SA National Defence Force Reserve Participation in the New York Adjudant General’s Combat Matches: 24 April to 2 May 2006
The initiative was facilitated by the New York State Partnership Program, on or about 7 December 2005, an invitation was extended to the SA National Defence Force to send a team to participate in and to observe the New York Adjudant General Combat Matches. The invitation was received by the South African Army Foreign Relations, from Major Bradley, Bilateral Affairs Officer, US Office of Defence Cooperation.Dates: 24 April to 2 May 2006
Location: Camp Smith, New York, United States of America
Team: 5 – Persons (4 + Coach) Combat Capable, M-16 Rifle (open sites) and M-9 Pistol provided at Camp Smith, New York.
Funding: Normal State Partnership Program funding applied, this included transport, air tickets, lodging and per diem
The Reserve Force personnel selected were as follows; Major J.C. Oosthuizen (Coach/Manager) Lieutenant Colonel K.D.Williams, Staff Sergeant R.J.Sauls, Corporal S.K.Mkonto, Rifleman S.F. van Staden.
Purpose of the event:
The Adjudant Generals Combat Rifle, Pistol and Light Machine Gun Championships Match or “TAG Match” is held every year on the last weekend of April, at Camp Smith, Peekskill, New York. They shoot at the New York National Guard annual marksmanship competition and interact with the NYNG Small Arms Readiness Training Section (SARTS) during the annual event at Camp Smith. An opportunity was created for the SA National Defence Force (SANDF) to observe how NYNG conducts its annual match and to build relationships and friendships with the New York National Guard.Objective
To promote military- to –military contact between New York State SARTS and members of the SANDF. To increase co-operation and understanding between the NYNG and the SANDF. To improve bilateral military-to-military relations.FLTR:
SSgt R.J. Sauls, Cpl S.K. Mkonto, Maj J.C. Oosthuizen, Col Lambrecht (New York TAG Match Director), Lt Col K.D. Williams and Rfn S. van Staden
Meet and Greet NYNG Leadership
After a slide show in which the Federal and State Missions, structures and activities of the NYNG were made known to the team, a “Pride of Lions” plaque was handed to Col Ashley who represented the TAG, on behalf of the General Officer Commanding, Infantry Formation, Major General Nkabinda (RSA), his Staff Officers and the tour group.The team expressed their belief that the invitation, objective and purpose of the event; to give a SANDF team the opportunity to observe how NYNG conducts its annual TAG shooting match and to build relationships with the New York National Guard has been more than successfully achieved. They have made good friends, exchanged useful information and observed practices relating to the running of a major shooting competition that could be implemented and adapted on South African shooting ranges.
The visit to the New York National Guard Head Headquarters was most informative. They were very pleased to learn about the New York State Partnership Program with South Africa, and the benefits for both countries that could be derived from the State Partnership Progam (SPP). As a component of the SANDF Reserves they certainly subscribe to the NYNG Guard Mission of being a " A ready National Guard...led trained, equipped and resourced to accomplish all assigned national security and military objectives while simultaneously providing to the States a balanced force of units and people to perform all military support and domestic missions."
The visit to Stratton NYNANG Air Base and 109th Airlift Wing in Scotia was fantastic. The program of "Serving the World Pole to Pole" is one of the most ambitious ever seen. To fly a C130 aircraft to the North or South Pole, land it on skis in thick snow and take off again in thick snow at temperatures of -50F as shown on the video presentation was astounding. How the pilots land on the exact spot "flying into a ping pong ball "defies all understanding.
Lieutenant Colonel R. Sloma showed the South African team the NYARNG Armoury at Schenectady. It was wonderful to see the magnificent buildings and the traditions of the National Guard. This was followed by a very informative visit to Albany, the Capital of New York State. They again stood in awe at the site of many magnificent and impressive buildings, some dating back to 1 780 and others built within the last few years.
One of the many highlights of the tour was the awesome visit to the United States Military Academy founded in 1802 At West Point, as well as the West Point Museum. The Military Gothic architecture of some buildings dating back to 1857 is so pristine they could have been built yesterday. The structures remind us that a career in the military is a very serious profession.
Observations from the TAG Match
Every member of the NYNG must undergo a compulsory annual shooting range qualification program. They must shoot a certain qualification table and achieve a certain level of competency with both the rifle and pistol in order to qualify for promotions on an annual basis. Points are earned towards promotion. No promotion will be considered if shooting competency is not achieved together with other minimum qualifications. This applies to all ranks. Many of our own members seldom re-qualify after basic training.The qualification table consists of a 300-yard sight picture, set up at 25 yards. The shooter zeros the rifles at 25 yards although the elevation is actually set for shooting from the 300-yard line. The rifle is zeroed at 300 yards. There is very little bullet drop from 300 to 100 yards with the M16 rifle. Rifles sights are set very quickly and a large number of people can qualify and zero at one time. The process is easy to manage.
The competition is an excellent training exercise. Competitors shoot with rifles on the rifle range, move to the butts for two details and then move on to a pistol range, where pistols are provided to shoot a pistol match. After the pistol match is shot they move back to the rifle range to shoot the next rifle match. The competition is shot over two days. On going training and retraining takes place at every stage.
All members of the NYNG shoot in full kit as though they are deployed. They must shoot with helmets, full webbing, water bottles and everything that will be needed in the field.
For the rest, they maintain excellent radio contact and have sufficient range and butts officers to manage and escort competitors from range to range.
The aftermath of the events of 9/11 has raised the consciousness level of each NYNG soldier of the need and value of top class training.
SANDF Reserves Shooting results at TAG Match
The South African Reserve Force team is pleased to advise that the team performed very well under the circumstances. They competed with the American M-16 rifle in the rifle match. Only Lieutenant Colonel K.D.Williams had ever shot with the weapon before.There were 112 competitors.
Lieutenant Colonel K.D.Williams – 3rd Place in the Individual Grand aggregate Rifles Match
Rifleman S. van Staden – 6th
Major J.C.Oosthuizen – 18th
Staff Sergeant R.J.Sauls -27th
Corporal C. Mkonto – 47th.
The team (excluding Major J.C.Oosthuizen) achieved an overall first place position in the rifles match.
The team achieved 4th position in the pistol match as a team, and finished the day with a Combined Arms Team aggregate of 3rd position in the competition.The South African team believes that the New York Partnership program is a wonderful initiative and should be pursued to the benefit of both countries to build strong bridges for generations to come.
The South African team wishes to thank the General and the New York State Partnership Program on behalf of the group for the opportunity to have represented the SANDF Reserves in New York.
Contact Person:
Major Jimmy Oosthuizen
SA National Defence Force / TAG Match Team Leader
Telephone: Cell: +27 83 273 6921