April 10, 2007
Dear Parents,
The 8th grade math teachers will be showing the movie, “Stand and Deliver” during class on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, April 18th – 20th.
This movie is based on the true story of a dedicated East Los Angeles high school teacher (Jamie Escalante) who transforms some of his students into math scholars. He first arrives at Garfield in 1982, expecting to teach computer science. Instead, he finds himself in a classroom where questions like "negative-two plus two equals?" are stumpers. That's why fellow faculty members are astonished when Escalante announces his plans to teach AP Calculus -- an advanced course designed to offer college credit to high school seniors. Incredibly, these teens forego Saturdays, evenings, and even summer holidays so they can build their mathematic abilities and prepare to take the AP Calculus exam.
A modern hero of public education, Escalante did what many thought impossible when he turned inner-city students at Garfield High in East LA into calculus experts. While the film’s authenticity comes at the cost of a few moderate profanities and mild violence, considering the nature of the students being portrayed the language and rebellion are not over emphasized.
This 1988 movie is rated PG due to Adult Language and Mild Violence. “Stand and Deliver” has won several awards including 1989 Independent Spirit Awards for Best Actor, Best Director, Best Film, Best Screenplay, Best Supporting Actor and Best Supporting Actress.
"Stand and Deliver" is a movie that inspires children to excel in mathematics. Our purpose for showing this movie include the following:
- To motivate students to work harder in mathematics
- To help students see their own potential
- To encourage students to realize the importance and impact of a good education
- To show the value and attainability of higher level math classes
- To incorporate writing into our curriculum through the use of a study guide
If you would like to review the movie, please feel free to check out your local video store or look online for the numerous reviews available. A permission slip is included for you to sign and return to your child’s math teacher. If you chose not to let your child view the movie, please be assured that we will have alternate math activities for them to complete during this time.
Thank you so much for your time.
8th grade Math Teachers
My child has my permission to view the movie, “Stand and Deliver” on April 18th -20th.
My child does not have my permission to view the movie, “Stand and Deliver”.
Parent SignatureStudent Name