Organization: California Trout
Project Name: Santa Clara River Steelhead Coalition
Grant #: P1150007
Grant Period Covered by Annual Report: August 2012 – November 2013
Attn: Mary Larson, Grant Manager
Coalition Activities
CalTrout’ssteelhead recovery efforts received a significant boost last year with funding from the CDFW’s Fisheries Restoration Grant Program (FRGP) as well as private donations from Annenberg and Marisla Foundations, and corporate social responsibility initiatives such as the Patagonia Salmon Run, which allowed CalTrout to create the Santa Clara River Steelhead Coalition and implement the following key Coalition deliverables:
- Hired the Coalition Coordinator
In December 2012, CalTrout hired Candice Meneghin as the Coordinator of the Santa Clara River Steelhead Coalition. The Coalition is composed of environmental stakeholders focused on steelhead restoration in the Santa Clara River watershed, which straddles Los Angeles and Ventura Counties. Before joining CalTrout, Candice worked on steelhead monitoring and restoration projects in the Santa Monica Mountains, including sites at Malibu Creek, Malibu Lagoon and Topanga Creek. Candice is originally from South Africa, where she coordinated environmental auditing for the Western Cape Provincial Government, served as an Environmental Stewardship Officer tasked with environmental preservation and restoration activities, and was a “Qualified Peace Officer” enforcing South Africa’s fish and game laws.
Candice was trained and worked closely with Kurt Zimmerman,CalTrout’s Southern California Regional Manager. Kurt is a former Trial Attorney with the United States Department of Justice’s Environmental Enforcement Section and a former Assistant United States Attorney, who was responsible for environmental litigation in Southern California. Kurt also served as a Natural Resources Attorney with the National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), where he was responsible for providing legal oversight for fish passage and salmon and steelhead restoration projects.
- Established the Santa Clara River Steelhead Coalition and Moderated Quarterly Meetings
Coalitions are only as good as their individual members. In that regard, CalTrout took great pains to select members with both the expertise and commitment to conservation necessary for the Coalition to succeed. The Coalition contains a cross-section of environmental stakeholders, who are local and/or national leaders in the field of steelhead and watershed restoration. Original members included CalTrout, Wishtoyo Foundation/Ventura Coastkeeper (a Native American organization that utilizes traditional Chumash cultural values and practices to foster environmental awareness) and Stoecker Ecological. In addition to these original members, the Coalition now includes The Nature Conservancy, Friends of the Santa Clara River, Keep the Sespe Wild, and the University of California at Santa Barbara’s Riparian Invasion Research Laboratory. Affiliated stakeholders include Stillwater Sciences and the California Coastal Conservancy. Throughout the Fall and Winter 2012, Kurt met with or telephoned multiple conservation stakeholders to identify these members and affiliates, establish personal relationships necessary for the Coalition to succeed, and learn about each group or individual’s previous efforts to recover steelhead in the watershed. He also met with representatives of NMFS and United Water Conservation District to discuss the District’s efforts to complete a Habitat Conservation Plan and restore fish passage at barriers such as Vern Freeman and the Santa Felicia. In addition, Kurt met with or telephoned CDFW, NMFS and other resource agencies to identify potential restoration projects for submission for FRGP funding.
On February 11, 2013, Candice organized and moderated her first meeting of the Santa Clara River Steelhead Coalition. At that meeting, she underscored the need for collaborative partnerships, identified the grant deliverables, and discussed preliminary guidelines under which the Coalition would operate. The meeting also focused on continued identification of potential restoration projects in the region and those which would be pursued for FRGP funding. The second meeting on May 2, 2013, focused primarily on: prioritizing recovery action items to be submitted for funding and potential implementation over the course of the next five years. The third meeting on August 1, 2013, addressed threat sources and objectives to be incorporated into the Coalition’s Strategic Plan. The fourth meeting on November 4, 2013, focused on identifying potential restoration projects for submission to FRGP in 2014. At that same meeting, the Coalition reviewed and revised the draft Communications Plan and the draft Strategic Plan.
