MyView Delegation Policy /
3Delegating responsibility of authorisations via MyView
4Policy Feedback
5History of Policy Changes
MyView is a web based self-service for HR and Payroll services which allows employees of Torbay Council, and partner organisations to view and change their personal details, submit expenses and mileage, book annual leave and other absences; and also claims for additional hours etc all online via MyView.
MyView supports the Council’s objective of making processes more efficient and streamlined. Examples include editing and updating your own personal details, access to pay advice documents and the ability to submit expenses claims, request annual leave and record any type of absence.
Guidance documentation for MyView including user guides and Frequently Asked Questions can be located through MyView or the intranet.
All information must be handled sensitively and used for only for which it was collected. Under the Data Protection Act 1998 individuals have the right to see their own personal data held subject to confidentiality of any third parties involved in that information. All requests should be forwarded to the Information Compliance Team.
Users should always remember that they have access to sensitive personal data and that they are personally responsible for ensuring that others who have not been granted access cannot view the information. This responsibility includes ensuring that computer screens are not left unattended whilst displaying personal data. Printouts or reports containing sensitive information are not permitted in paper format. Sensitive information includes personal information and data relating to a member of staff including details of sickness absence, all types of paid and unpaid leave, mileage and expenses information.
If paper formats are required as part of an HR process please contact Human Resources.
3Delegating Authorisations via MyView
Authorisations within MyView cannot be delegated unless the Line manager is on planned annual leave, sick or likely to be away from the office for any significant period of time. In these situations authorisations may only be delegated across to another manager within the same management tier, down a management tier level or up management tier level i.e. to the manager’s manager. Managers in MyView will have the ability to delegate the responsibility of authorising employee requests such as mileage and expenses claims, leave requests and absence. In doing so, all notifications will be sent to the delegated person. However, the line manager retains the ultimate responsibility.
In all instances where delegation is being used the Officer being given the delegated responsibility, should be conversant with the duties of the employee whose requests they are authorising. They are responsible for satisfying themselves as far as is reasonably practicable that the requests particularly for travelling and/or expenses are accurate and necessary.
MyView contains a significant amount of sensitive personal data so it is important that only grade appropriate Officers are able to view this.
Delegation of authorisation should only be considered when Managers are likely to be out of the office for an extended period of time such as any period of leave and sickness absence in order that employee requests in MyView are not delayed in anyway, as this may impact on an employees pay.
For further information and step by step instructions on how to delegate, line managers are advised to refer to refer to the MyView Guidance notes.
4Delegating Responsibility (doing) via MyView
Line managers will have the ability to delegate responsibility of doing tasks within MyView. I.e. An employee is away from work for an extended period of time and their mileage and expense claims needs to be entered into MyView. A Manager can delegate the responsibility for the doing of the task to a team member so that the mileage and expense claim can be entered into MyView, the Manager can then authorise. When responsibility is being delegated it should be delegated to a grade appropriate officer with line management responsibilities as part of their role and job description. This may be across to another management colleague, up to the next level of management or down to the next level of management.
Responsibility should only be delegated within the MyExpenses and Mileage Module within MyView.
MyTime Module, which contains all types of leave management and should not be routinely delegated due to the sensitive personal data that can be viewed in this module. Managers need to retain responsibility for this module, andresponsibility should only be delegated in exceptional circumstances.
If delegation of responsibility is required then this should only be considered when Managers are likely to be out of the office for an extended period of time such as any period of leave and sickness absence in order that employee requests in MyView are not delayed in anyway, as this may impact on an employees pay.
In these circumstances should be contacted for advice.
5Policy Feedback
Should you have any comments regarding this policy, please address them to the HR Policy Feedback mailbox:
6History of Policy Changes
This policy is to be approved by members of the Torbay JCC group in July 2016.
Date / Page / Detail / Agreed by:-Torbay Council | MyView Delegation Policy / 1