn.
Persons found stealing will have his or her training place withdrawn.
Any person found to be engaged in illegal acts may have his or her training place immediately withdrawn.
Rough play, running, football or any other activity which might endanger others is not permitted in the Training Location.
The use of chewing gum in the Training location is forbidden.
The use of mobile phones is not permitted during training time.
Learners are not allowed to receive land line phone calls except in emergency circumstances.
The LCETB welcomes feedback from all Learners. You will be given an opportunity to formally convey your views on all aspects of the course. You should feel free to communicate any concerns or difficulties to your Coordinator or the LCETB project officer at any time.
If you have any complaints while on your course, you can bring these to the attention of your tutor or instructor at any stage.
How to make a complaint:
A complaint is defined as any contact made by a customer, the purpose of which is to express dissatisfaction with the standard of service, action or lack of action or decision taken by the LCETB.
- You can make a complaint by completing aCustomer Complaint Form and sending it to the relevant LCETB manager.
- All complaints are acknowledged and investigated.
- You will be told the result of this investigation.
- You can contact the designated LCETB customer services representative if you are not satisfied with the result of the complaint.
Learners will be made aware of the behaviour management procedures,on commencement of training, and advised that they are designed to assist in their interpersonal and intrapersonal development.
All appeals by learners in relation to behaviour management procedures must be made to the Local Training Initiative management committee or authorised individual.
A disciplinary process is started by the Local Training Initiative where they consider it to be an appropriate response to persistent or serious transgression by a learner.
Once the process is started a learner must be allowed sufficient time to demonstrate a change in his/her behaviour.
All appeals by a learner in relation to disciplinary sanctions must be made to the Local Training Initiative management committee or authorised individual in the first instance.
All Learners will be issued with a copy of the LCETB Policy on Learner Computer Resources and Internet Usage and must comply with same.
Signed by Learner______
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[1]CSCS/QSCS Learner, Craft Apprentice or learner on work placement must notify their Instructor and
Employer also
[2]An immediate family member is: mother, father, brother, sister, son, daughter, grandmother or grandfather.
[3]LCETB Management have discretion to authorise payment to a learner in cases of genuine hardship