Keswick Foundation Limited
24/F., Devon House, Taikoo Place, 979 King’s Road, QuarryBay, Hong Kong. / Telephone: 2579 2400
Facsimile: 2856 9600
Our History
The Keswick Foundation(the KF) was established in Hong Kong in 1979 by Sir John Keswick, K.C.M.G., and his daughter, Mrs Maggie Keswick Jencks. Sir John Keswick, Chairman of Jardine Matheson, from 1952 to 1956, died in 1982 leaving behind him a well-established foundation to carry his work forward. Maggie Keswick Jencks lived in Hong Kong as a young girl and shared Sir John’s love for all things Chinese. After her father died, she continued his commitment to the place where she grew up and was the driving force behind the next generation of theKF. Sadly, Maggie died of cancer in 1995. Today, the KF is managed by a team of dedicated professionals and volunteers.
Mission & Vision
The KF mission is to support, nurture and promote non-profit bodiesthat address social needs in Hong Kong and mainland China.
The KF funds pilot projects/new services and long-term strategic initiatives. We will also support projects that fill service gaps and address specific social needs.
The funding may cover recurrent, programme, or, exceptionally, capital costs.
Approving Authority
Approval of an application rests with the Executive Committee of the KF.
Vetting of Funding Applications
Our funding is open to applications all year round.
Obligations of Successful Applicant
The KF representative will oversee the implementation of the project.
Quarterly progress and financial reports are required to be submitted to the KF within two weeks after the end of each quarter. The KF reserves the right to monitordetails and accounts of the project.
Within one month of completion of the project, a final evaluation report must be submitted to the KF.
Acknowledgement of the KF is required and should be stated in all publicity items in relation to the captioned project.
The KF reserves the right to terminate the committed funding at any time once the funded agency has a breach of the prior agreements, oral or written, relating to the approval project, unless the agency has obtained the KF’s written consent on the change(s) in advance.
Any other obligation(s) deemed necessary by the KF may be added to the above.
Payment of Grant
Funds will be disbursed quarterly within two weeksofreceiving the quarterly progress and financial reports.
The KF should be informed of any major changes in the budget.
Any funds left unused should revert to the KF at the end of the funding period.
Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.
Office address: 25/F Devon House, 979 King’s Road, Quarry Bay, Hong Kong
Telephone: (852) 25792400
Facsimile: (852) 28569600
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Keswick Foundation Limited
IncorporatedinEngland with limited liability