St. Fagans Community Council
Minutes of the Council Meeting held on Monday 13h May 2013
following the AGM in the St. Fagans Village Hall
Present:CouncillorsM. Parry (Chairman),
B. Critcher, S. Chedzoy, J. Griffiths, J. Hughes, F. Lewis, T. Pallier, C. Price & J. Pugh.
In Attendance:County CouncillorG. Thomas
PolicePC H. Thomas
ClerkD. Barnard
259.05.01 – Minutes of the Council Meeting held on 8th April 2013
Members approved the Minutes of the meeting and the Chairman signed them accordingly.
259.05.02 – Matters arising from the Minutes
Minute No. 257.04.05 c) Cllr. Griffiths referred to the damaged drain in the car park and questioned why it was still considered dangerous. Cllr. Critcher explained that at the time it was only filled with loose material but some bricks have now been installed.
Minute No. 257.04.05 c) Cllr. Critcher referred to the proposal for two signs at the entrance to the car park access road to show the location of the Village Hall. He confirmed that the manager of the Plymouth Arms had no objections. The Clerk was asked to order two signs of a similar style, just showing 'Village Hall' and 'Neuadd y Pentref' with directional arrows.
No other matters were raised.
259.05.03 – Police
Police Reports & Neighbourhood Watch
PC Thomas circulated his report on recent issues. He advised that an additional PCSO would be joining his team soon that he considered will enable the monthly police surgery to continue. He gave details of three reported crimes since the last meeting. He advised that there have been several burglaries of garages and thefts from motor vehicles in the Creigiau area, so that is where his resources are presently concentrated. He urged local residents to keep doors and windows closed (and locked if possible) as a lot of crime is opportunistic. Members agreed to advise residents in the next Council newsletter.
PC Thomas referred to concerns expressed about persons delivering charity bags. He has investigated and found that an agency that covers several different charities is employing distributors. At the moment there is no known link to any local burglaries or thefts. However, if anyone has suspicions they should call the police.
Cllr. Hughes referred to the burglary at Curves. He said that Cardiff Medical & Mobility own the building and won't allow Curves to install burglar alarms or CCTV. PC Thomas said he was aware of the problem but the police can't force them to install security measures – it can only advise. Cllr. Chedzoy said she believed they also want a barrier installed to stop parking behind the building when the premises are closed. Following a brief discussion, Members agreed that the Clerk should write to Cardiff Medical supporting the installation of CCTV.
Cllr. Pugh reported that she had seen two cars parked in the corner of the car park, an area where it was suspected that drug dealing was taking place.
Cllr. Lewis advised PC Thomas that the Fun Day was planned for 21st September and asked whether police could be in attendance. PC Thomas said he would speak to the Clerk about it.
Cllr. Critcher raised the problem of coaches and HGVs using Michaelston Road where the weight limit is 7.5 tonnes. Cllr. Hughes gave a detailed explanation of the road signs and the extent to which access is allowed. He and the Clerk had both contacted Highways who had sent a letter advising that enforcement is the responsibility of the police. PC Thomas advised that the police don't have the resources to monitor such problems. In response to a question from Cllr. Griffiths, PC Thomas said that if people report vehicle details to the police they would contact the relevant companies to warn them about ignoring the weight limits. Members agreed this could also be included in the next newsletter. Cllr. Lewis suggested, and it was agreed, that the Clerk should write to Highways requesting better signage, such as a simple sign just saying 'Not suitable for HGVs'.
The Clerk had circulated an email from PC Roberts setting out the different powers and responsibilities of the police and Civil Enforcement Officers regarding parking offences. Members discussed the matter briefly.
PC Robert's email also detailed a number of crimes in the area south of the railway including domestic and shed burglaries and attempts to siphon fuel from vehicles. Two arrests had been made in connection with thefts from Great House Farm. Noted.
259.05.04 – Planning
a) Cardiff LDP
County Cllr. Thomas reported that Creigiau Action Group is planning to involve professional consultants to advise on the environmental impact, etc. of the LDP proposals for that area, in preparation for the next stage. He suggested a joint approach between the three community councils in north west Cardiff would be beneficial.
Cllr. Lewis reported on her attendance at the Cardiff Partnership Liaison Group. There had been a report on the 2011 census figures that raised questions about the levels of growth being quoted for Cardiff on which the LDP is being based, suggesting the growth rates are being exaggerated. There was also a report on community infrastructure in which it was admitted that developments will be allowed to go ahead even if the infrastructure is not in place. Developers will be expected to pay for it. It was confirmed that there is a funding gap in meeting infrastructure needs, but no-one has estimated how much it is. County Cllr. Thomas confirmed that the latest figures show a slower growth in population.