CDFW, NMFS and the United States Fish & Wildlife Service are in contact with CalTrout’s Southern California Team. These resource agencies provide CalTrout with crucial input regarding the selection and implementation of restoration projects, and the state and federal governments’ restoration policies and priorities. We will continue to include these resource agencies in attending our Coalition meetings in person or via telephone.
Because of the Coalition’s “workable” size, its members have decided, thus far, not to enter into a formal memorandum of understanding containing operating procedures nor expand the Coalition’s membership.
- Submitted Implementation and Planning Projectsto FRGP
CalTrout has conducted a comprehensive process of assessing, prioritizing and selecting potential restoration projects. First, an initial suite of potential projects was identified in consultation with CDFW and NMFS and with particular reference to the restoration priorities/opportunities outlined in the Southern California Steelhead Recovery Plan. Thereafter, projects were prioritized and then, a small number of the “best” were selected by CalTrout in consultation with the Coalition members. The selected projects are described in detail below. CalTrout and other Coalition members will be submitting additional projects to FRGP for funding in 2014.
- Harvey Diversion Fish Passage Restoration Project
CalTrout submitted the Harvey Diversion Fish Passage Restoration Project for FRGP funding in 2013. CalTrout, however, secured funding through the Santa Clara River Trustee Council and CDFW’s Office of Spill Prevention and Response to fund this project. Santa Clara River Trustee Council, which is composed of representatives of the USFWS and the CDFW, announced in July 2013, that it would provide $250,000 of the estimated $400,000 it will cost to implement the Harvey Diversion Fish Passage Restoration project. The CDFW’s Oil Spill Prevention and Response Unit announced in August 2013, that it would provide the balance of $150,000 so that implementation of that project can begin in fall 2014. CalTrout greatly appreciates the assistance it received from the Grant manager, Mary Larson, to secure this funding.
The Project will elevate and stabilize the creek bedbelow the Diversion to restore fish passage for the endangered Southern California steelhead(Oncorhynchus mykiss)at a pre-existing fish ladder. A separate monitoring component will measure the success of the Project to inform Phase II of the project. In addition, the project will provide vocational and educational opportunities for members of the California Conservation Corps and Hispanic students in the greater-Ventura area. In the second phase of the project, the diversion would be notched to create a natural appearing fish channel that will facilitate fish passage without the need for a fish ladder.
- Steelhead Monitoring Assessment
CalTroutsubmitted a watershed-wide,steelhead monitoring assessment. This project will generate data addressing upstream migration, out-stream migration, over-summer fry and juvenile steelhead rearing, and suitable habitat. This data is critical and will inform all future restoration activities and priorities in the watershed.
- Juvenile Steelhead Population and Habitat Assessment
Coalition member, The Nature Conservancysubmitted an FRGP proposal for a juvenile steelhead study. If funded, the study will focus on the main-stem of the Santa Clara River to: (1) assess the population status of juvenile steelhead by conducting population surveys; and (2) assess the quantity and quality of rearing habitat for juvenile steelhead.
- Santa Clara River Estuary Habitat Restoration & Enhancement Feasibility Study
Coalition memberWishtoyoFoundation,and its Ventura Coastkeeper Programhas submitted a FRGP proposal for a Santa Clara River Estuary habitat restoration and enhancement feasibility study. The overarching purpose of this restoration project at 100% design would be to provide a minimum of 15 – 25 acres of enhanced and additional Southern California Steelhead habitat at the Santa Clara River Estuary through relocation of a portion of the McGrath State Beach Campground, and the restoration of the campground to estuarine lagoon, side channel, contiguous wetlands, and contiguous upland riparian habitat.
- Submitted Implementation and Planning Projects to Additional Funding Sources
CalTrout has also submitted grant proposals to other funding sources to fund Santa Clara River Steelhead Coalition projects including:
- Water Talks
CalTroutrecently applied to the California Coastal Commission’s Whale Tail Grant Program, under the general public category, to fund six,Coalition-hosted Water Talks at locations throughout the watershed. The Water Talks will benefit steelhead and other aquatic and riparian species by promoting informed participation in water policy, conservation and management, and by providing a place for community members to interact with experts and one another. By educating the public, we hope they will identify with the multi-use, benefit approach that integrated water management promotes (i.e. for the steelhead, the community at large and the socio-economics of the region). This project is in line with the Coalition’s public outreach campaign included in its draft Communications Plan.
