Honors Pre-Calculus
Instructor:Mrs. Bybee
Phone number:350-4340 Ext. 1130
Classroom:Room 130
HONORS Pre-Calculus is a course that follows the district curriculum and proceeds at an accelerated instructional pace. It calls the students to a higher level of responsibility and a higher level of thinking. This course requires an increased time commitment to homework and study. No curriculum modifications will be made to slow the pace or limit the level of instruction. HONORS CLASSES are meant to prepare you for the rigor you’ll experience in your future Advanced Placement classes and beyond.
To be successful in HONORS Pre-Calculus you need to:
*take responsibility for your math education by making good choices during class time (listen attentively, take notes, and participate)
*do your entire assignment
*re-do missed homework problems for better understanding and higher homework grade
*stay organized
*prepare for tests by practicing problems
*come in for extra help if necessary
*check power-school often
*use StudentExpress
How is HONORS Pre-Calculus different than Math Analysis?
*faster pace, more material covered, different textbook
*requires higher level of thinking and application
BE RESPECTFUL: Showing respect for others shows respect for yourself. (Do not talk while others are talking; do your own work; if you don’t have something nice to say, don’t say it at all!)
BE RESPONSIBLE: When absent (excused or not), it is your responsibility to contact me for the work you missed.
BE READY: Be on time. Come prepared for class. Participate and share ideas during class discussions.
*All school rules apply in this classroom!
Life is full of choices. Choose carefully.
*Binder with loose leaf paper
*Red pen
*TI-83 Plus or TI-84 Plus Calculator (No phones as calculators)
Tests: 60%
Homework: 15%
A90% or higher
Fbelow 59%
Truancy on test days will result in a maximum score of 70%.
Honors Pre Calculus students completing both semesters with an 85% or above will go to AP Calculus, while those below 85% will go to Introduction to Calculus.
*It is your responsibility to keep ALL your book assignments and worksheets in your math binder. Occasionally there will be Homework Quizzes for which you can use your assignments and notes as reference.
*There will be daily homework. Each assignment is worth 10 points. You will receive 5 points for trying every problem on the assignments and one additional point for each problem you solve correctly out of 5 random problems I will choose each day.
*NO LATE WORK WILL BE ACCEPTED (if you have extra ordinary circumstances that hinder your ability to do your homework, you need to communicate that with me BEFORE the start of class and I will give you until the next day)
EXTENDED ABSENSES are a huge detriment in mathematics. Since every day builds on the day before, missing even one or two days is tough for many students. If a student will be gone for a pre-arranged trip, it is the student’s responsibility to get the missing work and have it completed either before they leave or upon their return. Upon return to school, the student will be expected to do the current work with his/her classmates. If the student fails to do the assigned work from their absence, it will be difficult for them to comprehend the current material, since math is sequential. It is thestudent’s responsibility to get the notes missed and to be sure he/she understands the material that was presented during their absence. The two day policy for absent work is not very logical for mathematics – work must be completed immediately. No missing work will be accepted after the student takes the current chapter’s test.
*every student that has an average of 59% or loweris assigned to Griz
NOTE: MATH IS NOT A SPECTATOR SPORT! You learn by doing it. Every assignment is essential for your learning. I encourage you to stay current with your assignments. New lessons build on the previous ones, so getting behind on assignments causes BIG problems. Don’t be afraid to ask questions! Please contact me if you are having trouble with the material we are covering. I would love to help you succeed in this course!