Cllr. Hughes referred to the engagement of TPA in respect of the Council's LDP submissions and said he had asked Peter Evans to keep a look out for new reports.
b) Museum Development Plans
The Clerk had circulated an invitation from the Museum for a follow-up meeting on either 25th,, 26th or 27th June. Cllr. Lewis said she was not available on 25th but Cllr Griffiths and Cllr. Hughes could make any of the three dates. The Clerk was asked to contact the Museum accordingly. Cllr. Hughes questioned the value of a further meeting as the Council doesn't seem to get any answers.
c) Planning applications at Clos Y Cwarra and Great House Farm
Cllr. Hughes reported that the letters to residents had generated quite a lot of support. Some residents had copied their letters of opposition to the Council. TPA had submitted detailed objections on behalf of the Community Council and had also written to Network Rail because developments in the vicinity of a level crossing should be reported to them. Cllr. Hughes considered that the exclusion of Network Rail from the consultation process was a big omission.
d) Other Planning Applications
The Clerk reported that two new planning applications had been submitted for the St Fagans community area in the five weeks ended 10th May:
13/00701/DCH: 4, Prince of Wales Drive – Raising the roofline of the front elevation to 2-storey height to make a bedroom out of the existing en-suite; and single storey extension at the rear. No comments.
13/00777/DCO: (Conservation Area Consent) Former St Fagans Tennis Club – Demolish the Club house. There was no information as to what, if anything, is planned for that site.
The Clerk confirmed that an appeal has now been submitted against the refusal of planning permission for the extension at Clive House. Members agreed that the objections previously submitted should be reiterated.
The Clerk also reported that he had received a message from the Enforcement Officer that the wall at 3 / 4 Cardiff Road has been rebuilt and no further action will be taken. Noted.
259.05.05 – Environmental Matters
a) Highways / Lighting / Traffic Concerns
The Chairman raised the problem of parking on Greenwood Lane and on the footpath on Crofft-y-Genau Road opposite the Plymouth Arms. In the event of an incident it would have been difficult for emergency vehicles to gain access. Cllr. Lewis added that at peak times it is almost impossible for people to exit Greenwood Lane because of the traffic queuing on Crofft-y-Genau, which itself is made worse because of the level crossing. Cllr. Pallier commented that while yellow lines are unsightly, they would resolve the parking problem. Suggestions of requesting a 'yellow box' or a 'Keep Clear' box at the point where Greenwood Lane joins Crofft-y-Genau were considered. Cllr. Critcher commented that the problem is only at peak times but such measures would help. The Clerk was asked to write to Highways about this, the preference being a 'Keep Clear' box, rather than a 'yellow box', and also to ask whether there are any alternatives to yellow lines to deter parking.
Members also asked the Clerk to contact the Museum to establish why bollards had not been placed around the Village on May Day, as is the usual practice.
With regard to the land adjacent to the flats at the bottom of Castle Hill, Cllr. Price confirmed that the solicitor, Ricky Needham, was continuing to progress the proposed acquisition.
Cllr. Pugh raised the matter of the hedges surrounding the Cricket Club. They are very overgrown and in her view potentially dangerous, but the Club can't afford to have them cut back. She questioned whether the Council should do it (or pay for it to be done) on the basis that it will improve safety as well as the image of the Village. Members decided to discuss this later in conjunction with the Club's request for financial assistance.
Cllr. Critcher referred to the footpath between St Fagans Drive and Greenwood Lane where a tree has been felled. The footpath is not blocked but it is very untidy. The Clerk had asked Cardiff Council to deal with it but they have refused because the footpath is apparently not adopted. The Chairman said he would look at the definitive map to try and establish who owns it.
b) Street Cleansing / Litter
The Chairman reported that the old litter bin from near the Cricket Club has been repositioned on Crofft-Y-Genau Road.
No other issues were raised.
c) Village Walkabout
The Chairman suggested another walkabout would be helpful and said he would arrange one and let other Members know.
d) Other environmental issues
Cllr. Price reported that a tree had come down across a footpath at 'The Gallops' and he expressed concern that others might be dangerous. The Clerk was asked to report this to Cooke & Arkwright and to request that a risk assessment of the other adjacent trees take place. In response to a question from the Clerk, Cllr. Price clarified the location of 'The Gallops'.
259.05.06 – Westfield Park Estate
Cllr. Pallier reported that, apart from quite a lot of people expressing concerns about the new outline planning applications, the estate had again been relatively quiet.
259.05.07 – Parc Rhydlafar
Cllr. Chedzoy reported that some men, who are working on roads, block paving and drain covers on Prince of Wales Drive, have installed a temporary portacabin and portaloo. Some residents are complaining about the smell coming from the portaloo. The Clerk was asked to contact Cardiff Council about this.
Cllr. Chedzoy reported that a new sign has been put in place at the lay-by on Crofft-y-Genau Road, warning against fly-tipping. However, it flaps about in the wind and doesn't seem very secure. The Clerk was asked to report this to Waste Management.
259.05.08 – Wales National History Museum / St Fagans Castle
No other matters relating to the Museum were raised.