- Southern California Riparian Ecosystem Climate Resiliency Assessment
CalTrout submitted an application to the California Coastal Conservancy’s Climate Readygrant program for a“Southern California Riparian Ecosystem Climate Resiliency Assessment,”which would include the Santa Clara River watershed. The purpose of the project is to: provide a regional assessment of the vulnerability of riparian forests to fire and flood disturbance (“vulnerability assessment”) within watersheds encompassing the federally listed southern California steelhead Distinct Population Segment (DPS); and identify prioritized strategies to maintain and enhance stream-riparian ecosystem resiliency. Recent fires and major floods in Southern California provide examples of disturbance events that are predicted to become more frequent with climate change. Documenting the response of riparian forests to recent major disturbances can provide a first approximation of the expected vulnerability of riparian habitats to future climate-driven disturbances.
- Patagonia Salmon Run
CalTrout was selected by Patagonia, the recreational products company, as the featured non-profit and beneficiary in the company’s annual Salmon Run, which was held in Ventura on November 10, 2013.
- Hyde 12th Street Infiltration Gallery
Under CalTrout’s direction, the Coalition has already begun the process of identifying the next round of potential projects for submission to CDFW for FRGP funding in 2014. Since the PSN workshop in Ventura in February 2013, Candice and Kurt have been investigating numerous options to help fund the Hyde 12th street infiltration gallery project. CalTrout will seek funding for the project from the Wildlife Conservation Board.
- Drafted a Coalition Strategic Plan (2013-2017)
With the Southern California Steelhead Recovery Plan as a starting point, the Santa Clara River Steelhead Coalition has been working collaboratively to develop a Strategic Plan. In summer 2013, the Coalition members and participants merged threat sources and identified recovery strategies, and began to rank prospective projects based on feasibility and anticipated beneficial impacts. In fall 2013, the Coalition reviewed the draft Strategic Plan at the quarterly meeting. The Strategic Plan is currently out for comment with the Coalition members and a draft will be presented to CDFW before its finalization.
- Implemented Core Public Outreach Events
To date, the Coalition has hosted two events, participated in three large-scale events and given two presentations at a professional conference. The Coalition will be presenting at the Salmonid Restoration Federation conference in 2014, as well as hosting a Coastal Cleanup Day site in Ventura County in September 2014. The Coalition also plans to use Patagonia funding to host/participate in Earth Day 2014.
- Hosted Public Engagement Events
- Screening of CalTrout filmsSouthern California Steelhead: Against All Odds and Kiss the Water: A Love Story
California Trout and the Santa Clara River Steelhead Coalition hosted the Southern California Steelhead: Against All Odds followed by Kiss the Water: A Love Story free screening event at Patagonia’s Great Pacific Iron Works on November 7, 2013. Approximately 140-150 people were in attendance.
The Coalition shared its brochure and displayed an informational exhibit. Attendees were also invited to sign up for the Coalition’s quarterly newsletter. CalTrout secured a Sierra Nevada beer sponsorship and provided popcorn for the screening. Patagonia provided the venue and lemonade. Patagonia Fly Fishing Ambassador, CalTrout’s Outreach Coordinator, and filmmaker Mike E. Weir was in attendance for a Q&A after the screening.
Event Contacts:
Bruce Livingstone
Store Manager
Patagonia’s Great Pacific Iron Works
Tel: 805-643-6074
Eric Steel
Easy There Tiger, Inc.
Filmmaker and Producer
Tel: 646-479-9177
Mike E. Wier
CalTrout Outreach Coordinator
Tel: 530-318-3226
Pictures starting in the left corner going clockwise: Crowd filling up at the Screening. Kurt Zimmerman addressing the crowd at the Screening.Kiss the Water Poster. Candice and Kurt talking to Rosi Dagit, who appears in Southern California Steelhead: Against All Odds.