259.05.09 – One Voice Wales
Cllr. Hughes reported that he had attended a number of meetings in the past month:
SLCC Conference in Swansea had been very interesting and included a session on S.137 explaining what Councils can and cannot do under that provision. There had been a number of workshops in the afternoon which had been useful in meeting Members from other Councils and finding out what they are doing.
A Standards Conference in Llandudno attended by about 100 delegates. One interesting fact was that 48% of complaints lodged under the Code of Conduct in Wales are against Members of Community Councils.
The local Area Committee in Cowbridge had included a guest speaker who talked about ways of encouraging younger persons to take an interest in community councils.
A workshop in Barry on Projects in the Community including the establishment of allotments.
259.05.10 – St Fagans Family Fun Day
Cllr. Lewis said that planning for the day is going OK. The Museum has agreed that its field can be used for additional parking, though this may need to be cleared with Cooke & Arkwright. The Clerk was asked to ensure that the Council web site was updated with the date and times of the event. He was also requested to ask PC Thomas about signage.
259.05.11 – Correspondence and other communications
The Clerk reported on the following:
30/04/13 Jon House, Chief Executive & Returning Officer, Cardiff Council: Community Council Elections. Requesting that a Member be nominated to take part in a review of recharge rates. Cllr. Lewis agreed to represent St Fagans CC.
Email 29/04/13 Cardiff Council: Neighbourhood Management Green Paper. Inviting comments on the proposals for 'Building Communities' set out in the Green Paper (available on the Cardiff Council website) by 7th June, and giving details of community events for people to give their views.
Email 02/0513 Cllr. Luke Holland, Cardiff Council's Older Persons' Champion: Cardiff 50+ Forum. Announcing the establishment of new 50+ Forums across Cardiff and giving details of the first meetings.
07/05/13 Mr Barton-Greenwood, Llandaff Society. A meeting to consider establishing a community council in Llandaff is being held on 20th May. Attendance by a Member from St Fagans would be appreciated. Cllr. Griffiths agreed to attend.
259.05.12 – Finance
a) Requests for Financial Assistance
The Clerk had circulated by email a request for financial assistance from the cricket club. Details of the Club's latest accounts and bank account had also been obtained. Cllr. Lewis expressed the view that the Council should give support but suggested the Council needed to talk to the Club about other issues, including the hedge referred to earlier. Cllr. Hughes said he thought the insurance of the stolen equipment needed to be clarified. It was agreed in principal to support the Club, but first the Clerk was asked to request details of the cost of cutting the hedge, the cost of obtaining insurance for the equipment and what improvements to security have been made at the Club.
Cllr. Lewis reported that the Village Hall needed to undertake improvements to the kitchen and its facilities and would welcome the support of the Council by way of a donation or loan. She, the Chairman and Councillors Critcher and Griffiths all declared an interest as they are Members of the Village Hall Management Committee. Cllr. Critcher advised that quotes were being obtained, the first from Homebase being £7,000 including VAT. Members agreed to consider this further when more information is available.
The Clerk reported that two other requests had been received: Macmillan Cancer Support – to assist with the grant scheme for people affected by cancer; Local Works – to assist their campaign to reverse community decline. In accordance with agreed policy, these two requests were not supported.
b) Monthly Report / Payment Approvals
The Clerk submitted the monthly finance report (as annexed hereto), which was approved by the Council. He advised that renewal terms for the Council's insurances had been received, at a premium of £915.63 or £869.85 if the Council entered into a new 3 year Long Term Agreement. This represented a reduction of £21 on the previous year. Cllr. Hughes had examined the papers and considered they were satisfactory. The Clerk reported that he had received a 'phone call from Zurich Insurance who were interested in submitting a quote, but nothing had been received. He said that Came & Company specialised in community councils insurance and had provided a good service. Members agreed to accept the quotation and new three year LTA. The Clerk advised that the following items were also due for payment:
Vision ICTWeb hosting fee 168.00
Cllr. J. HughesTravelling expenses (April/May) 285.03
Payment was approved and two cheques and a BACS mandate were signed accordingly.
e) Statistics
The schedule of attendance for the period May 2012 to April 2013 was noted.
259.05.13 – Community Council Website
Members asked the Clerk to update the details of the activities in the Village Hall and to find out if the number of 'hits' on the site can be established.
259.05.14 – Other Business
i) Cllr. Lewis suggested that now would be a useful time to produce and distribute a new newsletter to residents. The Clerk was asked to prepare a draft for the next meeting.
ii) Cllr. Critcher reported on the activities in the Village Hall. The modern line dancing has pulled out because of lack of support, but the numbers attending the walk-in choir are up. Tai Chi will be starting on 6th June and a beginners Bridge class is to start in September. Cllr. Critcher asked if the Hall activities could be incorporated in the newsletter, with the relevant contact 'phone number for each activity. Members agreed.