- Fly Fishing Film Festival
On February 7, 2013,CalTrout hosted the Fly Fishing Film Festival in Pasadena. The audience included approx. two hundred fly fisherman and others and Jeff Thompson introduced the Southern California region and the Santa Clara River Steelhead Coalition, spanning Ventura and Los Angeles counties.
Event Contact:
Kurt Zimmerman
701 E. Santa Clara St.
Ventura, CA
Office: (805) 665-6211
- Participatory Public Engagement Events
- STEM Science Fair
CalTrout has partnered with the California State University, Channel Islands’ Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics Program (STEM Program). The STEM Program seeks to introduce local, Hispanic students of all ages to careers in science, technology, engineering and mathematics.
On April 10, 2013, Candice and Kurt participated in the STEM Program’s annual science fair at the Ventura County Fairgrounds. Candice and Kurt operated an information exhibit at the event, where they distributed flyers about careers in conservation, posters, and other material regarding the Coalition and the Southern California steelhead. We also screened the NOAA CDFW Fish Passage Success Stories DVD to show how different STEM vocations are involved with steelhead recovery.
Just short of 1,000 students participated in the event, as well as hundreds of prominent scientists, mathematicians and engineers from academia, local, state and federal governments and the private sector.
Event Contacts:
Prof. Philip Hampton
Professor of Chemistry
Director, HSI-STEM grant
Tel: 805-437-8869
Sandy Birmingham, STEM Pipeline and Outreach Coordinator
Project ACCESO, Title V, HIS-STEM Grant
California State University Channel Islands,
1 University Drive, Camarillo CA 93012
Tel: 805-437-3597
- California Coastal Commission’s Coastal Cleanup Day
The California Coastal Commission’s 29thAnnual Coastal Cleanup Dayoccurredon September 21, 2013. The Coalition partnered with Ventura Surfrider, which coordinated the event, and selected the Ventura Promenade site due to its proximity to the Santa Clara River estuary and the Ventura River estuary. Kurt and Candice provided a “Steelhead and Estuaries” fact sheet at Surfrider Ventura Chapter’s informational kiosk, where they explained to participantsthat steelhead (Oncorhynchusmykiss) are rainbow trout that exhibit an anadromous (i.e., migrating to and from the ocean) life history, and how estuaries play a vital role in that fish’s life history.
A total of115 volunteers picked up 312 lbs. of litter, of which 15 lbs. was recycled. A few items of note: 4,662 cigarette butts, and 60 golf tees were collected, and a suitcase was found buried in the sand. Coalition member Wishtoyo Foundation/Ventura Coastkeeper, also participated by hosting a Cleanup event at Mugu Rock Beach.
Event Contacts:
Bill Hickman
Surfrider Foundation Ventura Chapter
Rise Above Plastics Coordinator
Cell: 619-804-6264
Kay Allen
Environmental Compliance Program Coordinator
City of Simi Valley
Tel: 805-583-6424
Pictures starting in the left corner going clockwise: Steelhead Trout and Estuaries Fact Sheet, crowd of volunteers registering for CCD. Volunteers “Making Trash Extinct”.
- Patagonia Salmon Run
Patagonia’s 20th Annual Salmon Run was held on November 10, 2013.The Coalition was the “featured non-profit” at the sportswear giant’s annual run to raise money and awareness for salmon and steelhead restoration efforts.
The event was attended by a record 447 runners, and hundreds of more spectators. Every runner’s “swag bag” included a Coalition brochure. CalTrout also operated an information exhibit, where these same brochures were distributed and the film Southern California Steelhead: Against all Odds was screened on a monitor. Affiliated stakeholders Stillwater Sciences and California Coastal Conservancy also provided an informational poster on the Santa Clara River Parkway.
After the race, Candice addressed the crowd and highlighted the Coalition’s plans and projects and recognized other Coalition members in attendance including Wishtoyo Foundation/Ventura Coastkeeper, Keep the Sespe Wild, and Friends of the Santa Clara River.
CalTrout will receive approximately $12,300 from Patagonia, which will be directed to the implementation of the Coalition’s Communications Plan.